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1.歌曲《November Rain》的汉语意思。

2.november rain & don't cry歌曲的故事背景?

3.跪求November Rain的歌词,包括中文

4.November Rain(GunsN' Roses)表达的是什么情感


在生活的面前,所有的美好幻想都很难实现。多听听枪炮玫瑰的-November rain(前提是听得懂....不懂就看字幕)这个的意思可以扩充为,在困难的面前,很难保持自我吧。。。以上个人愚见。

歌曲《November Rain》的汉语意思。

歌名:November Rain - 十一月雨

歌手:Guns N'Roses - 枪炮与玫瑰

When I look into your eyes I can see a love restrained 当我凝视着你的眼睛 我能看见你隐隐的爱恋

But darlin' when I hold you, don't you know I feel the same 但是亲爱的 当我抱着你 你难道不能感觉到同样的思念

'Cause nothin' lasts forever and we both know hearts can change 这世界上不存在永恒 我们知道任何一颗心都可能改变

And it's hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain 就像阴冷的十一月雨中之烛是那样飘摇

We've been through this such a long long time 我们一起渡过的日子这么长

Just tryin' to kill the pain, oh yeah 就这样尝试着去抹杀困难吧 噢

But lovers always come and lovers always go 但是情人总是这样忽来忽往

An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today 没有人知道今天谁能把爱释放

Walking away 背离过往

If we could take the time to lay it on the line 如果我们可以腾出时间静谈

I could rest my head, just knowin' that you were mine 我可以放松我的思绪 放心确信你是我的

All mine 就是我的

So if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain 如果你想来爱我 那么亲爱的 请别犹豫

Or I'll just end up walkin' in the cold November rain 或许我们就能结束那阴冷的十一月雨

Do you need some time, on your own 难道你不想要你自己的时间

Do you need some time, all alone 难道你不想要你单独的空间

Everybody needs some time on their own 都需要让自己静静

Don't you know you need some time, all alone 就是你现在需要的单独思考

I know it's hard to keep an open heart 我知道你难以维持一个敞开的心扉

When even friends seem out to harm you 当亲近的朋友都与你孤立

But if you could heal a broken heart 但是如果你可以医治一颗破碎的心

Wouldn't time be out to charm you 美妙的时光等你陶醉

Sometimes I need some time, on my own 有时候我需要自己的时间

Sometimes I need some time, all alone 有时候我需要独立的空间

Everybody needs some time on their own 都需要让自己静静

Don't you know you need some time, all alone 就是你现在需要的单独思考

And when your fears subside and shadows still remain 当你的恐惧消逝 那还存在阴影

I know that you can love me when there's no one left to blame 我知道你可以爱我只要那无可谴责

So never mind the darkness, we still can find a way 所以请不要惧怕黑暗 我们仍可前行

'Cause nothin' lasts forever even cold November rain 因为这世上没有永恒 即使是那阴冷的十一月雨

Don't ya think that you need somebody 你难道不期待着某一个人

Don't ya think that you need someone 你难道不期待着有一个人

Everybody needs somebody 都需要爱

You're not the only one 你也绝不除外

You're not the only one 你也绝不除外

Don't ya think that you need somebody 你难道不期待着某一个人

Don't ya think that you need someone 你难道不期待着有一个人

Everybody needs somebody 都需要爱

You're not the only one 你也绝不除外

You're not the only one 你也绝不除外

Don't ya think that you need somebody 你难道不期待着某一个人

Don't ya think that you need someone 你难道不期待着有一个人

Everybody needs somebody 都需要爱

You're not the only one 你也绝不除外

You're not the only one 你也绝不除外

Don't ya think that you need somebody 你难道不期待着某一个人

Don't ya think that you need someone 你难道不期待着有一个人

Everybody needs somebody 都需要爱


november rain & don't cry歌曲的故事背景?

November Rain - 萧瑟秋雨中

Guns n'Roses - 枪炮玫瑰

When I look into your eyes I can see a love restrained 凝神细看双目中,幽情难抑心忡忡。

But darlin'when I hold you, don't you know I feel the same 与君并坐两相拥,问君可知此心同?

'Cause nothin'lasts forever and we both know hearts can change 我叹万事皆成空,那堪两情多变更。

And it's hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain 如秉残烛影憧憧,摇曳萧瑟秋雨中!

We've been through this such a long long time 辗转几度始相逢,

Just tryin'to kill the pain, oh yeah 欲将新欢平旧痕。

But lovers always come and lovers always go 昔时情意重,今朝离匆匆,

An no one's really sure who's lettin'go today 不知他日谁将别,

Walking away 将别身去行踪绝。

If we could take the time to lay it on the line 脉脉衷肠诉,

I could rest my head, just knowin'that you were mine 悒悒忧思住,但闻君心为我属,

All mine 便知两意不相负。

So if you want to love me then darlin'don't refrain 若是有情时,劝君莫迟疑,

Or I'll just end up walkin'in the cold November rain 徒留寂寞终此生,零落萧瑟冷雨中!

Do you need some time, on your own 问君可愿独行处?

Do you need some time, all alone 独行莫为旁人驻。

Everybody needs some time on their own 独行莫为旁人驻。

Don't you know you need some time, all alone 君亦如斯君可知!

I know it's hard to keep an open heart 我知君情难为倾,

When even friends seem out to harm you 心有参差诽谤生。

But if you could heal a broken heart 黯黯神伤缘君愈

Wouldn't time be out to charm you 莫论沉迷未有期!

Sometimes I need some time, on my own 我暂愿往独行处,

Sometimes I need some time, all alone 独行不与旁人驻。

Everybody needs some time on their own 世人皆有独处时,

Don't you know you need some time, all alone 君亦如斯君不知!

And when your fears subside and shadows still remain 恐沉湎,意阑珊,余阴未消心犹寒。

I know that you can love me when there's no one left to blame 信知君情君意传,但使无人相嗟怨。

So never mind the darkness, we still can find a way 夜魆魆,不足忧,行路茫茫终将求。

'Cause nothin'lasts forever even cold November rain 况复万物无长久,秋意将尽雨将休!

Don't you think that you need somebody 问君可与人相守?

Don't you think that you need someone 问君欲与何人守?

Everybody needs somebody 谁来不与人相守?

Everybody needs somebody 世人终须相厮守

You're not the only one 此间无独尔茕茕

You're not the only one 此间无需尔茕茕...

Don't you think that you need somebody

跪求November Rain的歌词,包括中文


November Rain(GunsN' Roses)表达的是什么情感

《November Rain》

歌手:Guns N' Roses




When I look into your eyes I can see a love restrained


But darlin' when I hold you' don't you know I feel the same


'Cause nothin' lasts forever and we both know hearts can change


And it's hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain


We've been through this such a long long time


just trying to kill the pain


But lovers always come and lovers always go


And no one's really sure who's lettin' go today


walking away


If we could take the time to lay it on the line


I could rest my head' just knowing that you were mine,All mine

我们就不再担忧 我们互相拥有

So if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain


Or I'll just end up my walking in the cold November rain


Do you need some time...on you own?


Do you need some time...all alone?


Everybody needs some time...on their own!


Don't you know you need some time...all alone.


I know it's hard to keep an open heart


When even friends seem out to harm you


But if you could heal a broken heart


Wouldn't time be out to charm you


Sometimes I need some time' on my own


Sometimes I need some time' all alone


Everybody needs some time on their own


Don't you know you need some time' all alone


And when your fears subside and shadows still remain

当你的恐惧消逝 那阴影仍旧存在

I know that you can love me when there's no one left to blame


So never mind the darkness' we still can find a way

所以请不要惧怕黑暗 我们仍可前行

Cause nothing lasts forever even cold November rain

因为这世上没有永恒 即使是那阴冷的十一月的雨

Don't ya think that you need somebody


Don't ya think that you need someone


Everybody needs somebody


You' re not the only one


You're not the only one


Don't you think that you need somebody


Don't you think that you need someone


Everybody needs somebody


You're not the only one


Don't you think that you need somebody


Don't you think that you need someone


Everybody needs somebody



《November Rain》出自Guns N' Roses巅峰时期的专辑《Use Your Illusion?Ⅰ》,单曲于1992年发行。气势磅礴的配乐和动人心弦的歌词使之成为经典。这首歌曲的音乐录影带获MTV Video Music Award最佳摄影。

该歌曲在百大摇滚吉他solo(100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos)中位居第6。


枪花是一个伟大的摇滚的乐队,用伟大这两个字实在不过分。Axl Rose狂野不羁的演唱配和Slash轰鸣的吉它交织出一种美妙的效果:狂野而充满生气,激进而富于侵略性。在很多人眼里,摇滚就是噪音,就是那种声嘶力竭的喊叫,所以很多人不怎么接受摇滚。但枪花创造出《november rain》这样的旷世之作,怎么能让人不佩服他们的创作能力!这首歌反应了一个社会问题问题,寓意深刻,表现在歌曲中更是难能可贵。这部长达十分钟的mtv拍摄场面非常宏大,摇滚乐队和交响乐团合作,曲子的旋律很缓慢,如泣如诉,rose用他那沙哑的嗓音娓娓的唱出了一个悲伤的故事。枪花是一个才华横溢的乐队,创造出了很多脍炙人口的歌曲,don't cry让人听了不哭也不行,patience让人都学着rose吹起了口哨。。。枪花实在让那些根本不懂摇滚的人,不喜欢的摇滚的人喜欢上了摇滚,推动了摇滚乐的普及和发展。所以,枪花是伟大的!i 在众多重金属摇滚乐迷心中,枪炮与玫瑰(Guns & Roses)永远都是那样的狂放不羁和四射,尽管他们到处惹是生非,有着极坏的名声。喜欢枪花的歌,更多的是因为斯莱什的吉他演奏。其歌词一般缺少深远的意境和独特的思想,但斯莱什那奔放不羁、韵味深长、令人孤凄无限的电吉他SOLO让我为之深深陶醉,这首《November Rain》更是代表之作。 记的一位朋友在听完这首歌后,很久才感叹道“原来重金属也有如此柔情的作品。”“当我凝望你的双眼,我看到爱正在消逝,但亲爱的,在我拥抱你的时候,你知道吗,我也有同样的感受。因为没有什么可以永恒,我们都知道心会改变,就像在十一月的雨中,手持一只蜡烛那般艰难。”简单、直率的歌词,悠远凄凉的旋律,谁又知道这背后有多少悲伤而美丽的故事发生。或许这首歌的MTV更能诠释这首歌的意境和优美:“一片远离尘世的旷野,天空是昏黄而阴沉的,一棵孤单大树将枝桠伸向苍穹,无穷无际的荒草覆盖着整个世界,狂风飓起,吉他声飘荡在旷野中,风吹过的山冈,斯莱什持琴独立,蓬乱的长发随风而舞,遮住了整个双眼,手指拨动着琴弦,向茫茫天地倾诉着无限心事,声音悠扬而凄婉,动人心魄。”相信每一个看过这个场景的朋友,都会对这首歌留下极深的印象,因为再也没有比这更能淋漓尽致地显示枪花尤其是斯莱什出众的才华了。
