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release me_release me什么意思

release me_release me什么意思

       接下来,我将通过一些实际案例和个人观点来回答大家对于release me的问题。现在,让我们开始探讨一下release me的话题。

1.release me

release me_release me什么意思

release me

       Main job duties:

       1. Personnel management, including staff recruitment, acceptance, promotions, resignation.

       2. Draw up instructions for all the posts.

       3. Attendance management.

       4. Working out the performance appraisal and how to implement it.

       5. The releasement of the payment and welfare.

       6. The job training for the staff, making monthly training and other training plans and puting them into implement and feed back of the result.

       7. The personnel secondary records managemet.

       8. Serving as the administrative assistance as part of their job. Including document management.,

       taking in and releasing the documents, textual materials reports, documents subscription and so on.


       In recent years there has been a growing concern for the environment and car manufacturing company have to take responsibility for the environment.




       In recent years there has been a growing concern on car manufacturing company have to take responsibility for the environment.?


       第二句,你把product life cycle - 'PLC' 这个固定词组拆开,能否这样我不确定,不建议拆开。



       This has led to a discussion on the Product Life Cycle of car manufacturing companies.


       只是最后的...companies has(?) attracted attention and make some environment policy. 不太理解你的意思。汽车制造商吸引到许多注意,并制定了环境政策。这不是并列的关系,用and有点怪。如果是因为被注意到,才制定政策的。那至少应该是递进关系了。




       sustainability 如何体现在网站上我不太明白,或许你有其他见解,但一般持续性指政策持续性吧?


       同样,GRI report也应在background部分提到。

       what the famous things they have done? 这个问题有点无厘头,如果报告关于汽车制造商的eco-friendly policy或PR campaign的话,应确切一些。不要突然来一个做过什么有名的事迹?显得离题。


       PPS:祝PASS & Merit.

       好了,今天关于“release me”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“release me”有更深入的认识,并从我的回答中得到一些启示。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。
