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歌剧魅影歌词_歌剧魅影歌词the phantom of the opera_1

歌剧魅影歌词_歌剧魅影歌词the phantom of the opera


1.求歌剧魅影中的the Point of No Return的中文歌词

2.求:《歌剧魅影》中don juan的歌词




歌剧魅影歌词_歌剧魅影歌词the phantom of the opera

求歌剧魅影中的the Point of No Return的中文歌词

       " The Point of No Return "

       PHANTOM:你至此追随你最深沉的欲望,追随你仍沉默的愿望 ... 我已携你至此,我们的激情将会融合交融 - 在你心中,你已臣服于我,放弃所有抵抗, 完全臣服于我 - 现在你与我同在 :没有其他想法,你已决定,你已决定 ...无退路可走 - 不要回头,我们玩的游戏至此已到尽头 ...忘记“如果”,“何时”的念头 - 反抗无益:放弃思想,让梦降临 ...何等狂怒的火焰充满灵魂?何等深挚的期望可以打开心锁?我们之间有何等的诱惑 ... ? 无退路可走,最后一关 - 我们将懂得何等温暖,不可言喻的秘密?超越归途...

       CHRISTINE:你已携我至此,此刻无法言喻,此刻话语归于寂静... 我已至此,仍不知理由... 在我心中,已经想象我们的肉体盘绕,无助无声 - 现在我与你同在:没有其他念头,我已决定,我已决定 ... 无退路可走 - 现在无路可退:我们的激情最终,现在,开始了 ...抛弃所有对与错 - 只有一个最后的问题:在我们融合之前,我们还要等多久...? 何时鲜血奔涌,睡眠之芽怒放成花蕾?何时,那火焰毁灭我们?

       BOTH:无退路可走,最后一关 - 桥已通过,静立看它燃烧... 我们已无退路可走... 无退路可走,最后一关 - 桥已通过,静立看它燃烧... 我们已无退路可走...

求:《歌剧魅影》中don juan的歌词


       In sleep he sang to me,

       In dreams he came.

       That voice which calls to me,

       And speaks my name

       And do I dream again?

       For now I find,

       The phantom of the opera is there,

       Inside my mind


       Sing once again with me,

       Our strange duet.

       My power over you,

       Grows stronger yet.

       And though you turn from me,

       To glance behind.

       The Phantom of the Opera is there,

       Inside your mind.


       Those who have seen your face,

       Draw back in fear.

       I am the mask you wear.


       It's me they hear.


       Your/my spirit and my/your voice,

       In one combined.

       The Phantom of the Opera is here/there

       Inside your/my mind/heart.


       He's there, the Phantom of the Opera!

       Beware, The Phantom of The Opera!


       In all your fantasies

       you always knew

       that man and mystery


       Were both in you


       and in this labyrinth

       where night is blind

       the phantom of the opera is there/here

       inside your/my mind/heart.


       Sing my Angel of Music


       He's there, The Phantom of the Opera!





       (Vocalizing higher)


       Sing for me!


       (Vocalizing higher)


       Sing my angel of music!


       (Sings higher)


       SING FOR ME!


       I have brought you,

       To the seat of sweet music's throne.

       To this kingdom where all must pay homage to music,


       You have come here.

       For one purpose and one alone.

       Since the moment I first heard you sing,

       I have needed you with me to serve me, to sing,

       For my music.

       My music




作曲家:安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber),1948年3月22日生于英国伦敦,音乐剧作曲家。1968年韦伯的音乐剧《约瑟与神奇彩衣》首次登上舞台。截至2013年,他一共创作了13部音乐剧,一部声乐套曲,一组变奏曲,两部**配乐和一首安魂曲,获得7次托尼奖,7次奥利弗奖,3次格莱美奖,并且凭借《艾薇塔》中的歌曲《You Must Love Me》赢得奥斯卡和金球奖的最佳原创歌曲奖。1977年,韦伯创立了真正好集团(Really Useful Group),是伦敦最大的剧院经营者之一。韦伯于1988年荣膺英国皇家音乐学院院士头衔,1992年被英国女皇册封为骑士,1996年岁末再次被授予终生勋爵,成为贵族院成员。?****《歌剧魅影》是由乔·舒马赫执导,杰拉德·巴特勒、埃米·罗森、帕特里克·威尔森主演的一部爱情**。影片改编自英国音乐作曲家安德鲁·洛伊·韦伯创作的音乐剧《歌剧魅影》,于2004年12月22日在美国上映。影片描述十九世纪发生在法国巴黎歌剧院的爱情故事。讲述了一个毁容的音乐天才魅影,他爱上了可爱的年轻女演员克里斯汀之后,他决定不遗余力的把克里斯汀打造成为一位耀眼的明星。?


       这首曲子其实是叫作<<The Point of No Return>>



       Passarino - go away!

       For the trap is set and waits for its prey!

       You have come here in pursuit of

       your deepest urge,

       in pursuit of that wish,

       which till now has been silent,

       silent ...

       I have brought you,

       that our passions may fuse and merge

       in your mind you've already succumbed to me,

       dropped all defenses,

       completely succumbed to me

       now you are here with me

       no second thoughts, you've decided,

       decided ...

       Past the point of no return

       no backward glances

       Our games of make-believe are at an end ...

       Past all thought of "if" or "when"

       no use resisting

       abandon thought, and let the dream descend ...

       What raging fire shall flood the soul?

       What rich desire unlocks its door?

       What sweet seduction lies before us...?

       Past the point of no return,

       the final threshold

       what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn?

       Beyond the point of no return ...


       You have brought me to that moment

       when words run dry,

       to that moment when speech disappears into silence,

       silence ...

       I have come here,

       hardly knowing the reason why ...

       In my mind, I've already

       imagined our bodies entwining, defenseless and silent

       and now I am here with you

       no second thoughts, I've decided,

       decided ..

       Past the point of no return

       no going back now:

       our passion-play has now at last begun ...

       Past all thought of right or wrong

       one final question:

       how long should we two wait, before we're one...?

       When will the blood begin to race,

       the sleeping bud burst into bloom?

       When will the flames, at last, consume us...?


       Past the point of no return,

       the final threshold

       the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn ...

       We've passed the point of no return ...


       Say you'll share with me one

       love, one lifetime ...

       Lead me, save me from my solitude ...

       Say you want me with you, here beside you ...

       Anywhere you go let me go too

       Christine, that's all I ask of ...



       Go away for the trap it is set and waits for its prey.


       You have come here


       In pursuit of your deepest urge


       In pursuit of that wish which till now

       Has been silent



       I have brought you,


       That our passions may fuse and merge


       In your mind you've already succumbed to me,


       Dropped all defenses,


       Completely succumbed to me.


       Now you are here with me


       No second thoughts


       You've decided




       Past the point of no return


       No backward glances


       Our games of make-believe are at an end.


       Past all thought of “if” or “when”


       No use resisting


       Abandon thought and let the dream descend


       What raging FIRE shall flood the soul


       What rich desire unlocks its door


       What sweet seduction lies before us?


       Past the point of no return


       The final threshold


       What warm unspoken secrets

       Will we learn?

       Beyond the point of no return


       You have brought me


       To that moment when words run dry


       To that moment when speech disappears


       Into silence



       I have come here,


       Hardly knowing the reason why


       In my mind I've already imagined


       Our bodies entwining


       Defenseless and silent,


       Now I am here with you


       No second thoughts


       I've decided




       Past the point of no return


       No going back now


       Our passion-play has now at last begun.


       Past all thought of right or wrong


       One final question;


       How long should we two wait before we're one?


       When will the blood begin to race?


       The sleeping bud burst into bloom?


       When will the flames at last CONSUME us?


       Past the point of no return


       The final threshold


       The bridge is crossed


       So stand and watch it burn


       We've passed the point of no return.


       Say you'll share with me


       One love, one lifetime


       Lead me, save me from my solitude


       Say you want me

       With you here


       Beside you


       Anywhere you go

       Let me go too


       Christine that's all I ask of…



       PHANTOM:你至此追随你最深沉的欲望,追随你仍沉默的愿望 ... 我已携你至此,我们的激情将会融合交融 - 在你心中,你已臣服于我,放弃所有抵抗, 完全臣服于我 - 现在你与我同在 :没有其他想法,你已决定,你已决定 ...无退路可走 - 不要回头,我们玩的游戏至此已到尽头 ...忘记“如果”,“何时”的念头 - 反抗无益:放弃思想,让梦降临 ...何等狂怒的火焰充满灵魂?何等深挚的期望可以打开心锁?我们之间有何等的诱惑 ... ? 无退路可走,最后一关 - 我们将懂得何等温暖,不可言喻的秘密?超越归途...

       CHRISTINE:你已携我至此,此刻无法言喻,此刻话语归于寂静... 我已至此,仍不知理由... 在我心中,已经想象我们的肉体盘绕,无助无声 - 现在我与你同在:没有其他念头,我已决定,我已决定 ... 无退路可走 - 现在无路可退:我们的激情最终,现在,开始了 ...抛弃所有对与错 - 只有一个最后的问题:在我们融合之前,我们还要等多久...? 何时鲜血奔涌,睡眠之芽怒放成花蕾?何时,那火焰毁灭我们?

       BOTH:无退路可走,最后一关 - 桥已通过,静立看它燃烧... 我们已无退路可走... 无退路可走,最后一关 - 桥已通过,静立看它燃烧... 我们已无退路可走...


       Raoul: There is no phantom of the opera.


       The Phantom: Did I NOT instruct that Box 5 was to be left empty?

       Meg Giry: He's here, the phantom of the opera!

       Christine: It's him!

       Carlotta: Your part is silent, little toad!

       The Phantom: A toad, madam? Perhaps it is you who are the toad...


       Crowd: [singing] Hunt down this murderer, he must be found! Hunt out this animal, who runs to ground! Too long he's preyed on us - but now we know: the Phantom of the Opera is there deep down below...


       The Phantom: [singing as he descends the staircase at the Masquerade Ball] Why so silent, good messieurs? Did you think that I had left you for good? Have you missed me, good messieurs? I have written you an opera! Here I bring the finished score - Don Juan Triumphant! Fondest greetings to you all. A few instructions now before rehearsals start: Carlotta must be taught to act, not her normal trick of strutting 'round the stage. Our Don Juan must lose some weight; it's not healthy in a man of Piangi's age. And my managers must learn that their place is in an office. not the arts. As for our star, Miss Christine Daae... no doubt she'll do her best. It's true her voice is good; she knows, though, should she wish to excel, she has much still to learn, if pride will let her return to me, her teacher... her teacher.


       Christine: I remember... there was mist. Swirling mist upon a vast glassy lake... There were candles all around, and on the lake there was a boat... And in the boat, there was a man.

       [walks over to the Phantom, at his organ]

       Christine: Who was that shape in the shadows? Whose is that face in the mask?

       [touches his face and rips of mask]

       The Phantom: [covers face] Damn you! You little prying Pandora! You little demon! Is this what you wanted to see? Curse you! You little lying Delilah! You little *viper*! Now you cannot ever be free! Damn you! Curse you!

       [now sad]

       The Phantom: Stranger than you dreamt it, can you even bear to look, or dare to think of me?... This lonesome gargoyle who burns in hell but secretly yearns for heaven secretly, secretly but Christine... fear can turn to love you'll learn to see to find the man behind the monstor this... repulsive carcass that seems a beast but secretly dreams of beauty secretly, secretly...


       The Phantom: Oh, Christine.

       [Christine hands him the mask]

       The Phantom: Come. We must return. Those two fools who run my theatre will be missing you.


       The Phantom: [sung] Christine Daae has returned to you, and I am anxious her career should progress. In the new production of "Il Muto", you will therefore cast Carlotta... as the Pageboy, and put Ms. Daae in the role of Countess. The role which Ms. Daae plays calls for charm and appeal. The role of the Pageboy is silent, which makes my casting- in a word... ideal.


       The Phantom: I shall watch the performance from my normal seat in Box Five, which *will* be kept empty for me. Should these commands be ignored, a disaster beyond your imaginations will occur. I remain, gentlemen, you obedient servant. O. G.


       Christine: Think of it! A secret engagement. Look, your future bride! Just think of it!

       Raoul: But why is it secret? What have we to hide? You promised me.

       Christine: No Raoul, Please don't, they'll see.

       Raoul: Well, then, let them see. It's an engagement, not a crime! Christine, what are you afraid of?

       Christine: Let's not argue.

       Raoul: Let's not argue.

       Christine, Raoul: Please pretend you will/I can only hope that I understand in time!


       The Phantom: Wandering child, so lost, so helpless, yearning for my guidance.

       Christine: Angel or father? Friend of phantom? Who is there starting?

       The Phantom: Have you forgotten your Angel?

       Christine: Angel oh speak, what endless longings? Echo in this whisper.

       The Phantom: Too long you've waundered in winter. Far from my fathering gaze.

       Christine: Wildly my mind beats against you...

       The Phantom: You resist...

       The Phantom, Christine: Yet/but your/the soul obeys...

       The Phantom, Christine: Angel of Music,you/I denied me/you. Turning from true beauty! Angel of Music, do not shun me/my protector come to your/me, strange Angel!

       The Phantom: I am your Angel of Music... Come to me, Angel of Music.


       Christine: Angel of Music... who deserved this?


       The Phantom: Wandering child, so lost, so helpless, yearning for my guidance

       Christine Daaé: Angel or father, friend or phantom?


       The Phantom: [to Christine, as he sees Raoul, come to rescue her] Wait! I think my dear, we have a guest. Sir,

       Christine: Raoul!

       The Phantom: this is indeed an *unparalleled* delight. I had rather hoped that you would come. And now, my wish comes true, you have joined and made my night.

       Christine: [Struggling to get away from the Phantom who has drawn her to his side] Let me go!

       Raoul: Free her! Do what you like only free her! Have you no pity?

       The Phantom: [Mockingly to Christine] Your lover makes a passionate plea!

       Christine: Please Raoul it's useless.

       Raoul: I love her! Does that mean nothing I love her! Show some compassion!

       The Phantom: [shouts] The world showed no compassion to me!

       Raoul: Christine, Christine, let me see her.

       The Phantom: Be my guest, sir.


       Christine Daaé: Angel of Music, you've deceived me. I gave you my mind blindly.


       The Phantom: Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Lead me, save me from my solitude. Say you'll want me with you here beside you. Anywhere you go, let me go too. Christine, that's all I ask of...

       [Christine pulls off his mask]


       The Phantom: Did you think that I would harm her?


       The Phantom: Too late for prayers and useless pity!


       The Phantom: [of Raoul] Insolent boy! This slave of fashion basking in your glory! Ignorant fool!


       The Phantom: Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendour. Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender. Turn your face away from the garish light of day, turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light - and listen to the music of the night!


       The Phantom: Softly, deftly, music shall carress you. Hear it, feel it, Secretly possess you.


       The Phantom: [after Christine pulls off his mask and glimpses his face] Damn you! You little prying Pandora! You little demon - is this what you wanted to see? Curse you! You little lying Delilah! You little viper!


       The Phantom: Can you even dare to look or bear to think of me?


       The Phantom: [to Christine, talking about himself] This loathsome gargoyle, who burns in bell, but secretly yearns for heaven. Secretly... secretly...


       The Phantom: [In a note to Raoul] "Do not fear for Miss Daae. The Angel of Music has her under his wing. Make no attempt to see her again."


       The Phantom: [On a number of threatening and ordering letters] I remain, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant.


       Madame Giry: The angel sees, the angel knows.

       Raoul: Why did Christine fly from my arms?


       The Phantom: I gave you my music... made your song take wing... and now, how you've repaid me: denied me and betrayed me. He was bound to love you when he heard you sing... Christine... Christine...


       The Phantom: This face, which earned a mother's fear and loathing, a mask, my first unfeeling scrap of clothing...


       The Phantom: That fate which condemns me to wallow in blood has also denied me the joys of the flesh. This face - the infection which poisons our love. This face which earned a mother's fear and loathing, a mask: my first unfeeling scrap of clothing. Pity comes too late, turn around and face your fate, an eternity of *this* before your eyes!


       The Phantom: [to Christine] Pity comes too late, turn around and face your fate: An eternity of this

       [gestures to himself]

       The Phantom: before your eyes!


       The Phantom: [Mockingly to Raoul] Order your fine horses now! Raise up your hand to the level of your eyes! Nothing can save you now - except perhaps Christine.

       [to Christine]

       The Phantom: Start a new life with me - buy his freedom with your love! Refuse me, and you send your lover to his death! This is the choice!


       The Phantom: [to Christine of Raoul] His life is now the prize which you must earn!


       The Phantom: [Heart-broken] Christine, I love you...


       Madame Giry: He welcomes you to his opera house...

       Firmin: His opera house?

       Madame Giry: ...and commands that you leave box 5 empty for his use. And reminds you that his salary is due.

       Firmin: His salary?

       Madame Giry: Well, Monsieur Lefevre used to give him 20,000 francs a month.

       Firmin: [grabs note from Andre] 20,000 francs?

       Madame Giry: Perhaps you can afford more? With the vicomte as your patron?

       Firmin: Madame, I had hoped to make that announcement public tonight at the gala. But it appears that we have lost our star. A full house, Andre. We shall have to refund a full house.

       Madame Giry: Christine Daae could sing it, sir.

       Andre: A chorus girl? Don't be silly.


       Firmin, Andre: Who'd believe a diva, happy to relieve a chorus girl who's gone and slept with the patron? Raoul and the soubrette entwined in love's duet, although he may demur, he must have been with her! You'd never get away with all this in a play, but if it's loudly sung and in a foreign tongue, it's just the sort of story audiences adore, in fact a perfect opera!


       Christine: If he has to kill a thousand men, the Phantom of the Opera will kill and kill again!


       Christine: My God, who is this man who hunts to kill? I can't escape from him, I never will!


       Christine: In his eyes, all the sadness of the world.


       Christine: Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned. Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind. Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of the things we'll never do - there will never be a day, when I won't think of you.


       Christine: Who was that shape in the shadows? Whose is the face in the mask?


       [repeated line]

       Christine: In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came, that voice which calls to me and speaks my name...


       Christine: [to the Phantom] Farewell, my fallen idol and false friend.


       Christine: [to the Phantom] Why do you curse mercy?


       Raoul: Christine forgive me, please forgive me. I did it all for you and all for nothing!


       Raoul: Say you love him, and my life is over!


       Firmin: What a way to run a business. Spare me these unending trials. Half your cast disappears but the crowd still cheers. Opera, to hell with Gluck and Handel; have a scandal and you're sure to have a hit.


       Evil Gypsy: [Whilst beating young Erik] You damn demon!

       [Another hit]

       Evil Gypsy: Villain!

       [Another hit]

       Evil Gypsy: Ne'er do-well!


       Evil Gypsy: Libertine!


       Evil Gypsy: Dangerous!


       Evil Gypsy: Hideous!


       Evil Gypsy: Monstrous!


       Evil Gypsy: BEAST!


       Andre: Damnable! Will they all walk out? This is damnable!

       Firmin: Andre, please don't shout... It's publicity! And the take is vast! Free publicity!

       Andre: But we have no cast!


       Christine: Raoul, I've seen him! Can I ever forget that sight? Can I ever escape from that face? So distorted, deformed, it was hardly a face... But his voice filled my spirit with a strange, sweet sound. In that night there was music in my mind... And through music my soul began to soar! And I heard as I'd never heard before.

       Raoul: What you heard was a dream and nothing more.


       Raoul: [Desperate] Free her! Do what you like only free her! Have you no pity?

       The Phantom: [to Christine, mocking and humourous] Your lover makes a passionate plea.

       Raoul: I love her! Does that mean nothing? I love her! Show some compassion...

       The Phantom: [Suddenly enraged] The world showed no compassion to me!


       The Phantom: You have come here, in pursuit of your deepest urge. In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent... SILENT! I have brought you, that our passions may fuse and merge. In your mind you've already sucummed to me. Dropped all defenses, completely sucummed to me. Now you are here with me. No second thoughts. You've decided... DECIDED! Past the point of no return. No backward glances... our games of make-believe are at an end! Past all thought of if or when. No use resisting... abandon thought and let the dream descend! What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desires unlock its door? What sweet seductions lie before us? Past the point of no return. The final threshold... what warm unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no... return!


       The Phantom: Seal my fate tonight. I hate to have to cut the fun short, but the joke's wearing thin. Let the audience in. Let my opera BEGIN!


       The Phantom: Let the Opera begin!


       Raoul: [angryly] Why make her lie to you to save me?


       Madame Giry: Those who speak of what they know / learn too late that prudent silence is wise / Joseph Buquet, hold your tongue! / Keep your hand at the level of your eyes!


       Christine: Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known? God, give me courage to show you you are not alone!

       [kisses the Phantom]


       Crowd: Masquerade! Every face a different shade. Masquerade. Look around, there's another mask behind you!


       Meg Giry: He's here! That Phantom of the Opera


       Raoul: I fought so hard to free you!


       Christine: Say you love me.

       Raoul: You know I do.


       Raoul: No more talk of darkness. Forget these wide-eyed fears, I'm here. Nothing can harm you. My words will warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom. Let daylight dry your tears. I'm here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you.

       Christine: Say you love me every waking moment. Turn my head with talk of summertime. Say you need me with you now and always. Promise me that all you say is true. That's all I ask of you.


       Christine: Yet in his eyes, all the sadness of the world... Those pleading eyes that both threaten and adore...


       Auctioneer: Lot 666 then, ladies and gentlemen: a chandelier, in pieces. Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera, a mystery never fully explained. Our workshops have repaired it and wired parts for the new electric lights. Perhaps we can frighten the ghosts of so many years ago... with a little illumination. Gentlemen!


       Christine: I remember... there was mist. Swirling mist upon a vast glassy lake... There were candles all around, and on the lake there was a boat...


       Christine: ... And in the boat, there was a man.

       [walks over to the Phantom, at his organ]

       Christine: Who was that shape in the shadows? Whose is that face in the mask?

       [touches his face and rips of mask]

       The Phantom: [covers face] Damn you! You little prying Pandora! You little demon! Is this what you wanted to see? Curse you! You little lying Delilah! You little *viper*! Now you cannot ever be free! Damn you! Curse you!

       The Phantom: [changes mood from angry to sad] Stranger than you dreamt it, can you even bear to look, or dare to think of me?... This l


       音乐剧《歌剧魅影》中的《the phantom of opera 》



       《The music of the night(夜的乐章)》歌词

       Night time heightens each sensation

       Darkness wakes and stirs imagination

       Silently the senses abandon their defenses

       Helpless to resist the notes I write

       For I compose the music of the night

       Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor

       Grasp it! tremulous and tender

       Hearing is believe, music is deceiving

       Hard as lighting, soft as candle light

       Dare you trust the music of the night.

       Close your eyes will only tell the truth

       And the truth isnt what you want to see

       In the dark it is easy to pretend

       That the truth is what it ought to be

       Softly,gently, music shall caress you

       Hear it! feel it! secretly possess you

       Open up your mind,let your fantasies unwind

       IN this darkness which you know you cannot fight

       The darkness of the music of the night

       Close your eyes start a journey to a strange new world

       Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before

       Close your eyes and let music set you free

       Only then can you belong to me

       Floaing, falling, sweet intoxication

       Touch me! trust me! savor each sensation

       Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in

       To the power of the music that I write

       The power of the music of the night

       You alone can make my song take flight

       Help me make the music of the night.

       all i ask of you歌词

       no more talk of darkness,

       forget these wide-eyed fears.

       i’m here,

       nothing can harm you -

       my words will warm and calm you.

       let me be your freedom,

       let daylight dry -your tears.

       i’m here,

       with you, beside you,

       to guard you

       and to guide you ...


       say you love me

       every waking moment,

       turn my head

       with talk of summertime ...

       say you need me with you,now and always ...

       promise me that all

       you say is true -

       that’s all i ask of you ...


       let me be your shelter,

       let me be your light.

       you’re safe:

       no-one will find you.

       your fears are far behind you ...


       all i want is freedom,

       a world with no more night ...

       and you always beside me

       to hold me and to hide me ...


       then say you’ll share with me one love ,one lifetime

       iet me lead you

       from your solitude ...

       say you need me with you

       here, beside you ...

       anywhere you go,

       let me go too -


       that’s all i ask of you ...


       say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime ...

       say the word

       and i will follow you ...


       share each day with me, each night, each morning ...


       say you love me ...


       you know i do ...


       love me -

       that’s all i ask of you ...

       (they kiss)

       love me -

       that’s all i ask of you ..

       think of me 英文歌词 (Encore版)Christine- Think of methink of me fondly,when we’ve saidgoodbye.Remember meonce in a while -please promise meyou’ll try. When you findthat, onceagain, you longto take your heart backand be free -if youever find a moment,spare a thoughtfor me ... We never saidour lovewas evergreen,or as unchangingas the sea -but ifyou can stillremember,stop and thinkof me ... Think of all the thingswe’ve shared and seen -don’t think about the thingswhich might have been ... Think of me,think of me waking,silent andresigned. Imagine me,trying too hardto put youfrom my mind. Recall those days,look back on all those times,think of the thingswe’ll never do -there willnever bea day, whenI won’t thinkof you ... Raoul-Can it be?Can it be Christine? What a change!You’re reallynot a bitthe gawkish girlthat once you were ... She maynot rememberme, butI rememberher ...Christine- We never saidour lovewas evergreen,or as unchanging as the sea -but pleasepromise methat sometimesyou will thinkah-ah-ah-ah-aaah-of me! Think of methink of me fondly,when we’ve saidgoodbye.Remember meevery so often - promise meyou’ll try.When you findthat, onceagain, you longto take your heart backand be free -if youever find a moment,spare a thoughtfor me ...We never saidour lovewas evergreen,or as unchangingas the sea -but ifyou can stillremember,stop and thinkof me ...

       Angel of Music 英文歌词:(The Phantom of the Opera录音版)Phantom’s voice Bravi, bravi, bravissimi ... Meg Where in the world have you been hiding?Really, you were perfect!I only wish I knew your secret!Who is this new tutor? Christine Father once spoke of an angel,I used to dream he’d appear.Now as I sing I can sense him,And I know he’s here. Here in this room he calls me softly.Somewhere inside, hiding.Somehow I know he’s always with me,He -- the unseen genuis. Meg Christine, you must have been dreaming,Stories like that can’t come true.Christine, you’re talking in riddles,And it’s not like you. Christine Angel of Music!Guide and guardian!Grant to me your glory! Meg Who is this angel?This ... both Angel of Music!Hide no longer!Secret and strange angel. Christine He’s with me, even now ... Meg Your hands are cold ... Christine All around me ... Meg Your face, Christine, it’s white ... Christine It frightens me ... Meg Don’t be frightend ...

       Little Lotte英文歌词

       RAOUL: Christine Daae, where is your scarf?

       CHRISTINE: Monsieur?

       RAOUL: You can’t have lost it. Not after all the trouble I took. I was just fourteen and soaked to the skin ...

       CHRISTINE: Because you had run into the sea to fetch my scarf. Oh, Raoul. So it is you!RAOUL: Christine. Little lotte Let your mind wander ...CHRISTINE: Remember that, too ... ?RAOUL: Little lotte thought: Am I fonder of dolls,BOTH: Or of goblins or shoesCHRISTINE: Or of riddles or frocks ...RAOUL: Those picnics in the attic? or of chocolatesCHRISTINE: Father playing the violin ...RAOUL: As we read to each other dark stories of the North ...CHRISTINE: No, what I love best, Lotte said, is when I’m asleep in my bed, and the Angel of Music sings songs in my head!"BOTH: the Angel of Music sings song in my head!CHRISTINE: Father said, "When I’m in heaven, child, I will send the Angel of Music to you". Well, father is dead, Raoul, and I have been visited by the Angel of Music.RAOUL: There’s no doubt of that. But now, we’ll go to supper!CHRISTINE: No, Raoul, the Angel of Music is very strict.RAOUL: I shan’t keep you up late!CHRISTINE: No, Raoul ...RAOUL: You must change. I must get my hat. Two minutes Little Lotte.CHRISTINE: Raoul! Things have changed, Raoul

       The Mirror英文歌词PHANTOM’S VOICEInsolent boy!This slaveof fashionbasking in yourglory!Ignorant fool!This braveyoung suitor,sharing in mytriumph!CHRISTINE (spell-bound)Angel! I hear you!Speak -I listen . . .stay by my side,guide me!Angel, my soul was weak -forgive me . . .enter at last, Master!PHANTOM’S VOICEFlattering child,you shall know me,see why in shadowI hide!Look at your facein the mirror -I am thereinside!(The figure of the PHANTOM becomes discernible behind the mirror)CHRISTINE (ecstatic)Angel of Music!Guide and guardian!Grant to me yourglory!Angel of Music!Hide no longer!Come to me, strangeangel...PHANTOM"S VOICEI am your Angel ...Come to me: Angel of Music ...(CHRISTINE walks towards the glowing, shimmering glass. Meanwhile, RAOUL has returned. He hears the voices and is puzzled. He tries the door It is locked)RAOULWhose is that voice . . .?Who is that in there . . .?(Inside the room the mirror opens. Behind it, in an inferno of white light, stands the PHANTOM. He reaches forward and takes CHRISTINE firmly, but not fiercely, by the wrist. His touch is cold, and CHRISTINE gasps)PHANTOMI am your Angel of Music . . .Come to me: Angel of Music . . .(CHRISTINE disappears through the mirror, which closes behind her The door of the dressing room suddenly unlocks andngs open, and RAOUL enters to find the room empty)RAOUL Christine! Angel!

       learn to be lonely 学会孤单

       Child of the wilderness

       Born into emptiness

       Learn to be lonely

       Learn to find the way in darkness

       Who will be there for You

       Comfort and care for You

       Learn to be lonely

       Learn to be Your one companion

       Ever dream out in the world

       There are arms to hold You

       You’ve always known

       Your heart was on its own

       So laugh in Your loneliness

       Child of the wilderness

       Learn to be lonely

       Learn how to love

       Life that is lived alone

       Learn to be lonely

       Life can be lived

       Life can be loved


       learn to be lonely 学会孤单




















       Phantom of the Opera

       L I B R E T T O

       Prologue-The Stage of the Paris Opera, 1911


       Sold. Your number, sir? Thank you.

       Lot 663, then, ladies and gentlemen:

       a poster for this house's production of "Hannibal" by Chalumeau.


       Showing here.


       Do I have ten francs? Five then. Five I am bid.

       Six, seven. Against you, sir, seven.

       Eight. Eight once. Selling twice.

       Sold, to Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny.

       Lot 664: a wooden pistol and three human skulls

       from the 1831 production of "Robert le Diable" by Meyerbeer.

       T en francs for this. Ten, thank you.

       Ten francs still. Fifteen, thank you, sir Fifteen I am bid.

       Going at fifteen. Your number, sir?

       665, ladies and gentlemen:

       a papier-mache musical box, in the shape of a barrel-organ.

       Attached, the figure of a monkey in Persian robes playing the cymbals.

       This item, discovered in the vaults of the theatre, still in working



       Showing here.


       May I start at twenty francs? Fifteen, then?

       Fifteen I am bid. Sold, for thirty francs to the Vicomte de Chagny.

       Thank you, sir.


       A collector's piece indeed . . . every detail exactly as she said . . .

       She often spoke of you, my friend ....Your velvet lining, and your

       figurine of lead...

       Will you still play, when all the rest of us are dead?


       Lot 666, then: a chandelier in pieces.

       Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera:

       a mystery never fully explained.

       We are told, ladies and gentlemen,

       that this is the very chandelier which figures in the famous disaster.

       Our workshops have repaired it and wired parts of it for the new

       electric light,

       so that we may get a hint of how it may look when reassembled.

       Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many years ago

       with a little illumination, gentlemen?



       This trophy from our saviours, from our saviours!

       From the enslaving force of Rome!


       With feasting and dancing and song, tonight in celebration, we greet

       the victorious throng, returned to bring salvation!

       MEN'S CHORUS:

       The trumpets of Carthage resound! Hear, Romans, now and tremble! Hark

       to our step on the ground!


       Hear the drums -- Hannibal comes!


       Sad to return to find the land

       we love threatened once more by Roma's far-reaching grasp,


       Signor . . . if you please: "Rome".

       We say "Rome' not "Roma"


       Si, si, Rome, not Roma. Is very hard for me.


       This way, gentlemen, this way.

       Rehearsals, as you see, are under way, for a new production of

       Chalumeau's "Hannibal".

       Ladies and gentlemen, some of you may already, perhaps, have met M.

       Andre and M. Firmin ...


       I'm sorry, M. Lefevre, we are rehearsing.

       If you wouldn't mind waiting a moment?


       My apologies, M. Reyer. Proceed, proceed ...


       Thank you, monsieur.

       "Sad to return..." Signor ...


       M. Reyer, our chief repetiteur. Rather a tyrant, I'm afraid.


       Sad to return to find the land we love

       threatened once more by Rome's far-reaching grasp.

       Tomorrow, we shall break the chains of Rome.

       Tonight, rejoice - your army has come home.


       Signor Piangi, our principal tenor.

       He does play so opposite La Carlotta.


       Gentlemen, please! If you would kindly move to one side?


       My apologies, Mme. Giry.

       Mme. Giry, our ballet mistress.

       I don't mind confessing, M. Firmin, I shan't be sorry to be rid of the

       whole blessed business.


       I keep asking you, monsieur, why exactly are you retiring?


       We take a particular pride here in the excellence of our ballets.


       Who's that girl, Lefevre?


       Her? Meg Giry, Madame Giry's daughter.

       Promising dancer, M. Andre, most promising.


       You! Christine Daa?! Concentrate, girl!


       Christine . . . What's the matter?


       Daa? Curious name




       Any relation to the violinist?


       His daughter, I believe.

       Always has her head in the clouds, I'm afraid.


       Bid welcome to Hannibal's guests -the elephants of Carthage!

       As guides on our conquering quests, Dido sends Hannibal's friends!


       Once more to my welcoming arms my love returns in splendour!


       Once more to those sweetest of charms my heart and soul surrender!


       The trumpeting elephants sound -- hear, Romans, now and tremble! Hark

       to their step on the ground -- hear the drums! Hannibal drums!


       Ladies and gentlemen - Madame Giry, thank you - may I have your

       attention, please?

       As you know, for some weeks there have been rumours of my Imminent


       I can now tell you that these were all true and it is my pleasure to

       introduce to you

       the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire, M. Richard Firmin

       and M. Gilles Andre.

       Gentlemen, Signora Carlotta Giudicelli, our leading soprano for five

       seasons now.


       Of course, of course. I have experienced all your greatest roles,



       And Signor Ubaldo Piangi.


       An honour, Signor.


       If I remember rightly, Elissa has a rather fine aria in Act Three of


       I wonder, Signora, if, as a personal favour, you would oblige us with a

       private rendition?

       Unless, of course, M. Reyer objects . . .


       My manager commands . . . M. Reyer?


       My diva commands. Will two bars be sufficient introduction?


       Two bars will be quite sufficient






       Think of me, think of me fondly

       when we've said goodbye ...

       Remember me, Every so often,

       Please promise me you'll try ...

       On that day, that not so distant day,

       when you are far away and free,

       if you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me ...

       Think of me, think of me...


       The Phantom of the Opera! He's with us, he's a ghost ...

       He's here! The Phantom of the Opera!


       Signora! Are you all right? Buquet! Where is Buquet? Get that man down

       here! Chief of the flies. He's responsible for this.

       Buquet! For God's sake, man, what's going on up there?


       Please monsieur don't look at me:

       as God's my witness,I was not at my post.

       Please monsieur, there's no one there:

       and if there is, well then, it must be a ghost . . .


       He's there; the Phantom of the Opera ...


       Good heavens! Will you show a little courtesy?


       Mademoiselle, please ...


       These things do happen!


       Si! These things do happen! Well, until you stop these things

       happening, this thing does not happen!

       Ubaldo! Andiamo!




       I don't think there's much more to assist you, gentlemen. Good luck.

       If you need me, I shall be in Frankfurt .


       La Carlotta will be back.


       You think so, messieurs? I have a message, sir, from the Opera Ghost.


       God in Heaven, you're all obsessed!


       He merely welcomes you to his opera house

       and commands you to continue to leave Box Five empty for his use

       and reminds you that his salary is due.


       His salary?


       Monsieur Lefevre paid him twenty thousand francs a month.

       Perhaps you can afford more, with the Vicomte de Chagny as your patron.


       Madame, I had hoped to have made that announcement myself.


       Will the Vicomte be at the performance tonight, monsieur?


       Yes, in our box.


       Madame, who is the understudy for this role?


       There is no understudy, monsieur - the production is new.


       Christine Daae could sing it, sir.


       The chorus girl?


       She's been taking lessons from a great teacher


       From whom?


       I don't know, sir . . .


       Oh, not you as well! Can you believe it?

       A full house - and we have to cancel!


       Let her sing for you monsieur. She has been well taught!


       From the beginning of the aria then, mam'selle.

       Think of Me


       Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me

       every so often -- promise me you'll try.


       Andre, this is doing nothing for my nerves.


       Don't fret, Firmin.


       On that day, that not so distant day, when you are far away and free,

       if you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me ...

       And though it's clear, though it was always clear that this was never

       meant to be, if you happen to remember, stop and think of me ....

       Think of August when the trees were green - don't think about the ways

       things might have been ...

       Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned. Imagine me,

       trying too hard to put you from my mind. Think of me, please say you'll

       think of me, whatever else you choose to do -- There will never be a

       day when I won't think of you ...


       Can it be? Can it be Christine? Brava! ... Brava!

       Long ago ... It seems so long ago ... How young and innocent we were

       ... She may not remember me, but I remember her ...


       Flowers fade, the fruits of Summer fade -- they have their season, so

       do we ... But please promise me that sometimes, you will think ... ...

       of me!


       Yes, you did well. He will be pleased.

       (to the DANCERS) And you! You were a disgrace tonight!

       Such ronds de jambe! Such temps de cuisse! Come, we rehearse. Now!

       Angel of Music


       Brava, brava, bravissima ...


       Where in the world have you been hiding?

       Really, you were perfect!

       I only wish I knew your secret!

       Who is this new tutor?


       Father once spoke of an angel ...

       I used to dream he'd appear

       歌名:I Remember/Stranger Than You Dreamt it



       I remember there was mist

       Swirling mist upon a vast, glassy lake

       There were candles all around

       and on the lake there was a boat

       and in the boat, there was a man

       Who was that shape in the shadows?

       Whose is that face in the mask?


       Damn you!

       You little prying pandora!

       You little demon! Is this what you wanted to see?

       Curse you! You little lying delilah!

       You little viper!

       Now you cannot ever be free

       Damn you! Curse you!

       Stranger than you dreamt it

       Can you even dare to look

       Or bear to think of me?

       This loathsome gargoyle

       Who burns in hell, but secretly

       Yearns for heaven

       Secretly, secretly


       Fear can turn to love

       You'll learn to see to find the man behind the monster

       This repulsive carcass who seems a beast

       But secretly

       Dreams of beauty

       Secretly, secretly

       Oh, Christine

       Come we must return

       Those two fools who run my theater will be missing you


