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2.英语歌曲 儿童









| Edelweiss |



       Every morning you greet me.

       Small and white,clean and bright,

       You look happy to meet me.

       Blossom of snow,

       may you bloom and grow,

       Bloom and grow forever.


       Bless my hometown forever.


        | Jingle Bells |

       Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh.

       O'er the fields we go,laughing all the way.

       Bells on bobtail ring,making spirits bright.

       Oh!What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.

       Jingle bells!Jingle bells!

       Jingle all the way!

       Oh!What fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh,hey!


        | Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star |

       Twinkle,twinkle,little star.

       How I wonder what you are!

       Up above the world so high.

       Like a diamond in the sky.

       Twinkle,twinkle,little star.

       How I wonder what you are!


        | Five Little Monkeys |

       Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

       One fell off and bumped his head

       So Momma called the doctor

       and the doctor said

       No more monkeys jumping on the bed!


        | We wish you a merry Christmas |

       We wish you a Merry Christmas.

       We wish you a Merry Christmas.

       We wish you a Merry Christmas,

       and a happy new year!

       Good tidings to you,

       wherever you are.

       Good tidings for Christmas,

       and a happy new year!


        | Hey Diddle Diddle |

       Hey diddle,diddle,

       The cat and the fiddle,

       The cow jumped over the moon,

       The little dog laughed

       to see such sport,

       And the dish ran away with the spoon.


        | Sing Your Way Home |

       Sing your way home

       at the close of the day.

       Sing your way home

       drive the shadows away,

        *** ile every mile,

       for wherever your roam,

       It will brighten your road,

       It will lighten your load,

       If you sing your way home.


        | Six Little Ducks |

       Six little ducks that I once knew,

       Fat ones,skinny ones,fair ones too,

       But the one little duck

       with the feather on his back,

       He led the others with a



        | This Little Pig |

       This Little Pig

       This little pig went to market,

       This little pig stayed home,

       This little pig had roast beef,

       This little pig had none,

       And this little pig cried “wee-wee-wee”

       All the way home.


        | Sunday,Monday,Tuesday |




       Sunday,es again.

英语歌曲 儿童





       第一首名为Let’ s go to the zoo .的歌曲通过模仿不同动物的常见动作,加上重复的句法,让孩子们在参与练习的动作中感受节奏和交互的乐趣。


       第二首名为Baby shark的鲨鱼歌曲曾一度风靡网络。 这是一个带故事的故事,模拟了鲨鱼在追赶的场景。 紧张又刺激。


       第三首叫Alice the camel的歌,细数了动物们特征性的身体部位,如蜘蛛腿、骆驼驼峰、兔子耳朵等,将数字和动物名称完美结合,让孩子们可以一边观察动物的特征,一边说出名字。


       第四首Old MacDonald had a farmer这是一首非常典型的动物歌曲,老歌的魅力在于旋律深入人心。

       该视频是由super simple songs制作的全新动画视频,结合动物叫声进行辨别,让孩子们每次出现新动物时都能有意识地参与语音辨别游戏。


       第五首Dinosaur songs歌曲,喜欢恐吓的孩子们不要错过粉红色手机遇到狐狸发布的恐吓系列歌曲。



       第六首Five little monkeys有五只猴子蹦蹦跳跳,一个个掉下来的鼻子青脸肿,每次妈妈都要打电话叫医生,医生也生气地批评,说不要再跳猴子了。



       和你家孩子在家闹天宫的样子很像吗? 喜欢猴子的孩子不要错过~

       第七首Five little ducks的五只鸭子的歌很多人应该都不知道。 鸭子们和妈妈一起出远门,走着走着一只也不见了,鸭子妈妈很着急。



       第八首The eensy weensy spider的蜘蛛努力爬上水管,下雨被雨冲刷,太阳出来后,蜘蛛又爬上了水管。







       适合儿童的英语歌曲有:《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》、《The Wheels on the Bus》、《 Bingo 》、《 Itsy Bitsy Spider 》、《Old McDonald Had a Farm》、《 Row row row your boat 》、《 Rain rain go away 》、《 Five little monkeys 》、《 Pat-a-cake 》、《 Hickory Dickory Dock 》等。

       《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》(一闪一闪亮晶晶)


       Twinkle, twinkle, little star

       How I wonder what you are

       Up above the world so high

       Like a diamond in the sky

       When the blazing sun is gone

       When he nothing shines upon

       Then you show your little light

       Twinkle, twinkle, all the night

       Then the traveller in the dark

       Thanks you for your tiny spark

       He could not see which way to go

       If you did not twinkle so

       In the dark blue sky you keep

       And often through my curtains peep

       For you never shut your eye

       Till the sun is in the sky

       As your bright and tiny spark

       Lights the traveller in the dark

       Though I know not what you are

       Twinkle, twinkle, little star





       1、《Once I caught a fish》

       Once I caught a fish


       One two three four five


       Once I caught a fish alive


       Six seven eight nine ten


       Then I get it go again


2、《Five little monkeys》

       One two three four five


       Five little monkeys were jumping on the bed


       One of them fell down and hit his head


       His mother called and asked the doctor what to do?


       The doctor said: no more jumping on the bed!


3、《One Two Three Four Five》

       One Two Three Four Five


       Once I caught a fish alive


       Six seven eight nine ten


       Then I let it go again


       Why did you let it go


       Cause it bit my finger so


       Which finger did it bite


       This little finger on the right


4、《The Number Song》



       One two three four five six seven


       Eight nine ten begin again




       One two three four five six seven


       Eight nine ten, that's the end


5、《Ten Little Indian Boys》

       One little, two little, three little Indians


       Four little, five little, six little Indians


       Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians


       Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians


       Seven little, six little, five little Indians


       Four little, three little, two little Indians


       One little Indian boy



       适合四年级唱的英文儿歌有《Old Macdonald》、《Five Little Monkeys》、《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》、《The Wheels on the Bus》等。

       其中,《The wheels on the bus》是一首在英国耳熟能详的童谣。迪斯尼最爱儿歌系列收录了最受欢迎的100首迪斯尼童谣,它可是首当其冲,同时它也入选了最受欢迎的书单。这首歌通过坐公车看到的各种景物,让孩子一点点认识世界。它的歌词简单押韵,曲调轻松活泼,风趣幽默,给人带来一种非常欢快的感觉。


       《Hickory Dickory Dock》就是钟声响时的“滴答滴答”,可以作为孩子认识时间的启蒙儿歌。歌词描述了一只爬上钟的小老鼠。和我们小时候的儿歌“小老鼠上灯台,偷油吃下不来”有异曲同工之妙。这首歌是2/4拍,一强一弱,特别富有节奏感。爸妈们可以和孩子角色扮演,一个做钟,一个做老鼠,一边唱儿歌,一边模仿老鼠走上时钟,走下时钟时的动作。

       《Hey diddle diddle》是一首非常天马行空的童谣,也是一个让孩子捧腹大笑的童谣,非常有意境。故事发生在一个浪漫的夜晚,农场的party刚刚结束,当人们离开,农场里的动物狂欢起来,看着歌词都觉得特别有想象力和画面感。


        Baa Baa Black Sheep宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        A B C D E F G

        H I J K L M N

        O P Q R S T U

        V W X Y Z

        Now you know your ABC

        everybody sings with me

        If you're happy and you know it宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        If you?re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you?re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you?re happy and you know it , And you really want to show it, If you?re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you?re happy and you know it, stamp your feet. If you?re happy and you know it, stamp your feet.If you?re happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you?re happy and you know it, stamp your feet. If you?re happy and you know it, shout hooray. If you?re happy and you know it, shout hooray.If you?re happy and you know it, And you really want to show it,If you?re happy and you know it, shout hooray!

        Baby Bumblebee宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee

        Won't my mommy be so proud of me

        I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee

        Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch

        I'm squishing to the baby bumblebee

        Won't my mommy be so proud of me

        I'm squishing to the baby bumblebee

        No no no

        I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee

        Won't my mommy be so proud of me

        I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee

        Now my mommy won't be mad at me

        Eensy Weentsy Spider宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        The eensy weensy spider

        Went up the water spout

        Down came the rain and

        Washed the spider out

        Out came the sun and

        Dried up all the rain

        And the eensy weensy spider

        Went up the spout again

        Bingo宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O And Bingo was his name-o There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o I-N-G-O I-N-G-O I-N-G-O And Bingo was his name-o There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o N-G-O N-G-O N-G-O And Bingo was his name-o There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o G-O G-O G-O And Bingo was his name-o There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o O O O And Bingo was his name-o There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name-o And Bingo was his name-o

        Hello Song宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        Hello hello hello hello

        Nice to meet you.

        Nice to meet you.

        Hello hello hello hello Hello

        Hello hello hello hello

        Nice to meet you.

        Nice to meet you.

        Hello hello hello hello Hello

        goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye

        Nice to meet you.

        Nice to meet you.

        goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye

        goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye

        goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye

        Rain Rain Go Away宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        Rain Rain Go away

        Come again another day

        little Johnny wants to play

        Row, Row, Row Your Boat宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        Row row row your boat

        Gently down the stream

        Merrily merrily merrily merrily

        Life is but a dream

        Row row row your boat

        Gently down the stream

        Merrily merrily merrily merrily

        Life is but a dream

        Apple Round Apple Red宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌






        Twinkle Twinkle Little Star宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        Twinkle,twinkle,little star,

        How I wonder what you are,

        Up above the world so high,

        Like a diamond in the sky.

        Twinkle,twinkle,little star,

        How I wonder what you are,

        Five Little Ducks宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        Five little ducks went swimming one day

        Over the pond and far away

        Mamma duck said

        Quack quack quack quack

        But only four little ducks came back

        Four little ducks went swimming one day

        Over the pond and far away

        Mamma duck said

        Quack quack quack quack

        But only three little ducks came back

        Three little ducks went swimming one day

        Over the pond and far away

        Mamma duck said

        Quack quack quack quack

        But only two little ducks came back

        Two little ducks went swimming one day

        Over the pond and far away

        Mamma duck said Quack quack quack quack

        But only one little duck came back

        One little duck went swimming one day

        Over the pond and far away

        Mamma duck said

        Quack quack quack quack

        But no little ducks came swimming back

        No little duck went swimming one day

        Over the pond and far away

        Mamma duck said

        Quack quack quack quack

        And five little ducks came swimming back

        Old MacDonald Had A Farm宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        Old MacDonald had a farm


        On his farm he had some chicks

        E-I-E-I-O With a chick chick here

        And a chick chick there Here a chick there a chick

        Everywhere a chick chick

        Old MacDonald had a farm


        Old MacDonald had a farm


        On his farm he had some duckas


        With a quack quack here

        And a quack quack there

        Here a quack there a quack

        Everywhere a quack quack

        Chick chick here Chick chick there

        Here a chick there a chick

        Everywhere a chick chick

        Old MacDonald had a farm


        Old MacDonald had a farm


        On his farm he had some cows


        With a moo moo here

        And a moo moo there

        Here a moo there a moo

        Everywhere a moo moo

        Quack quack here

        Quack quack there

        Here a quack there a quack

        Everywhere a quack quack

        Chick chick here

        Chick chick there

        Here a chick there a chick

        Everywhere a chick chick

        Old MacDonald had a farm


        Old MacDonald had a farm


        On his farm he had some pigs


        With a oink oink here

        And a oink oink there

        Here a oink there a oink

        Everywhere a oink oink

        Moo moo here

        Moo moo there

        Here a moo there a moo

        Everywhere a moo moo

        Quack quack here

        Quack quack there

        Here a quack there a quack

        Everywhere a quack quack

        Chick chick here

        Chick chick there

        Here a chick there a chick

        Everywhere a chick chick

        Old MacDonald had a farm


        London Bridge Is Falling Down宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        London bridge is falling down

        Falling down falling down

        London bridge is falling down

        My fair lady

        Head, Shoulders, Knees, And Toes宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        Head, shoulders,

        knees and toes,

        Knees and toes,

        And eyes and ears and mouth and nose,

        Head, shoulders,

        knees and toes,

        Knees and toes!

        I Love You, You Love Me宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        I love you,

        you love me

        We're a happy family

        with a great big hug

        and a kiss from me to you

        won't you say you love me too!

        we're best friends like friends should be

        with a great big hug

        and a kiss from me to you

        won't you say you love me too!

        Five little monkeys宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

        One fell off and bumped his head

        Mama called the doctor

        And the doctor said

        No more monkeys jumping on the bed

        Four little monkeys jumping on the bed

        One fell off and bumped his head

        Mama called the doctor

        And the doctor said

        No more monkeys jumping on the bed

        Three little monkeys jumping on the bed

        One fell off and bumped his head

        Mama called the doctor

        And the doctor said

        No more monkeys jumping on the bed

        Two little monkeys jumping on the bed

        One fell off and bumped his head

        Mama called the doctor

        And the doctor said

        No more monkeys jumping on the bed

        One little monkey jumping on the bed

        one fell off and bumped his head

        Mama called the doctor

        And the doctor said

        Put those monkeys right to bed

        The Finger Family宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        Daddy finger daddy finger

        Where are you

        Here I am here I am

        How do you do

        Mommy finger mommy finger

        Where are you

        Here I am here I am

        How do you do

        Brother finger brother finger

        Where are you

        Here I am here I am

        How do you do

        Sister finger sister finger

        Where are you

        Here I am here I am

        How do you do

        Baby finger baby finger

        Where are you

        Here I am here I am

        How do you do

        One little finger宝宝巴士 - 宝宝巴士英文儿歌

        One little finger

        One little finger

        One little finger

        Tap tap tap!

        Point your finger up!

        Point your finger down!

        Put it on your head.


        One little finger

        One little finger

        One little finger

        Tap tap tap!

        Point your finger up!

        Point your finger down!

        Put it on your nose.


        One little finger

        One little finger

        One little finger

        Tap tap tap!

        Point your finger up!

        Point your finger down!

        Put it on your ears.


        One little finger

        One little finger

        One little finger

        Tap tap tap!

        Point your finger up!

        Point your finger down!

        Put it on your mouth.


        One little finger

        One little finger

        One little finger

        Tap tap tap!

        Point your finger up!

        Point your finger down!

        Put it on your eye.


        One little finger

        One little finger

        One little finger

        Tap tap tap!

        Point your finger up!

        Point your finger down

        Put it on your foot.

