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_chasing that feeling英文版歌词

1.Rachel Goswell的一首歌叫Warm Summer Sun的歌词


3.求助:请问谁有BABY VOX《play》《xcstasy》的歌词

4.I just wanna run 歌词翻译

5.红白之际 这段文章 英文翻译!

_chasing that feeling英文版歌词

26-year-old me, not a young age, perhaps before the age of the star-chasing, but occasionally look at some draft classes of programs, such as "My Show, fueling a good man, super girls, there is also this year's Hy male. It is precisely because this year's watch "fast men", from his heart to meet a "catastrophe." given the protagonist of this catastrophe, and his name is Zhang Jie! When Zhang Jie's "past the wind," touched the hearts of countless people's time, did not help being moved to me, because at that time I did not know a bear great pressure and persistent dreams of boys wore numerous hearsay at this time is a hy male standing on the stage.

Chu Shi Jie, Chengdu, Division 10 in the advance into a game, when he, preoccupied, really, singing of "Cao Cao" and "not to go," or even "angle" has not left me with deep impression on him. Daoshi a high number of votes at last he let him become a successful, Chengdu Division title, his arent popularity of the domineering, and, let me amazed!

And listen to a brief a moment the situation Zhang Jie, so with my curiosity, Internet search on the Jie behind the story. I really did not expect a three-star debut, the family's situation actually so embarrassed! There are many voices of dou are critical, "Zhang Jie, a once My Show Why the champion on stage to participate in the game fast man? This is unfair to other players!"

Fair? What is fair? Is it for Zhang Jie, the three seems behind the scenery, how much pain he forbear, how much of the frustration, how much of the depression, how nobody is saying that This is Zhang Jie how unfair this is!

Zhang Jie, a simple, persistent, and even wood-na of the boys, and his idea is very simple, just want to sing to all the people listen to.

With this bear, I would he had the perfect voice of the boys, and my heart with the slightest worried about. Zhang Jie on the stage like the kind of composure Danding feeling, but also from his eyes to see a hint of sadness. When the National Finals the first 13 into 11, he finished singing the perfect song classic "every day like you", I know, their true love with that voice.

Since then, his life has undergone tremendous changes. Computer stores all the Jie, and make programs for video games, nearly a thousand photographs of Zhang Jie, quote bar where the feelings of countless posts on Zhang Xiaojie, computer desktop every day, changing to a different photo, but in exchange in exchange for in exchange is still the Zhang Jie , MP4 Lane sang songs filled with Zhang Jie, cell phone ring tones he also replaced Zhang Xiaojie's "reprise of the original," every day and my colleagues will definitely chat with three sentences that Zhang Jie, Zhang Xiaojie mouth occasionally humming the Song ......

May be the teaching profession, is that others seem calm, rational, and so when these sorts of "diseases" in me 11 reflects, the astonished eyes of others, do not understand the eyes, but not extinguished my wholehearted enthusiasm .

With the dedication of Zhang Jie's love, I began to vote. In fact, as the stars in the one, I really do too little, and from time to time canvassing the streets looking at the front of the stars, crazy to buy steamed buns, and really, I'm really proud of them, but also for the Jie hy!

Others just do not understand why I actually like Starchaser, like a junior high school students? Star? Idol? Zhang Jie is not it? --- Do not! In my mind, he is not a high to a star, nor is it a distant unattainable idol, he, like an old friend sitting next to me at this time has encountered unprecedented difficulties, and now he needs to my friends. Yes, Zhang Jie, my friend!

With the game an in-depth step by step, I found that we like Zhang Jie is Mingku child. Him, not the judges of the treasure, not the public attention of the judges, not the record company recognized without the support of a number of guest performers. Zhang Jie, he was told his people just do not understand the abuse, the original owner of the pressure, but he also got the largest one of the most solid backing, and this is backed up countless crazy for him, for he sighed for his uneven stars.

Looking back on games, really felt very sad for Zhang Jie!

13 into 11, a deep feeling of "every day, like you," within the expected promotion, but was certain the judges involved in emotional Comment, but he sang with deep feeling among submerged in scandal;

11 into 9, filled with the atmosphere <Heal the World>, stunning audience of <7 Days>, although he succeeded in making the cut, but it is still not touched by those who dou his person;

9 into 7, the theme is called "subversion." Zhang Xiaojie overturned its own Guaixiao Hai image to a Latin-style <Shake Your Bon Bon> bring a y man show in front of everyone, they were accused of jumping the "Folder hand pinch", was not good enough.

7 into 6, with the excitement of his father at the scene to a "if I do nothing" performance of the fully exposed, but still get the "nothing new" in Comments! Heart singing "I am willing", but was they said, focusing on skills, not enough investment, there is no release. The end, he could not stand, and a few simple rebuttal of helplessness shook his head, the result was that he filled the self-righteous attacks. Although they are still to make it through, but it is stars who rely on the votes.

6 into the 5, only a win for all the judges, all the audience's heart. That the first "folk songs like the Spring River Water", I believe that the moment at the JJ concert, which he conquered the whole world, and this includes those who had insulted him. Even more fun is the "off clouds and rain" performance, so that all questioned Jie Biao treble only person who saw the charming tenor Zhang Jie.

5 into 4 does not want memories of a brutal war. Although been a success, but we barely see his smile and, finally, there is no cover up the tears, really, when I collapsed. It can be said of the match JJ deductive five songs, I did not mind to listen, and afterwards did not dare to go to listen to, I dare not touch Zaiqu the most vulnerable part of his inner self, but also reluctant to re - see Zhang Jie plaintive but firm eyes. "Great Wall" of the domineering sad "Yeyeyeye", this has lost its significance in the promotion of <POP>, Dan Ding's "look of your face" and, later, singing voice of the "past wind". I see a once proud young face that barely smile, that super-confident of their own singing boys helpless expression. I think he was the despair of the bar.

Fortunately, the stars who love him, using ultra-high number of votes to keep their hearts of princes, to the people who want to sound a note Jie popular resounding slap in the face.

Suffice it to say that although Zhang Jie's rugged all the way to go, but it does not matter, he should take the road leading to the king! Along the way, there is no bright road, there is no flat ground, and some may be even more cruel disaster.

Zhang Jie, you he the right to he a dream, you he a brilliant self-trained ability, your destiny, although not the grace of God Chuiai, but your courage, forbear, dedication make us proud.

Every challenge is for self-transcendence, and each time the ordeal proved to the king of your seat and proximity to a step further.

Adhere to live, Zhang Jie! You know, you are still behind those people who love you the stars is your strong backing, as long as you do not give up, we will take you to the of the music world!

26岁的我,一个不算年轻的年纪,也许过了追星的年龄,但是偶尔也会看一些选秀类的节目,比如“我型我秀,加油好男儿,超级女生,还有就是今年的快乐男声。正是因为今年观看"快男",从此自己的心灵迎接了一场“劫难”。而给予这场劫难的主角,他的名字叫做张杰! 当张杰的《往事随风》感动了无数人的时候,却没有感动到我,因为那时的我还不知道一个背负巨大的压力和执着梦想的男孩此时正顶着无数的流言飞语站在快乐男声的舞台上。













11进9,充满大气的 〈Heal the World>, 惊艳全场的〈7 Days>, 虽使他成功晋级,但是却依然感动不了那些怀疑他的人;

9进7,主题叫做“颠覆”。张小杰成功颠覆了自己乖小孩的形象,以一曲拉丁风格的〈Shake Your Bon Bon>把一个的男人展现在大家面前时,却被人指为跳的“夹手夹脚”,不够精彩。









Rachel Goswell的一首歌叫Warm Summer Sun的歌词


If you feel disointed now, you should carry it out in the future.


If it's a mistake to love you at first, then I want repeat one's mistakes down.


There are some things that can only be done by one person. Some customs, only one person. Some roads, only one person.


If one day we are not together, also want to be like together.


Day is a calm smiling face, at night who is helplessly decadent.


The warmest place in the world is not the bed, but the arms of your loved ones.


Life is a song of sadness and joy, we are all the people who sing.


I was unintentional and biased against the drapery, the flower umbrella of that year.


We just care so much that we can't let go.


Learn to feel the beauty of life, and you may find that the process is more important than the result.


Love is the right time to meet. No waiting, no Pparation.


The original heart ache, is such; Hypnotize oneself, tell oneself, he hiness.


The joy of the face is seen by others. Who can feel the pain in the heart.


My world, because of you, even the roadside scenery is very beautiful.


We he been searching, searching, the end that we all he.


I give it to you, I give it to you, but let you know that my heart is cut.


Some people exist. It's destiny. So he shouldn't complain about anything.


Life is always chasing illusions, but who is the illusion of illusion, who sinks into the boundless ocean of pain.


Like a person is not wrong, the mistake is to like a person who does not like themselves.


There are some things in the world that make it better.


Go away, make things easy, people become kind, like a child, we start over.


When a flower opens, a flower falls. The long water is a long way to go.


Time and tide go on. I smile and I he no regrets. Time is quiet, you are the first.


Only the sky no one can take it, as long as I can pick up the day, it always accompany me!


You must be in love with him when you first meet and feel the pain of parting.


My wings, a drop of tears, can't fly to heen.


Everything has an answer, a hasty search, a missing out of the quiet of the years.


I he never known each other, so I he never been sad. Not even hier.


Life will always love a few people, to the last to accompany with only one.


At that time we were young, the years were quiet, pure and joyful, laughing and scolding were beautiful.


Those distant memories tell me that I still love you and can't forget.


I want to cry, but I don't know how to shed tears.


Some love, doomed to silence, some people, doomed to miss.


Promises are often like butterflies, beautiful flying and then missing.


A person who never apPciates others, is a person who will never be apPciated by others.


Love is like two people who pull strings.


I can't accept new love new people new things, I still think old.


I he no sadness, just don't want to he too many exPssions and emotions.


The years he been quiet, and we are sure that we will be all right, not fast, not in a hurry.


There must be another me in the world, doing what I dare not to do, living the life I want to live.


Love can be a double-edged sword. It can hurt others and hurt others.


You were laughed before, but you can't smile without you, so you can't smile any more.


The feeling of missing someone is like drinking a cup of cold water, and then a drop of condensed into tears.


Everyone is stronger than they think, but it's also more common than you think.


I had no time to be serious and young, and when I understood, I could only choose to be serious.


I'm really not sorry, but I'm not hy without you.


In the world of love, there is no one who is sorry, but who does not know how to cherish.


Between forgiveness and despair, the only feeling is that it hurts!


The only you in the world, even if no one apPciates it, love yourself well.


I don't know if I was right to meet you, but I know I was hy to meet you.


If the world denies you, then I accompany you to deny the world.


When the tears become rain, the moment, whose vows can also reincarnation.


I know that I am no longer who you are. In your eyes, I am a passer-by.


Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.


We still he to share the generosity and prosperity of our lives, even if the years are harsh and desolate.


Just a day away from you, you're like a kid who just needs my comfort.


There must be cause, sadness, hiness, all just destiny.


Perhaps, you walked out of my sight, but, but not out of my missing.


Hiness is you never let me wear high heels, I tiptoe you bend down.


Time has not taught me anything, but has taught me not to believe in myths.


Smile as if you don't care about your ridicule, don't care about your leing.


The window is opposite the old elm tree, tired to look at it, spring green winter white, forever forever.


Don't betray your simplicity because the world is too complex.


The soft beauty of music is full of fresh, fresh melodies, as if delivered to the natural fragrance.


Do not say love easily, make a promise is de!


What cannot be refused is the beginning, the irresistible is the end.


The empty pride is proudly in the sky, and the majesty is forever in vain.


Rachel Goswell(Moje 3的女声主唱)

《Warm Summer Sun》:

bad news are fell over some ways today

didn't take that step forward

bad news are fell over some ways today

didnt take that step forward

I stop chasing summer sun

It's not really me

I won't waste my time on this

that's still me feeling

I wanna see those autumn resco mad in bloom today

blessed away the green sound of summer

take a walk down by the river of today

watch where drifts flow down to

i stop chasing summer sun

it's not really me

i wont waste my time on this

that's not me feeling


求助:请问谁有BABY VOX《play》《xcstasy》的歌词

Today I want to talk about a topic that is about our life. Of course, this and we learn, class on. Those are only stay at the surface, but now I want to speak with the different things.

Why should we live in this world? We are doing these days? Immersed in the miscellaneous topic, the mathematical formula for the esoteric physical? Or is a feeling for the problems and trouble? Still chasing dreams, money and honor? We often more than these things around, I believe that as long as we care, still can excate a lot. The scandal of Star Wars, the relevant information, these looked far away from us. But, in fact, all of them are a part of our lives. The stars, not only for entertainment, War is not the information, after a sentimental even. These are all these, in the us, the world around us, about the life. It can tell us the truth, the society, the crime and punishment, the love in the good.

I believe everyone to life has its own set of understanding. However, we may he life or disgust, or resistance, or other all negative emotions. Why we want to make a fight? Because we want to change the status quo. Why do you want to change the status quo? Ultimately, or because we love life, love the world, so we should try to change.

Here, we also he a beautiful youth. Not to go through life, we chaotic, we will live in should look for answers to this world.(希望能帮到楼主!O(∩_∩)O~)

I just wanna run 歌词翻译


Xcstasy (English ver)

Baby V.O.X

Floss P Rap: Game cold like the pole in the winter

Picturing positions to smash feeling to hither

I want it in the kitchen on the counter top hit the spot

Till the cops start to knock

Wake up the whole block

How you want it baby

On the hood of the car

From the back to the front

Red hot heels on in the living room in Cancun

Feel the breeze

Strawberries on your stomach to spread the whip cream

I know you want me baby

So how do you want me baby?

How do you love this baby?

Ooh slow down baby

It's a touch with easy,

Touch to keep to please me

Tell me how you want it

How you're gonna do it with me

It's an xcstasy

You're right next to me

Tell me all your deepest fantasies

It was love when I saw your eyes

Hold me so tight

How do you want it?

I'm here tonight

Baby do it with a recipe

Cause it's a real love

If you wanna he a little ball with me

If you rap and rock your body

You better show me a little bit more

If you wanna he a little xcstasy

You better show me a little bit more

Baby, you're gonna lose control

Ooh, baby I'm not that easy

You better just let me go

I'm not gonna wait for you

So, you better step up boy

Step up, step up boy

I know you want me baby

So how do you want me baby?

How do you love this baby?

Ooh slow down baby

I know you want me baby

So how do you want me baby?

How do you love this baby?

Ooh slow down baby


If you really wanna go with me

Baby, you're gonna lose control

Ooh, baby I'm not that easy

You better just let me go

I'm not gonna waste my time

So you better run up boy

Run up, run up boy

I know you want me baby

So how do you want me baby?

How do you love this baby?

Ooh slow down baby

I know you want me baby

So how do you want me baby?

How do you love this baby?

Ooh real slow baby

Floss P represent Let 'em know

Floss P Rap)Move your body

Let the music take you out of control

Rock the party put it down

From LA to Seoul

Get it jumping

Hot like live wire

Nobody does it better

Got the world on fire

Floss the overlord

Give them want they want more

10001C7C318ure rugged hard core

Pump it in your jeep

When you cruise the block

Turn the volume up

Let the system rock

We make hits steady Chasing the chips

International thug dish

Can't hate it just love this

World famous collaborate with the greatest

Tupac and Baby VOX So dangerous

I know you want me baby

So how do you want me baby

I know you love this baby

Ooh real slow baby

这个感觉不太好啊 不过只找到两个

还有一个是网站上的 因为韩文不能贴出来


所以就把地址发给你吧 可以下载LRC文件的



Do you feel the vibe

You can never hide

Cuz the music's pumpin' to get on your feet

Baby don't deny it

Tell me what you like

I'ma make you feel it blow ya mind

Everybody is dancing

And grooving in da club

It feels so good just turn it up

Play this music on and on


Come on play that song

Play it all night long

Just turn it up and turn me on


Come on DJ play that song

You know that it turns me on

Just turn it up and turn me on

DJ just play that song

'Cause I wanna be dancing all night long

So play my play my play my play my

Play my forite song

Kickin' in da club

Rockin' to this dub

Cuz the Music's pumpin'to get on your feet

Groove with me tonight

Do you feel allright

I'm a make you feel it blow ya mind

Everybody is dancing

and grooving in da club

It feels so good just turn it up

Play this music on and on


Come on play that song

Play it all night long

Just turn it up and turn me on


Come on DJ play that song

You know that it turns me on

Just turn it up and turn me on


Come on play that song

Play it all night long

Just turn it up and turn me on


Come on DJ play that song

You know that it turns me on

Just turn it up and turn me on


This music is so good you can't deny it

Even when those djs play all the time

Feelin' and Bangin' this beat through the night

It makes me feel hot (ugh!) quite all right

Better move your feet from side to side

Bring the drama let me see whatcha got

I can't help myself when I'm feelin' this vibe

Cuz the music's to loud and the beat is too tight

不过很抱歉哦 韩文的找不到啊```先将就就用吧~~

红白之际 这段文章 英文翻译!

歌名:I just wanna run


外文名称:I just wanna run

所属专辑:Best I Never Had



歌曲原唱:The downtown fiction



歌词 :

I just wanna run


hide it away


Run because they’re chasing me down


I just wanna run


throw it away


Run before they’re finding me out


I just wanna run


I just wanna run


I’m out here all alone


I try to call your house


Can’t reach you on the phone


I’ll gather up the nerve


I’m packing up my bag


It’s more than you deserve


Don’t treat me like a drag


I’m feeling like I keep on talking


I’m repeating myself


my words lost all meaning


I keep talking I repeat myself


I just wanna run


hide it away


Run because they’re chasing me down


I just wanna run


throw it away


Run before they’re finding me out


I just wanna run (run, run, run)


I just wanna run(run, run, run)


Like a game of chess


I predict your move


I think I know you better


Better than you do


I’m sick of feeling cheap


Cheated and abused


Sick of losing sleep


Thinking about you


I’m feelin’ like I keep on talking


I’m repeating myself


my words lost all meaning


I keep talking I repeat myself


I just wanna run


hide it away


Run because they’re chasing me down


I just wanna run, throw it away


Run before they’re finding me out


I just wanna run (run, run, run)


I just wanna run (run, run, run)


原文:56天 期待球场上奔跑的感觉

56天 只能在看台上为自己的祖国祈祷

56天 只能眼看着帕托在伯纳乌撒野

56天 丙级球队也从自己的身上跨过

56天 终于要到尽头了


球场上你虽然略显疲惫 但球迷们有着期待 期待着你带领着球队在周末击败对手

有人说你是在溺爱中长大的孩子 但是对于你 球迷们心甘情愿把你宠坏

人们说你是个天使 阳光下你的笑容如此灿烂 球场上你的身影又那么梦幻

也有人说你是个魔鬼 你固执 任性 不通情理

也许你是撒旦的孩子 不知道撒旦在你降生的时候 施了什么魔法


亦红亦白 亦正亦邪 亦善亦恶 当然 还有我们对你的亦爱亦恨

从2003年8月8日到2009年6月27日 从里斯本青涩的少年到老特拉福德的王子 而如今你又成


你一如既往华丽的过人 而且学会了永不服输 球场上的后卫们对你越来越凶狠 你只能晃过

他们才能继续前进 当然他们经常把你推倒或是把你铲翻 这是一种精神上的挑衅 你不能服

软 必须站起来 然后用足球击败他们 十多年间在每一块自己踏上过的球场 C罗都做着同样

的事情 一次次被对手铲倒 一次次爬起来继续突破

在马赛对手再次用鞋钉把你放到 你回敬他们的 是进球 是胜利

在国家队 你忍着伤痛上场 谁都看的出来 你的进攻突破不再犀利 速度也慢了下来

球迷的注意力和心思全都聚焦在了你受伤的腿上 看着你面露痛苦的表情 甚至在球队攻入

一球时 都难掩身体不适的感觉 这些都是为了什么 是世界杯梦想的召唤 还是葡萄牙国家


这场 真的 球迷们再次被你折服 你愈加的成熟 坚强 懂得责任和付出 越来越值得大家的


这一刻 无论是曼联球迷 球迷 心里对你只有爱 没有恨 因为恨不起来 “恨”这个字

对于一个在场上拼了命努力的C罗 谁都说不出口

哪怕你离开了曾经最爱的球队 哪怕曾因为你才真正的融入了红色的血液 那怕曾把你的7号

当做我人生的信仰 哪怕你不在是那个红衣少年 哪怕你现在只剩下白衣飘飘

今年夏天那场轰轰烈烈的转会已经过去5个月 事事起伏不定 时间总是可以改变很多事情

视线里 脑海中 红色的球衣 白色的球衣 紫红色的球衣都变得模糊在一起

白色没有红色耀眼 但是在我眼中 红色就是白色 白色也变成了红色

我们永远记得你曾经说的“我从小的梦想 是有一天站在伯纳乌的球场”


对于相爱的人 真的爱她 就该无理由的站在她身边

对于支持C罗的球迷 请铭记曼彻斯特的辉煌年代 让我一起看着那个曾经里斯本带球奔跑的

孩子 在老特拉福德成长 在伯纳乌作为国王登基

一边是六年的守候 一边是儿时的梦想

一半是红色的血液 一半是白色的灵魂

向左还是向右 你做出了自己的选择

下一个六年 你还是那个白衣飘飘的王子吗

下一个六年 而立之年 你还会记得18岁初登梦剧场的稚气吗

下一个六年 你还会不会记得 登陆伯纳乌的宣言

下一个六年 如果我还是你的球迷 我已经认识你12年

那么 我真的可以和你的足球一直到老




一个新的伯纳乌国王 万众期待






56 days looking forward to the feeling of running on the pitch

56 days only stands to pray for their country

56 days can only let Pato wildly at the Bernabeu

56-day Class C team from their own body across the

56 days finally coming to an end

Bernabeu audience's Carnival warm-up just because you're on the sidelines

Although you did on the pitch but the fans he a bit tired and looking forward to you and your team is looking forward to the weekend win over rivals

Some people say you are spoiling a child growing up, but for your fans are willing to put your spoiled

People say you are an angel smiles under the sun so bright you he your shadow on the pitch for so Dream

Some people say you are a devil you are stubborn willfulness unreasoning

Perhaps you are a child of Satan, Satan, you do not know when Shi was born, what magic

Let people on your feelings so extreme

Yi-hong also white is a paradox of course is also good is evil, we will hate you also love

From August 8, 2003 to June 27, 2009 from Lisbon to Old Trafford Sentimental boy prince and now you are again a

The Bernabeu all hope

You are gorgeous, as always, extraordinary, and learned to never admit defeat on the pitch for you more and more fierce defender who you can only go past

They can continue to move forward, of course they often tear down your shovel, or put your turn this is a mental challenge that you can not serve

Soft must stand up and then use football to beat them 10 years or so in each one its own foot on the course are doing the same C Luo

Things time and again by opponents uprooting again and again to climb up and continue to break

In Marseille, once again, spikes put your opponent into them is the goal you he answered with a victory

Everyone in the team you are playing Renzheshangtong see break out of your attack speed is no longer a sharp slow down

The attention of fans and thoughts are all focused on the injured leg, your looking at your cheeky expression of pain even in the team scored

A ball when they can hardly cover up the feeling of physical discomfort which are a dream for what is the call of the World Cup or the Portuguese National

Captain's responsibility to do

This really impressed the fans again you know your strong and increasingly mature responsibility and pay for more and more worthy of everyone's


Manchester United fans at this moment whether it is Real Madrid fans do not mind you only love hate because Henbu up "hate" word


