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the nights_the nights歌词

the nights_the nights歌词

       大家好,我是小编,今天我来给大家讲解一下关于the nights的问题。为了让大家更容易理解,我将这个问题进行了归纳整理,现在就一起来看看吧。

1.96黄金一代,有多少人被这首《The Nights》唱哭了

2.Avicii的《the nights》里mv主角是谁?是Avicii本人吗?


4.avicii的The nights的歌词发一下啊?

5.the nights原唱是怎么逝世的

6.Avicii 最新单曲the nights MV中歌曲开始前的一段话

the nights_the nights歌词

96黄金一代,有多少人被这首《The Nights》唱哭了



       NBA最前线中的一曲《The Nights》让我们这些已步入而立的成年人无比想念那些同样肆无忌惮的日子……

       Hey, once upon a younger year

       嘿 还年少时

       When all our shadows disappeared


       The animals inside came out to play


       Hey, went face to face with all our fears

       嘿 当我们直面恐惧时

       Learned our lessons through the tears


       Made memories we knew would never fade


       One day my father-he told me,


       "Son, don't let it slip away."

       孩子 别让这时光溜走

       He took me in his arms, I heard him say,

       他将我拥入他怀中 我听到他说

       "When you get older


       Your wild heart will live for younger days


       Think of me if ever you're afraid."


       He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind

       他说 总有一天 你将会离开这个世界

       So live a life you will remember."

       就活出你的人生 这回忆值得你铭记

       My father told me when I was just a child


       These are the nights that never die


       My father told me


       When thunder clouds start pouring down


       Light a fire they can't put out


       Carve your name into those shining stars


       He said, "Go venture far beyond these shores.

       他说 离开海岸 去远方冒险吧

       Don't forsake this life of yours.


       I'll guide you home no matter where you are."


       One day my father-he told me,


       "Son, don't let it slip away."

       孩子 别让这时光溜走

       When I was just a kid I heard him say,

       我还是个孩子时 我听到他说

       "When you get older


       Your wild heart will live for younger days


       Think of me if ever you're afraid."


       He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind

       他说 总有一天你将会离开这个世界

       So live a life you will remember."

       就活出你的人生 这回忆值得你铭记

       My father told me when I was just a child


       These are the nights that never die


       My father told me


       These are the nights that never die


       My father told me


       Hey, hey

       嘿 嘿

       My father told me


Avicii的《the nights》里mv主角是谁?是Avicii本人吗?

       The Nights (Felix Jaehn Remix)

       歌手:Avicii / Felix Jaehn

       Once upon a younger year


       When all our shadows disappeared


       The animals inside came out to play


       When face to face with all our fears


       Learned our lessons through the tears


       Make memories we knew would never fade


       One day my father he told me


       Son, don't let this slip away


       He took me in his arms, I heard him say


       When you get older


       Your wild life will live for younger days


       Think of me if ever you're afraid


       He said, one day you'll leave this world behind


       So live a life you will remember


       My father told me when I was just a child


       These are the nights that never die


       My father told me


       These are the nights that never die


       My father told me


       When thunder clouds start pouring down


       Light a fire they can't put out


       Carve your name into those shinning stars


       He said go adventure far beyond these shores


       Don't forsake this life of yours


       I'll guide you home no matter where you are


       One day my father he told me


       Son, don't let this slip away


       When I was just a kid, I heard him say


       When you get older


       Your wild life will live for younger days


       Think of me if ever you're afraid


       He said, one day you'll leave this world behind


       So live a life you will remember


       My father told me when I was just a child


       These are the nights that never die


       My father told me


       These are the nights that never die


       My father told me



       《The Nights》是瑞典顶级DJ?Avicii于2014年12月1日发布的最新单,收录在其音乐专辑《The Days / Nights》中。

       Avicii,本名提姆·柏格林(Tim Bergling,1989年9月8日-2018年4月20日),官方符号为 ◢ ◤。 瑞典的知名DJ及音乐制作人,在2012年与2013年荣获DJMAG世界百大DJ第三名 。

       2013年Dancing Astronaut杂志票选为世界顶尖制作人第一名 、2013年全美音乐奖最受欢迎电子舞曲艺人。


       不是,是他的好朋友,avicii 当时因为病情和各种演出无法像mv里一样到处嗨,所以找了这首歌灵感来源之主,同时反映了自身一直以来的梦想也暗示了自己即将要死,也希望大家都能做自己喜欢的,而不是像他那样被经纪人压迫着演出,即便他没有自杀,他的病情也可以导致他死亡。

avicii的The nights的歌词发一下啊?







       适合运动的音乐有《New Boy》,《庆祝》,《Traveling Light》,《Heart of Courage》。

the nights原唱是怎么逝世的

       [Verse 1]

       Hey, once upon a younger year

       When all our shadows disappeared

       The animals inside came out to play

       Hey, When face to face with all our fears

       Learned our lessons through the tears

       Make memories we knew would never fade

       One day my father he told me

       Son, don’t let this slip away

       He took me in his arms, I heard him say

       When you get older

       Your wild life will live for younger days

       Think of me as forever your faith


       He said, one day you’ll leave this world behind

       So live a life you will remember

       My father told me when I was just a child

       These are the nights that never die

       My father told me


       [Verse 2]


       Light a fire they can’t put out

       Carve their name into those shinning stars

       He said go adventure far beyond these shores

       Don’t forsake this life of yours

       I’ll guide you home no matter where you are

       One day my father he told me

       Son, don’t let this slip away

       He took me in his arms, I heard him say

       When you get older

       Your wild life will live for younger days

       Think of me as forever your faith


       He said, one day you’ll leave this world behind

       So live a life you will remember

       My father told me when I was just a child

       These are the nights that never die

       My father told me

       These are the night that never die

       My father told me

       Hey, hey

Avicii 最新单曲the nights MV中歌曲开始前的一段话





       Avicii著名的作品有《Wake Me Up!》,《Levels》和《Hey Brother》等,曾多次登上Billboard热单榜。

       据悉,艾维奇才华洋溢,被封为电音界天才,曾在2012、2013年获得百大DJ第三名,其作品《Wake me up》在YouTube创下高达14亿惊人点阅率,《Waiting for love》也在21个国家的热门音乐排行榜打入前10名。


       知名DJ大卫·库塔(David Guetta)在脸书写下:可怕的事情发生了。我们失去了一个拥有美丽的心的朋友,而世界也失去了一个极具才华的音乐家。

       谢谢你那些美妙的旋律,不管是我们身为DJ在录音室里玩,还是以朋友身份一起享受着生活,RAP Avicii。

       When I was 16 my father told me you can do anything you want with your life,you just have to do one that you work hard together.


       That was what I decided when I die,all of you will remember the life I live,not the money I made.


       好了,今天关于“the nights”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“the nights”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的学习中更好地运用所学知识。
