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second chance_second chance romance_1

second chance_second chance romance

       非常感谢大家对second chance问题集合的贡献。我会努力给出简明扼要的回答,并根据需要提供一些具体实例来支持我的观点,希望这能给大家带来一些新的思路。

1.是the second chance还是a second chancegive me

2.what if you had a second chance with the one...

3.give youa second chance 为啥是a

second chance_second chance romance

是the second chance还是a second chancegive me

       区别在于the second 和 a second。

       the second chance 第二次机会

       a second chance 又一次机会


what if you had a second chance with the one...

       everyone deserves a second chance

       网 络



       everyone deserves a second chance

       1. 那句

       ...这一路上也多亏有Alex的前妻一直encourage Katie才让两人终成眷属, Robin的那句,everyone deserves a second chance,一下击中我心,不管背负着怎样的曾经,或痛苦如Katie,或甜蜜如Alex,当恰当的时机来临,各自总.

give youa second chance 为啥是a

       a second chance with sb ? a second chance (to do sth) with sb ?


       the one that got away ? ?

       what if you had a second chance with the one that got away



       好了,关于“second chance”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“second chance”有更深入的了解,并且从我的回答中得到一些启示。
