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        Linkin Park - “What I've Done” Green Day - “21 Guns” Cavo - “Let It Go” Taking Back Sunday - “Capital M-E” The Fray - “Never Say Never” Nickelback - “Burn It To The Ground” The Used - “Burning Down The House” Theory Of A Deadman - “Not Meant To Be” The All-American Rejects- “Real World” Hoobastank - “Don’t Think I Love You” Staind - “This Is It” Avenged Sevenfold - “Almost Easy” Cheap Trick——Transformers The Fallen Remix 如果在看迈克尔·贝的《变形金刚》之前要你配乐,

       你会做什么样的选择?应该很多人都会选电子,或者Hip-hop。而这张原声中充斥的是满满的摇滚,大量的机械声,金属磨擦声,只在《Second To None》和《Technical Difficulties》中有嬉哈和电子。原声中最引人注目的当然是Linkin Park的《What I ve Done》,还有大黄蜂PK路障的公路追逐赛时伴随着的那首《Pretty Handsome Awkward》,The Used扯着哑嗓子带劲地嘶吼。Goo Goo Dolls特地为影片男女主人公的爱情创作的《Before It is Too Late》则出现在两人看落日的时候。

       但这张原声并没有广泛得到大众的认可,因为大碟里收录的很多首曲目都没有在**中出现过,史蒂夫· 乔勃朗斯基为**创作的纯配乐完全没有收录在原声专辑中。有人呼吁不要垃圾摇滚要史蒂夫· 乔勃朗斯基。史蒂夫· 乔勃朗斯基不算很出名,他是汉斯·季默率领的Remote Control团队的成员之一,很被汉斯·季默看好。许多影迷对擎天柱他们刚飞向地球时的那段背景音乐念念不忘,但在原声中却丝毫不见踪影。

       那么,这张原声是不是真就一无是处呢?专辑被反对的最大原因在于没有收录配乐,影迷们未能掳获心头好,可见问题并不在音乐本身。专辑中收录的曲目大多是新歌,除了这张大碟,在别的地方还不一定能听到,而且曲目质量都不低。而唱片最后一首收录的是1987年版本的《变形金刚》主题曲《Transformers Theme》。经由美国新奥尔良的摇滚乐队Mute Math重新诠释过,他们一看是唱:“Transformers……Transformers……Transformers……”小时候的记忆就全回来了。 Soldiers Arrive (0:37) Bogey Approach (1:30) My Ladies (0:39) Under Attack - Transformer Takes Aim (2:16) Crazy Grandfather (0:22) Angry Camaro (1:20) Young Subject Matter (2:07) The Lake (2:06) Belly Shot (0:21) Pentagon to Air Force One (0:59) Main Frame Tampering (2:05) Camaro On the Run (2:57) Skorpinok (5:43) Sim in the Compact (0:43) Deciphering the Signal (1:18) Satan's Camaro (0:37) Sam's Pink Bike Pursuit (0:58) Are You Ladies Man 217 (1:30) We're Locked in (2:15) Why Are You Here (2:52) Whitwicky House Pt. 1a (2:03) Whitwicky House Pt. 1b (0:34) Whitwicky House Pt. 2 (2:11) Take Em and Bake Em Pt. 1 (0:39) Take Em and Bake Em Pt. 2 (1:07) Criminals Are Hot (0:50) Autobots to the Rescue (1:26) Not to Hear That (0:34) Simmons Takes It Off (0:57) Speaker Phone (0:56) When Feds Attack (2:21) When Feds Attack (End) (2:26) Hoover Dam (1:18) Frenzy Falls (0:32) People Are Going to Die Here (0:38) The All Spark (2:39) Nokia Bot (0:29) Speeding Autos (0:38) Optimus Sword (0:49) F-22s to the City (1:39) Stumble Bumble Pt. 1 (2:02) Stumble Bumble Pt. 2 (1:01) Soldiers Retreat -Take the Cube (2:48) Sam Takes Off - Optimus Hero (1:01) Megatron vs Optimus (1:29) Mountain Dew (0:51) Sam in the Building (0:48) Surreal Mikaela (0:43) Sam Flares it On the Roof (1:04) Sam and Statues (1:20) No Sacrifice, No Victory (4:11) Sam Our Hero (2:29)


       1.Linkin Park - 《New Divide》 (试听) 林肯公园在两年前已经为首部《变形金刚》**贡献了一首《What I’ve Done》,而这次更是专门为《变形金刚2卷土重来》创作了这首全新主题曲《New Divide》,歌曲再次延续了《What I’ve Done》的风格。粉丝们对这首歌是爱是恨还有待**上映后再作总结,但**的导演Michael Bay倒是对与林肯公园的再次合作非常满意的,认为他们所创作的这首歌曲“完美地捕捉到了了**的精髓。” 2.Green Day - 《21 Guns》 (试听) 《21 Guns》收录在绿日乐队在09年推出的全新专辑《21 Century Breakdown》内。这首歌曲用乐队主音Billie Joe Armstrong的话来说,是“21 Gun Salute (21响礼炮)是一种对烈士的最高致敬和荣誉,而这首歌则是我们对摇滚界的烈士们的致敬。” 3.Cavo - 《Let It Go》

       美国后车库摇滚/硬核摇滚四人乐队Cavo的《Let It Go》收录在他们在09年推出的专辑《Bright Nights * Dark Days》内,而且是这张专辑的主打单曲,是一首相当能振奋人心的歌曲。 4.Taking Back Sunday - 《Capital M-E》 (试听)

       来自美国纽约州长岛的情绪硬核(Emo)乐队Taking Back Sunday的这首《Capital M-E》收录在乐队于本年度6月1日推出的全新专辑《New Again》内。《Capital M-E》据说是一首关于乐队前吉他手Fred Mascherino的歌曲。 5.The Fray - 《Never Say Never》 (试听)

       《Never Say Never》是钢琴摇滚乐队The Fray 09年新专辑《The Fray》的第二波主打单曲,是一首关于一对情侣“不断地分手又不断地复合”的歌曲,这首歌曲是The Fray一贯的动听钢琴摇滚小调,已经被不少热门美剧(看相关剧评)像《One Tree Hill》和《Grey's Anatomy》等选为配乐。 6.Nickelback - 《Burn It To The Ground》 (试听) 加拿大最受欢迎的摇滚乐队之一的Nickelback为**献出了他们新专辑《Dark Horse》内的单曲《Burn It To The Ground》。据Nickelback的主音Chad Kroeger介绍,这首关于酗酒的歌曲带有很浓厚的英国经典摇滚乐队Def Leppard的风格,是一首向他们致敬的歌曲。 7.The Used - 《Burning Down the House》

       《Burning Down the House》原来是美国新浪潮(New Wave)摇滚乐队Talking Heads于1983年推出的一首经典单曲,成为了乐队音乐生涯中最成功的一首单曲。而美国新世代后硬核乐队The Used在09年对这首歌进行了重新的演绎,全新的碰撞所擦出的火花令人期待。 8.Theory of a Deadman - 《Not Meant to Be》 (试听) 来自加拿大的后车库摇滚乐队Theory of a Deadman的《Not Meant to Be》收录在他们于08年推出的专辑《Scars & Souvenirs》内。歌曲的主题是“因为被情人不断地嫌弃而产生彼此并不应该在一起的感觉”的一段感情,是一首相当悲哀的情歌。 9.The All-American Rejects - 《Real World》 (试听)

       美国另一支情绪硬核(Emo)乐队The All-American Rejects在08年推出了一张相当不错的专辑《When the World Comes Down》,而歌曲《Real World》正是收录其中。这张专辑同时也奠定了乐队在Emo界的流行地位。 10.Hoobastank - 《I Don't Think I Love You》

        Hoobastank是一支来自美国加利福尼亚州的后车库摇滚乐队。《I Don't Think I Love You》收录在乐队于今年1月份推出的第四张录音室专辑《Fornever》内。歌曲就像是专辑主题的延续,是乐队主音Doug Robb对感情的怀疑,是一首完完全全的分手情歌。 11.Staind - 《This Is It》

       美国新金属/硬核摇滚乐队Staind的《This Is It》收录在乐队于08年8月推出的第六张录音室大碟《The Illusion of Progress》内。 12.Avenged Sevenfold - 《Almost Easy》 (试听)

       Avenged Sevenfold同样是一支来自美国加利福尼亚州的重金属乐队,乐队的最新作品是于07年推出的同名专辑,而《Almost Easy》正是收录其中。这是一首关于“原谅”与“在一段感情中,道歉的容易与真心道歉的艰难”这种带点哲学辨思主题的歌曲。 13.Cheap Trick - 《Transformers (The Fallen Remix)》

        Cheap Trick是一支成立于上世纪70年代的美国强力(Power Pop)摇滚乐队,而乐队至今依然活跃于美国的摇滚舞台上。Cheap Trick这次与**《变形金刚2》的合作,正好让更多对他们并不熟悉的主流群众们认识他们。



       When you were standing in the wake of devastation


       When you were waiting on the edge of the unknown


       With the cataclysm raining down


       Insides crying "save me now"


       You were there impossibly alone


       Do you feel cold and lost in desperation


       You build up hope but failure's all you've known


       Remember all the sadness and frustration


       And let it go let it go


       And in the burst of light that blinded every angel


       As if the sky had blown the heavens into stars


       You felt the gravity of tempered grace falling into empty space


       No one there to catch you in their arms


       Do you feel cold and lost in desperation


       You build up hope but failure's all you've known


       Remember all the sadness and frustration


       And let it go let it go


       Let it go



       what i've done,林肯公园唱的


       In this farewell, 在这次离别的时候, There is no blood, 没有了血腥, There is no alibi, 也没有了借口, Cause I’ve drawn regret,From the truth, Of a thousands lies, 因为我已经在那数千个谎言中的真实里感到后悔 So let mercy come and wash away… 所以,就让宽容到来 What I’ve Done,I’ll face myself, 不管我以前所作的什么,我将来都会面对我自己 To cross out what I’ve become,Erase myself, 将现在的自己彻底改变,把以前的自己擦去 And let go of what I’ve done… 放手我以前所作的, 将这些结束 Put to rest 将这一切冲走吧 What you thought of me,While I clean this slate,With the hands,Of uncertainty, 当我用我这只不确定的手擦去这片纪录时,你会怎么看我? So let mercy come,And wash away… 所以,就让宽容到来,将这一切冲走吧 What I’ve Done,I’ll face myself, 不管我以前所作的什么,我将来都会面对我自己 To cross out what I’ve become,Erase myself, 将现在的自己彻底改变,把以前的自己擦去 And let go of what I’ve done… 同时放手我以前所作的 For what I’ve done,I start again, 因为我以前的作为,我要重新开始 And whatever pain may come, 不管会遇到什么困难 Today this ends, 这些就在今天到此为止 I’m forgiving what I’ve done… 我正在原谅我所作的 I’ll face myself,To cross out what I’ve become, Erase myself, 面对自我,将现在的自己彻底改变,把以前的自己擦去 And let go of what I’ve done… 同时放手我以前所作的 (Na,Na,Na) [Mike Shinoda!] What I’ve Done, What I’ve Done, Forgiving what I’ve done… 原谅我所作的一切吧…… 歌词是纯英文的。 只不过加上了汉译方便理解意思。


       《arrival to earth》此歌无歌词。是由美国配乐家斯蒂夫·贾布隆斯基演唱的歌曲,出自《Transformers The Score》专辑,是《变形金刚》中汽车人到达地球时的旋律,所以叫《Arrival To Earth》(登陆地球)。




       《变形金刚》系列配乐原声由Steve Jablonsky创作。以电子乐与交响乐作为操控影音视觉的主轴基干,在电子乐方面,发挥了电子乐器的多项特质,用电子乐的节奏动能激化影片中的动作追逐步调,透过电子乐器塑造出极具金属质感的音色,运用电子音乐声效去酝酿影像视觉与戏剧情境,同时也让电子乐器来点重摇滚或是新金属摇滚乐的热力演出。

       Linkin Park为《变形金刚》系列**演唱的主题曲依次如下:

       ①《What I‘ve Done》

       演唱:Linkin Park

       所属专辑:《Transformers (Music from the Motion Picture)》



       In this farewell


       there's no blood


       there's no alibi


       Cause I've drawn regret


       from the truth


       of a thousand lies


       So let mercy come


       and wash away


       What I've done


       I'll face myself


       To cross out


       What I've become


       Erase myself


       And let go of


       What I've done


       Put to rest


       what you thought of me


       Well I clean this slate


       with the hands of uncertainty


       So let mercy come


       and wash away


       What I've done


       I'll face myself


       To cross out


       What I've become


       Erase myself


       And let go of


       What I've done


       For what I've done


       I start again


       And whatever pain may come


       Today this ends


       I'm forgiving


       What I've done


       I'll face myself


       To cross out


       What I've become


       Erase myself


       And let go of


       What I've done (na na na na)

       不管我以前做了什么(na na na na)

       What I've done (na na na na)

       不管我以前做了什么(na na na na)

       Forgiving what I've done


       ②《New Divide》

       演唱:Linkin Park

       所属专辑:《Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen?变形金刚Ⅱ:卷土重来》



       I remembered black skies


       the lightning all around me


       I remembered each flash


       as time began to blur


       Like a startling sign


       that fate had finally found me


       And your voice was all I heard


       That I get what I deserve


       So give me reason


       to prove me wrong


       to wash this memory clean


       Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes


       Give me reason


       to fill this hole


       connect the space between


       Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies


       across this new divide


       There was nothing in sight


       but memories left abandoned


       There was nowhere to hide


       the ashes fell like snow


       And the ground caved in between where we were standing


       And your voice was all I heard


       That I get what I deserve


       So give me reason


       to prove me wrong


       to wash this memory clean


       Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes


       Across this new divide


       In every loss


       in every lie


       In every truth that you'd deny


       And each regret


       and each goodbye


       was a mistake to great to hide


       And your voice was all I heard


       That I get what I deserve


       So give me reason


       to prove me wrong


       to wash this memory clean


       Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes


       Give me reason


       to fill this hole


       connect the space between


       Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies


       Across this new divide


       Across this new divide


       Across this new divide



       演唱:Linkin Park

       所属专辑:《变形金刚3:月黑之时(Transformers: Dark Of The Moon 》



       You were standing in the wake of devastation


       You were waiting on the edge of the unknown


       With the cataclysm raining down


       Inside's crying save me now


       You were there impossibly alone


       Do you feel cold and lost in desperation


       You build up hope but failure's all you've known


       Remember all the sadness and frustration


       And let it go


       Let it go


       And in a burst of light that blinded every angel


       As if the sky had blown the heavens into stone


       You felt the gravity of tempered grace


       Falling into empty space


       No one there to catch in their arms


       Do you feel cold and lost in desperation


       You build up hope but failure's all you've known

       你徒劳地造着希望 但徒劳便是你的所有

       Remember all the sadness and frustration


       And let it go


       Let it go


       Do you feel cold and lost in desperation


       You build up hope but failure's all you've known


       Remember all the sadness and frustration


       And let it go


       Let it go


       Let it go


       Let it go


       Let it go


       Do you feel cold and lost in desperation

       你徒劳地造着希望 但徒劳便是你的所有

       You build up hope but failure's all you've known


       Remember all the sadness and frustration


       And let it go


       Let it go


