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together 歌舞青春_together 歌舞青春 中文版

together 歌舞青春_together 歌舞青春 中文版

       接下来,我将为大家详细解析一下together 歌舞青春的问题,希望我的回答可以解决大家的疑惑。下面,让我们来探讨一下together 歌舞青春的话题。

1.谁能帮忙指导一下歌舞青春里的together动作,就是起初合唱完毕后,唱到here now三个主唱应该如何帅气登场



4.歌舞青春歌曲We are all in this together的中文歌词

together 歌舞青春_together 歌舞青春 中文版

谁能帮忙指导一下歌舞青春里的together动作,就是起初合唱完毕后,唱到here now三个主唱应该如何帅气登场

       从here we go开始,两位男主唱分别骑着两辆滑板车出场,其中一个载着第三个女主唱,她手上拿着一个篮球。在合唱前面几句together时,他们可以绕着合唱这帮人兜圈,等差不多快到troy唱here and now时,刚好停在你们人群前方,甩开滑板车抛开篮球就开口唱。不知这个合你意否?



       we're all in this together的气氛较热烈,合唱时队形尽量灵活一点,可以配上自如点的手势动作,可以参考国外某些唱诗班的表情动作等等,希望能帮到你


       歌舞青春3 歌曲high school musical Ooh,here we go 嘿.开始吧 C'mon 来吧 Alright Little louder,now 很好 现在,再大声一点点 Hey... 嘿... Lookin' forward from center stage 站在中央舞台,我迫不及待 To graduation day 等着毕业那一天到来 Time to get the future started 那是未来起飞的时刻 What we leave what we take with us 我们留下什麽,又带走什麽 No matter what 不论如何 It's somethin' we're a part of 都曾经是我们的一部分 We learn to fly 我们在这里学会飞翔 Together side by side(Side by side) 我们一起 肩并肩(肩并肩) I Just hope the rest of my life... 我只希望将来一辈子... Will feel as good as my 都会美好如我的 High school musical 歌舞青春 Who says we have to let it go, It's the best part we've ever known 谁说我们一定要遗忘 那是我们一生中最好的时光 Step into the future, but hold on to 虽然一脚踏进未来,但仍然要紧紧抓住 High school musical 歌舞青春 Let's celebrate where we come from 让我们一起赞美来时路 The friends who've been there all along, just like... 一路上朋友相伴,就像... A High school...High School...Musical... 一场歌舞...歌舞...青春... Improvisation without a script, 全是即兴演出,没有剧本 no ones written it 没有人事先写好 and now we have the chance to 现在机会是我们的,一起写下青春 But Some day we'll be lookin' back 但是有一天我们会回首 Memories we'll have 我们会有满满回忆 all the songs that we lived through 记得所有共同经历过的歌曲 The best of times 最好的时光 so why leave them behind 所以,为什麽要抛掉呢 Why cant the rest of my life... 为什麽接下来的一辈子... Be like my... 不能像我的... High school musical (Yeah) 歌舞青春(耶) Who says we have to let it go 谁说我们一定要遗忘 It's the best part we've ever known 那是我们一生中最好的时光 Step into the future...We'll hold on to 虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住 High school musical 歌舞青春 Let's celebrate where we come from(her) 让我们一起赞美来时路(嘿) The fiends who've been there all along 一路上相伴的朋友 just right 没错 Now we finally realize 现在我们终於知道 Who we are, it just took some time 自己的份量,虽然花了一点时间 You have to learn and live to see the truth 我们必须踏实生活,学习看清真相 Live to see the truth 学习看清真相 That Nothing's ever impossible 没有不可能的事 into the future we all freefall 我们都是自由落体,掉进未来 But Foever we'll always have High School 但是我们会永远记得高校 High... 歌... Time to party,now celebrate 抓狂时间到了,一起庆祝吧 School 舞... 'Cause the world's one big stage 因为世界是个巨大的舞台 Musical 青春 Any part you want can be yours 想演什麽角色都可以 Everybody sing,yeah 大家一起唱,耶 High... 歌... But the show is never gonna close 但是表演永远不会结束 School... 舞... It's what got us here we know 我们知道来到这里就是为了未来 Musical 青春 High School lives on forever more 高校生活永不结束 High School... 歌舞 High School Musical... 歌舞青春 High School Musical 歌舞青春 Who says we have to let it go 谁说我们一定要遗忘 It's the best part we've ever known 那是我们一生中最好的时光 Step into the future...We'll hold on to 虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住 High school musical 歌舞青春 Let's celebrate where we come from 让我们一起赞美来时路 The fiends who've been there all along 一路上相伴的朋友 Oh yeah,I wish that life could be like a... 喔耶,我希望人生能像一场 High School Musical 歌舞青春 Who says we have to let it go 谁说我们一定要遗忘 It's the best part we've ever known 那是我们一生中最好的时光 Step into the future...We'll hold on to 虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住 High school musical 歌舞青春 Let's celebrate where we come from 让我们一起赞美来时路 All together,makes it better 大家一起来,让回忆变得更美好 Memories that last forever 回忆持续到永远 I want the rest of my life to 我要接下来的人生 Feel just like a 感觉就像一场 High...school...musical 歌...舞...青春



       what time is it:what time is it? summertime! 现在是什么时候 到夏天啦

       it's our vacation 这是我们的假期

       what time is it? party time! 现在是什么时候 开party的时候

       that's right,say it loud 没错 大声的叫吧

       what time is it? the time of our lives! 现在是什么时候 我们生命中的时光

       anticipation 对未来的期望

       what time is it? summertime! 现在是什么时候 到夏天啦

       school's out,scream and shout! 学校放假啦 惊声尖叫吧

       finally summer's here 夏天终于来了

       good to be chillin'out 能放松真好

       i'm off the clock,the pressures out 我摆脱了时间的束缚 压力都消除了

       now my girl's what it's all about 现在我的女朋友是我的全部

       gabriella:ready for some sunshine 准备好好迎接阳光

       for my heart to take a chance 为了使自己碰碰运气

       i'm here to stay,not movin'away 我就在这 那也不去

       ready for a summer romance 准备好迎接夏日的浪漫

       everybody ready,going crazy,yeah we're out 每个人都去疯玩吧 我们自由了

       come on and let me hear you say it now,right now 快点让我听你们说 现在 就是现在

       what time is it? summertime!

       it's our vacation

       what time is it? party time!

       that's right,say it loud

       what time is it? the time of our lives!


       what time is it? summertime!

       school's out,scream and shout!

       we've got no rules 没有了规定

       no summer school 没有暑期补习

       i'm free to shop till i drop 我可以去购物直到晕倒

       it's an education vacation 这是教育的假期

       and the party never has to stop party永远也不会停止

       we've got things to do 我们有事做了

       i'll see you soon 我们很快就会再见面

       and we're really gonna miss you all 我们将会很想你们的

       i'll see you and you 对你和你还有你和你说再见

       and you and you

       bye bye until next fall 秋天再见

       everybody ready going crazy yeah we're out

       come on and let me here you say it now right now

       what time is it? summertime!

       it's our vacation

       what time is it? party time!

       that's right,say it loud

       what time is it? the time of our lives!


       what time is it? summertime!

       school's out, scream and shout!

       no more wakin'up at 6 am 不用6点钟就起床

       'cause now our time is all our own 因为现在有我们自己支配时间

       enough already,we're waiting come on let's go 漫长的等待已经足够了

       out of control!!! 赶快 我们去疯咯

       all right



       come on

       school pride lets show it 让我们展示学校的骄傲

       the champions we know it 我们证实了我们是冠军

       wildcats,are the best wildcats 是最好的

       red white and gold! 红色 白色 金色(wildcats的队标的颜色)

       when it's time to win we do it 该胜利的时候我们做到了

       we're number one we proved it 我们证明了我们是第一

       let's live it up,party down! 让我们尽情狂欢

       that's what the summer's all about 这就是暑假的价值

       what time is it?

       summertime is finally here

       let's celebrate 让我们庆祝

       we wanna hear you loud and clear now 我们想听到你洪亮的清晰的声音

       school's out 放假啦

       we can sleep as late as we want to 我们可以想睡到多晚就睡到多晚

       it's party time

       now we can do whatever we wanna do 我们可以想做什么就做什么

       what time is it ? it's summertime!

       we're lovin' it! 我们爱他

       come on and say okay now!

       what time is it?

       it's party time!

       let's go and have!

       the time of our lives!


       Its out with the old and in with the new,

       Goodbye clouds of Gray, hello skies of blue

       A dip in the pool, a trip to the spa

       Endless days in my chaise

       The whole world according to moi

       Excuse Me Thank You

       Iced tea imported from England,

       Lifeguards imported from Spain,

       Towels imported from Turkey,

       Turkey imported from Maine,

       Sharpay and Ryan:

       We're gonna relax and renew,


       You, go, do!

       I want fabulous,

       That is my simple request,

       All things fabulous,

       Bigger and better and best,

       I need something inspiring to help me get along,

       I need a little fabulous is that so wrong?

       Fetch me my jimmy choo flip flops,

       Where is my pink prada tote?

       I need my tiffany hair band,

       And then I can go for a float.

       Ryan and Sharpettes:

       A summer like never before


       I want more!

       Ryan and Sharpettes:

       She wants fabulous,

       That is her simple request,

       All things fabulous,

       Bigger and better and best,

       She needs something inspiring to help her get along,

       She needs a little fabulous is that so wrong?

       Fabulous pool, fabulous splash,

       Fabulous parties even fabulous trash,

       Fabulous fashion, fabulous bling,

       She's got to have fabulous everything.

       Nothing to Discuss

       Everything's got to be perfect.

       For me

       She wants fabulous,

       That is her simple request,

       All things fabulous,

       Bigger and better and best,

       She needs something inspiring to help her get along,

       She needs a little fabulous is that so wrong?

       This won't do, that's a bore,

       That's insulting, I need more!

       I need, I need,

       I need, I need,

       I need, I need

       I Need FABULOUS!

       Fabulous Hair, fabulous style,

       Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile.

       I like what I see,

       I like it a lot

       Is this absolutely fabulous?

       Fabulous, Fabulous, Fabulous?

       Absolutely... NOT!










       土耳其进口来自Maine ,



       sharpay :












       瑞安和sharpettes :


       sharpay :


       瑞安和sharpettes :


































       Once in the lifetime

       means there's no srcond chance

       so I believe than you and me

       should grab it while we can

       Make it last forever

       and never give it back

       It's our turn,and I'ml ovin'where we're at

       Becausr this moment's really all we have

       all for one:


       the summer that we wanted,


       yeah, we finally got it!


       now‘s the time we get to share


       each day we‘ll be together


       now until forever,


       so everybody, everywhere


       let‘s take it to the beach

       [troy, chad, and ryan]

       take it together

       [gabriella, sharpay, and taylor]

       let‘s celebrate today ‘cause there‘ll never be another

       [troy, chad, and ryan]

       we‘re stronger this time,

       been there for each other

       [gabriella, sharpay, and taylor]

       everything‘s just right


       everybody all for one,

       a real summer has just begun!

       let‘s rock and roll and just let go,

       feel the rhythm of the drums

       we‘re gonna have fun in the sun

       now that all the hard work, work is done!

       everybody, one for all and all for one!

       all for one, one!


       summertime together,


       now we‘re even closer


       that‘s the way it‘s meant to be


       oh, we‘re just getting started


       come and join the party


       you deserve it, same as me


       let‘s take it to the beach

       [troy, chad, and ryan]

       take it together

       [gabriella, sharpay, and taylor]

       let‘s celebrate today ‘cause there‘ll never be another

       [troy, chad, and ryan]

       we‘re stronger this time,

       been there for each other

       [gabriella, sharpay, and taylor]

       everything‘s just right


       everybody all for one,

       a real summer has just begun!

       let‘s rock and roll and just let go,

       feel the rhythm of the drums

       we‘re gonna have fun in the sun

       now that all the hard work, work is done!

       everybody, one for all and all for one!

       all for one, one!


       everybody up!


       everybody rock it!


       take it from the top!


       and never ever stop it!


       it‘s not about the future


       it‘s not about the past


       it‘s makin‘ every single day

       last and last and last!

       fun and sun‘what could be better?


       let‘s have fun

       everyone together now!


       everybody, e-everybody now!

       this is where our summer really begins

       the very last time it‘s ever gonna be like this

       it‘s the party you don‘t wanna miss!


       guys rise!

       show ‘em we can make some moves, hey!



       show ‘em we know how to groove, oh!




       and now


       let‘s turn the party



       [guys and girls]

       everybody jump in!


       everybody all for one,

       a real summer has just begun!

       let‘s rock and roll and just let go,

       feel the rhythm of the drums

       we‘re gonna have fun in the sun

       now that all the hard work, work is done!

       everybody, one for all, everybody all for one,

       a real summer has just begun!

       let‘s rock and roll and just let go,

       feel the rhythm of the drums

       we‘re gonna have fun in the sun

       now that all the hard work, work is done!

       come on, everyone let‘s dance!

       we can‘t let this moment pass!

       let‘s make this party last!

       all for one!

       all! for! one!







       让我们去海滩 大家都在一起

       庆祝现在 因为今天就要过去

       我们更加坚强 因为互相帮忙


       大家来吧 尽情玩


       我们一起摇啊 放开手




       大家来吧 玩尽兴 尽情玩

       - 尽情玩\N- 尽情玩 玩







       让我们去海滩 大家都在一起

       庆祝现在 因为今天就要过去

       我们更加坚强 因为互相帮忙


       大家来吧 尽情玩


       我们一起摇啊 放开手




       大家来吧 玩尽兴 尽情玩







       让每天的快乐重复 重复 再重复

       阳光和开心 什么还能更棒?

       让我们欢快 大家一起来

       一起来 大家一起来




       伙计们 拿出最好的本事

       女孩们 摆出最佳的状态

       - 在这里 - 就现在

       - 把派对推向 - 高潮


       大家来吧 尽情玩


       我们一起摇啊 放开手




       大家来吧 玩尽兴

       大家来吧 尽情玩

       我们一起摇啊 放开手




       大家一起来 让我们跳起舞





       Everyday of our lives

       wanna find you there,wanna hold on tight

       Gonna run,While we're young

       And keep the faith

       Everyday from right now

       gonna use our voices and scream out loud

       Take my hand

       together we will celebrate (celebrate)


       They say that you should follow

       And chase down what you dream?

       But if you get last and lose yourself

       What does it really mean?

       No matter where we're going (ooh yeah)

       It's starts from where we are

       There's more to life when we listen to my heart

       And because of you I've got the strength to start

       Yeah Yeah Yeah

       Everyday of our lives

       wanna find you there,wanna hold on tight

       Gonna run,While we're young

       And keep the faith (ooh)

       Everyday from right now

       gonna use our voices and scream out loud

       Take my hand

       together we will celebrate


       We're taking it back.

       We're doing it here together.

       It's better like that.

       And stronger now than ever.

       We're not gonna lose.

       Cause we get to choose.

       That's how it's gonna be.

       Everyday of our lives

       wanna find you there,wanna hold on tight

       Gonna run,While we're young

       And keep the faith

       keep the faith!

       Everyday of our lives

       wanna find you there,wanna hold on tight

       Gonna run (gonna run),While we're young

       And keep the faith

       Everyday (everyday) from right now (right now)

       gonna use our voices and scream out loud

       Take my hand (take my hand)

       together we will celebrate


       Live everyday (ooh)


       Love everyday (ooh)


       Live everyday (la la)


       Love everyday (ooh yeah yeah)



       [ gabriella ]




       [特洛伊和gabriella ]




       [ gabriella ]




       [特洛伊和gabriella ]




       [特洛伊和gabriella ]



       [ gabriella ]




       [ gabriella ]


       [特洛伊和gabriella ]

       哦, ev'ryday









       [ gabriella ]







       [特洛伊和gabriella ]





       [ gabriella ]


       [特洛伊和gabriella ]








       [ gabriella ]

       哦, ev'ryday





       [ gabriella ]




       [特洛伊和gabriella ]








       [ gabriella ]







       [特洛伊和gabriella ]










       ev'ryday !



       [ kelsi贾森]






       [ sharpay ]

       ev'ryday !


       ev'ryday !


       ev'ryday !


       ev'ryday !


       ev'ryday !


       ev'ryday !

       [ gabriella ]

       ev'ryday !

       bet on it:

       Everybody's always talking at me

       Everybody's trying to get in my head

       I wanna listen to my own heart talking

       I need to count on myself instead

       Did you ever?

       Loose yourself to get what you want

       Did you ever?

       Get on a ride and wanna get off

       Did you ever?

       Push away the ones you should've held close

       Did you ever let go?

       Did you ever not know?

       I'm not gonna stop,that's who I am

       I'll give it all I got,that is my plan

       Will I find what I lost?

       You know you can

       Bet on it,bet on it

       I wanna make it right,that is the way

       To turn my life around,today is the day

       Am I the type of guy who means what I say?

       Bet on it,bet on it

       How will I know if there's a path worth taking?

       Should I question every move I make?

       With all I've lost my heart is breaking

       I don't wanna make the same mistake

       Did you ever?

       Doubt your dream will ever come true

       Did you ever?

       Blame the world and never blame you

       I will never

       Try to live a lie again

       I don't wanna win this game

       If I can't play it my way

       I'm not gonna stop,that's who I am

       I'll give it all I got,that is my plan

       Will I find what I lost?

       You know you can

       Bet on it,bet on it

       I wanna make it right,that is the way

       To turn my life around,today is the day

       Am I the type of guy who means what I say

       Bet on it,bet on it

       Oh,hold up

       Give me room to think

       Bring it on down

       Gotta work on my swing

       Gotta do my own thing

       Hold up

       It's no good at all

       To see yourself and not recognize your face

       Out on my own,it's such a scary place

       The answers are all inside of me

       All I gotta do is believe

       I'm not gonna stop

       Not gonna stop'til I get my shot

       That's who I am,that is my plan

       Will I end up on top?

       You can bet on it,bet on it

       I wanna make it right,that is the way

       To turn my life around,today is the day

       Am I the type of guy who means what I say

       Bet on it,bet on it

       You can bet on me!









































































       [ gabriella和丹尼尔]

       ev'ryday ! !

歌舞青春歌曲We are all in this together的中文歌词

       《We're All In This Together》

       Together, together, together everyone

       Together, together, come on lets have some fun

       Together, were there for each other every time

       Together together come on lets do this right

       Here and now its time for celebration

       I finally figured it out (yeah yeah)

       That all our dreams have no limitations

       That's what its all about

       Everyone is special in their own way

       We make each other strong (each other strong)

       Were not the same

       Were different in a good way

       Together's where we belong

       We're all in this together

       Once we know

       That we are

       We're all stars

       And we see that

       We're all in this together

       And it shows

       When we stand

       Hand in hand

       Make our dreams come true

       Together, together, together everyone

       Together, together, come on lets have some fun

       Together, were there for each other every time

       Together together come on lets do this right

       We're all here

       and speaking out with one voice

       we're going to rock the house (rock the house)

       the party's on now everybody make some noise

       come on scream and shout

       We've arrived becuase we stuck together

       Champions one and all

       We're all in this together

       Once we know

       That we are

       We're all stars

       And we see that

       We're all in this together

       And it shows

       When we stand

       Hand in hand

       Make our dreams come

       We're all in this together

       When we reach

       We can fly

       Know inside

       We can make it

       We're all in this toghether

       Once we see

       Theres a chance

       That we have

       And we take it

       Wild cats sing along

       Yeah, you really got it goin' on

       Wild cats in the house

       Everybody say it now

       Wild cats everywhere

       Wave your hands up in the air

       That's the way we do it

       Lets get to it

       Time to show the world

       We're all in this together

       Once we know

       That we are

       We're all stars

       And we see that

       We're all in this together

       And it shows

       When we stand

       Hand in hand

       Make our dreams come

       We're all in this together

       When we reach

       We can fly

       Know inside

       We can make it

       We're all in this together

       Once we see

       Theres a chance

       That we have

       And we take it

       Wild cats everywhere

       Wave your hands up in the air

       That's the way we do it

       Let's get to it

       Come on everyone!

       we're all in this together 我们欢聚一堂(歌舞青春) 歌手:high school musical cast 专辑:high school musical Together, together, together everyone 来吧、来吧,来吧大家 Together, together, come on lets have some fun 来吧、来吧,让我们找点乐子 Together, were there for each other every time 聚会吧,只要我们愿意,任何时候都可以 Together together come on lets do this right 聚会吧,做我们喜欢的事 Here and now its time for celebration 此时此刻我们欢聚一堂 I finally figured it out (yeah yeah) 我终于可以描画出来 That all our dreams have no limitations 我们那些不受束缚的梦想 That's what its all about 那是我们的所有 Everyone is special in their own way 每个人都各有所长 We make each other strong (each other strong) 我们自强不息 Were not the same 我们与众不同 Were different in a good way 我们走向不同的成功之路 Together's where we belong 但我们依然属于这里,相聚在这里 We're all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂 Once we know 我们找到了归宿 That we are 认识了自己 We're all stars 我们都是明星 And we see that 这一点不言而喻 We're all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂 And it shows 看着吧 When we stand 当我们 Hand in hand 手拉手站在一起 Make our dreams come true 我们会让梦想实现 Together, together, together everyone 来吧、来吧,来吧大家 Together, together, come on lets have some fun 来吧、来吧,让我们找点乐子 Together, were there for each other every time 聚会吧,只要我们愿意,任何时候都可以 Together together come on lets do this right 聚会吧,做我们喜欢的事 We're all here 我们在这里庆祝 and speaking out with one voice 发出同样的呼喊 we're going to rock the house (rock the house) 我们要让屋子翻天覆地 the party's on now everybody make some noise 聚会还在进行,大家不要让它冷寂下来 come on scream and shout 过来一起尖叫呐喊吧 We've arrived because we stuck together 我们已经达到目的因为我们都在一起 Champions one and all 我们都是胜利者 We're all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂 Once we know 我们找到了归宿 That we are 认识了自己 We're all stars 我们都是明星 And we see that 这一点不言而喻 We're all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂 And it shows 看着吧 When we stand 当我们 Hand in hand 手拉手站在一起 Make our dreams come true 我们会让梦想实现 We're all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂 When we reach 我们能实现梦想 We can fly 我们能够自由飞翔 Know inside 我们都知道 We can make it 我们都会成功 We're all in this toghether 我们现在欢聚一堂 Once we see 我们看到 Theres a chance 我们有 That we have 一个机会 And we take it 我们会抓住它 Wild cats sing along 流浪猫独自歌唱着 Yeah, you really got it goin' on 你的一切都步入正轨 Wild cats in the house 流浪猫走入房间 Everybody say it now 人人都如是说 Wild cats everywhere 到处都是流浪猫 Wave your hands up in the air 举起你的手摇摆吧 That's the way we do it 这就是我们的方式 Lets get to it 放手做吧 Time to show the world 是时候让世界认识我们 We're all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂 Once we know 我们找到了归宿 That we are 认识了自己 We're all stars 我们都是明星 And we see that 这一点不言而喻 We're all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂 And it shows 看着吧 When we stand 当我们 Hand in hand 手拉手站在一起 Make our dreams come true 我们会让梦想实现 We're all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂 When we reach 我们能实现梦想 We can fly 我们能够自由飞翔 Know inside 我们都知道 We can make it 我们都会成功 We're all in this toghether 我们现在欢聚一堂 Once we see 我们看到 Theres a chance 我们有 That we have 一个机会 And we take it 我们会抓住它 Wild cats everywhere 到处都是流浪猫 Wave your hands up in the air 举起你的手摇摆吧 That's the way we do it 这就是我们的方式 Lets get to it 放手做吧 Come on everyone 加油,大家!

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