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mama said_mama said knock you out

mama said_mama said knock you out

       最近有些忙碌,今天终于有时间和大家聊一聊“mama said”的话题。如果你对这个领域还比较陌生,那么这篇文章就是为你而写的,让我们一起来了解一下吧。






mama said_mama said knock you out



       歌手名:Destiny Rogers,专辑名:Tomboy。


       I'm a girl's girl I'm a boss in a man's world


       Yeah I can pick and roll pass ballerina twirl


       Skating through the city with my snapback on


       Still be looking pretty with no makeup on


       Hit Sephora quick get a red lip


       But meet me on the court I'll


       Ball you up right


       Quick quick


       They be like


       Baby baby how you get so fine


       But I don't do no favors for the studio time


       My mama said Marry a rich man


       Oh no

       And I was like mama I am that


       Rich man oh yo yo yo yo


       Oh my me oh my God


       How'd this girl get so fly


       I do what you doin' boy


       Doin' it like a tomboy


       Oh my me oh my God skrrt skrrt


       How'd this girl get so fly skrrt skrrt


       I do what you doin' boy yeah


       Doin' it like a tomboy yeah


       Solo ridin' barely tryin


       They know to call me when they wanna get it poppin


       Sweet like some honey but I always go hard yeah


       I don't like the drama but I'll finish what you start


       Hmm hmmm

       I'm makin' sure you get the memo yeah


       I'll meet you up on any level yeah yeah


       Independent don't need help nah


       Underestimate me you'll be playing yourself


       My mama said Marry a rich man


       Oh no

       And I was like mama gonna I am that


       Rich man oh yo yo yo yo


       Oh my me oh my God oh no no no


       How'd this girl get so fly how'd she get so fly


       I do what you doin' boy yeah yeah


       Doin' it like a tomboy


       Oh my me oh my God skrrt skrrt


       How'd this girl get so fly oh oh oh


       I do what you doin' boy yeah yeah


       Doin' it like a tomboy


       I'll make a jealous girl my friend


       I'll make an ex want me again


       I got the best of both worlds yes I do


       I can hang with the dudes get pretty with the girls


       Oh my me oh my God oh no no no


       How'd this girl get so fly how'd she get so fly


       I do what you doin' boy yeah yeah


       Doin' it like a tomboy like a tomboy


       Oh my me oh my God skrrt skrrt


       How'd this girl get so fly skrrt skrrt


       I do what you doin' boy yeah yeah


       Doin' it like a tomboy yeah yeah


       Yeah oh-oh oh-oh

       Ooh ooh ooh ooh

       Do it do it


       Get some boy



       Miguel - Do you

        应该是这首把 附上歌词。


       Do you like drugs?

       Have you ever felt alone?

       Do you still believe in love?


       But do you like drugs, do you like drugs, yeah?

       Well, me too, me too, me too, babe, me too, me too

       Do you like love, do you like love, yeah?

       Well, me too, me too

       It’s what we gonna do

       [Verse 1:]

       What about matinee movies and pointless secrets

       Midnight summers, swim private beaches

       Rock, paper, scissors, wait best out of 3

       Mama said the greatest things in life are free

       What about lust, what about trust

       What about fun? She said, you know that I do

       Oh you do baby, hope you do now

       You do, do, do, do


       But do you like drugs, do you like drugs, yeah?

       Well, me too, me too, me too, me too, me too

       Do you like love? Do you like love, yeah?

       Well me too, me too

       It’s what we gonna do

       [Verse 2:]

       Tonight, so let’s dance a little harder

       Till I feel like I know

       All the things


       Do you like drugs, do you like drugs, yeah?

       Well, me too, me too, me too, me too

       Do you like hugs? Do you like love?

       Feel like we got so much in common now

       Right about now baby

       Me too, me too

       It’s what we gonna do

       It’s you and me, yeah, tonight

       You and me tonight

       You and me tonight

       You and me tonight

       You and me tonight

       You and me, yeah, tonight

       You and me tonight, oh

       Feel like I’ve known you for so long

       Right about now baby, yeah, yeah

       I'm wanna do you like drugs tonight

       I'm wanna do you like drugs, oh oh...


       母亲节(Mother's Day),是一个感谢母亲的节日。这个节日最早出现在古希腊;而现代的母亲节起源于美国,是每年5月的第二个星期日。母亲们在这一天通常会收到礼物,康乃馨被视为献给母亲的花,而中国的母亲花是萱草花,又叫忘忧草。在这一天的庆祝活动中,唱给妈妈的歌包括:




























       1、老妈妈,老妈妈:old woman,old woman.

       2、别哭,妈妈:don't cry,mom.

       3、大妈妈:big mama.

       4、鹅妈妈:ma mère l'oye;mother goose.

       5、好妈妈:addicted to attention;carpe diem;holiday with wii.

       6、嘿妈妈:hey mama.

       7、坏妈妈:dirty mother;dirty white mother.

       8、妈妈辈:mama kin.

       9、妈妈娘:amah how muddle-headed you are.

       10、妈妈说:because i’m a woman,she told him;mama said.

       11、妈妈中:big medium and small.

       12、猫妈妈:mother cat.

       13、想妈妈:miss mom.

       14、新妈妈:mom;new mammy.

       15、野妈妈:the outcast.


       1、The letter would only bewilder the mother.


       2、Her mother came out of an open door.


       3、Yes,dear,i will write to mother.


       4、Do not spring bad news on his mother!


       5、Mother's scold stabbed her to the heart.


       6、She admitted that her mother had spoilt her.


       7、I think he had a crush on your mother.


       8、I bet she gets along with your mother.


       9、The children flew to meet their mother.


       10、She is about as tall as her mother now.



       [口语] ma; mum; mummy; mother


       老妈妈,老妈妈old woman, old woman

       别哭,妈妈don't cry,mom


       大妈妈big mama

       鹅妈妈ma mère l'oye; mother goose


       好妈妈addicted to attention; carpe diem; holiday with wii

       嘿妈妈hey mama


       妈妈辈mama kin

       妈妈娘amah how muddle-headed you are


       妈妈说"because i’m a woman," she told him; mama said

       妈妈中big medium and small

       猫妈妈mother cat

       想妈妈miss mom

        导语:每年5月的第二个星期日为母亲节(Mother's Day),一个感谢母亲的节日感谢母亲的节日,我整理了2017年感恩母亲节的英文歌曲,欢迎参考。

★ The Woman In My Life:母爱无边


☆ Mama妈妈我知道你爱我SpicyGirls

        英国?辣妹?组合(Spicy Girls)早期专辑《Spice》中的单曲,完完全全唱给妈妈听的一首歌?小时候不懂事,对妈妈说的话布满敌意。长大了才明白妈妈的一片苦心。

★ Goodbye's 妈妈,再见 Celine Dion

        Goodbye's妈妈,再见Celine Dion这是一首会让人?潸然泪下?的歌。《再见,是最伤感的字眼》选自席琳-迪翁(Celine Dion)第8张专辑《真爱来临》(A New Day Has Come)?用什么形容词形容母爱?用得最多也是最贴切的,伟大。当不得不向这份深情说?再见?,怎一个悲字了得!

        ☆ Mama 妈妈 美声男伶il divo深情献唱

        这是由Il Divo(美声男伶)深情献上的《Mama》。在管弦乐团的优雅伴奏中,il divo展现了用美声歌咏情感的特质,把这首描述叛逆青年向过世的母亲表达忏悔之意的。

★ This is to mother you 献给天下母亲


        ☆ Mama You Sweet 妈妈,你如此甜美

        乡村民谣歌手Lucinda Williams以她慵懒而不加修饰的嗓音,以及那把质朴的.吉他,让新世纪浮躁的人们想起了世界上还有一种最宝贵的亲情叫?母爱?。

★ Let Me Introduce My Mama 让我介绍我妈咪

        《让我介绍我妈咪》来自俄罗斯组合?圣女天团?(Nu Virgos)2004年专辑《停!停!停!》?讲了个尴尬却搞笑的情景:正和男朋友亲热,妈妈忽然?

★ A Song For Mama 为妈妈而作的歌


☆ Mama Said 妈妈说 美妙童声Declan

        当年,11岁的Declan Galbraith通过这首歌,用妈妈的话向我们传达了对生活应有的态度:don't give in just be strong.在这个世上,有一种东西,在我们心中。

       今天关于“mama said”的讲解就到这里了。希望大家能够更深入地了解这个主题,并从我的回答中找到需要的信息。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。
