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dont panic_


2.don't panic的歌曲歌词



5.英语don’t get panic怎么翻译?


dont panic_

爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog.

百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing.

比上不足,比下有余 "worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst

笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.

不眠之夜 white night

不以物喜,不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses

不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one's best

不打不成交 "No discord, no concord.

拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul

辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new

大事化小,小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all

大开眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener

国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace

过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little

功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits.

好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more

好事不出门,恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.

和气生财 Harmony brings wealth

活到老,学到老 One is never too old to learn.

既往不咎 let bygones be bygones

金无足赤,人无完人 Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.

金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home

脚踏实地 be down-to-earth

脚踩两只船 sit on the fence

君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green

老生常谈,陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché

礼尚往来 Courtesy calls for reciprocity.

留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 "Where there is life, there is hope."

马到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success

名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth

茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened

没有规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.


On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away.

It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.

谋事在人,成事在天 "The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heen. / Man proposes, God disposes. "

弄巧成拙 be too smart by half; Cunning outwits itself.

拿手好戏 masterpiece

赔了夫人又折兵 throw good money after bad

抛砖引玉 a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a whale

破釜沉舟 cut off all means of retreat; burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end

抢得先机 take the preemptive opportunities

巧妇难为无米之炊 If you he no hand you can't make a fist./ One can't make bricks without straw.

千里之行始于足下a thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step

前事不忘,后事之师 Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.

前人栽树,后人乘凉 One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests.

One sows and another reaps.

前怕狼,后怕虎 fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind/ hesitate in doing something

强龙难压地头蛇 Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.

强强联手 win-win co-operation

瑞雪兆丰年 A timely snow promises a good harvest.

人之初,性本善 Man's nature at birth is good.

人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man.

人海战术 huge-crowd strategy

世上无难事,只要肯攀登 "Where there is a will, there is a way. "

世外桃源 a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world;

死而后已 until my heart stops beating

岁岁平安 Peace all year round

上有天堂,下有苏杭 "Just as there is paradise in heen, ther are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth."

塞翁失马,焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing.

三十而立 "A man should be independent at the age of thirty.

At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself."

升级换代 updating and upgrading (of products)

四十不惑 Life begins at forty.

谁言寸草心,报得三春晖 "Such kindness of warm sun, can't be repaid by grass. "

水涨船高 When the river rises, the boat floats high.

时不我待 Time and tide wait for no man.

杀鸡用牛刀 break a butterfly on the wheel

实事求是 seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic; be true to facts

说曹操,曹操到 Talk of the devil and he comes.

实话实说 speak the plain truth; call a spade a spade; tell it as it is

实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.

山不在高,有仙则名 "No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide if there is a fairy; "

韬光养晦 hide one's capacities and bide one's time

糖衣炮弹 sugar-coated bullets

天有不测风云 Anything unexpected may hen. a bolt from the blue

团结就是力量 Unity is strength.

“跳进黄河洗不清” "eve if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name "

歪风邪气 unhealthy practices and evil phenomena

物以类聚,人以群分 Birds of a feather flock together.

往事如风 "The past has vanished (from memory) like wind.; What in past, is past."

望子成龙 hold high hopes for one's child

屋漏又逢连阴雨 Misfortunes never come singly. When it rains it pours.

文韬武略 military expertise; military strategy

唯利是图 draw water to one's mill

无源之水,无本之木 water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots

无中生有 make/create something out of nothing

无风不起浪 There are no wes without wind. There's no smoke without fire.

徇私枉法 bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends

新官上任三把火 a new broom sweeps clean

虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.

蓄势而发 accumulate strength for a take-off

心想事成 May all your wish come true

心照不宣 he a tacit understanding; give tacit consent; tacit understanding

先入为主 First impressions are firmly entrenched.

先下手为强 catch the ball before the bound

像热锅上的蚂蚁 like an ant on a hot pan

现身说法 warn people by taking oneself as an example

息事宁人 pour oil on troubled waters

喜忧参半 mingled hope and fear

循序渐进 step by step

一路平安,一路顺风 speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest

严以律己,宽以待人 be strict with oneself and lenient towards others

鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey

有情人终成眷属 "Jack shall he Jill, all shall be well."

有钱能使鬼推磨 Money makes the mare go. Money talks.

有识之士 people of vision

有勇无谋 use brawn rather than brain

有缘千里来相会 Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.

与时俱进 advance with times

以人为本 people oriented; people foremost

因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude

欲穷千里目,更上一层楼 "to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight."

欲速则不达 Haste does not bring success.

优胜劣汰 survival of the fittest

英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike.

冤家宜解不宜结 Better make friends than make enemies.

冤错案 "cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced; unjust, false or wrong cases"

一言既出,驷马难追 A real man never goes back on his words.

招财进宝 Money and treasures will be plentiful

债台高筑 become de-ridden

致命要害 Achilles' heel

众矢之的 target of public criticism

知己知彼,百战不殆 Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.

纸上谈兵 be an armchair strategist

纸包不住火 Truth will come to light sooner or later.

左右为难 between the devil and the deep blue sea; between the rock and the hard place

















































don't panic的歌曲歌词


首先,价格便宜。其次,封面上用既大且友善的字体刻印了“别慌(Don't Panic)”二字。


想去漫游系,你需要准备哪些东西?当然,你得先买一本小熊星系出版社的微亚介子版《系漫游指南》,再往下,你的挎包里还应该装几支圆珠笔、一册笔记本和一块在Marks & Spencer百货买的大号毛巾。为什么需要这些东西?我们以毛巾为例来聊聊。









Bones, sinking like stones,

All that we fought for,

Homes, places we've grown,

All of us are done for.

And we live in a beautiful world,

Yeah we do, yeah we do,

We live in a beautiful world.

Bones, sinking like stones,

All that we fought for,

Homes, places we've grown,

All of us are done for.

And we live in a beautiful world,

Yeah we do, yeah we do,

We live in a beautiful world.

And we live in a beautiful world,

Yeah we do, yeah we do,

We live in a beautiful world.

Oh, all that I know,

There's nothing here to run from,

Cause, yeah, everybody here's got somebody to lean on. Bones, sinking like stones,


All that we fought for,


Homes, places we've grown,


All of us are done for.


And we live in a beautiful world,


Yeah we do, yeah we do,


We live in a beautiful world.


Bones, sinking like stones,


All that we fought for,


Homes, places we've grown,


All of us are done for.


And we live in a beautiful world,


Yeah we do, yeah we do,


We live in a beautiful world.


And we live in a beautiful world,


Yeah we do, yeah we do,


We live in a beautiful world.


Oh, all that I know,


There's nothing here to run from,


Cause, yeah, everybody here's got somebody to lean on.


在道格拉斯·亚当斯被誉为“科幻圣经”的《系漫游指南》中,“Don't Panic”是写在《系漫游指南》这本电子书封面上的一句话,意思是“不要恐慌”。



The second generation of singleton alone, referred to as "the second generation", nowadays the children in the kindergarten basic belongs to the group, their emotions can affect the heart of family education worker, also affects the thought and concern.

Only two generations, with the growing environment and living environment, especially the characteristics of 6 + 1 structure of family environment characteristics, they are inevitably affected by some particularity. However, as a singleton female said, according to some relevant "singleton female features", as their articles was born a "sinners", therefore, we are speaking here of the second generation of singleton female characteristics, is this group, rather than an individual.

According to the education of the workers, the study found two generations of children alone psychological characteristics and education problem mainly include:

A poor and independence. Due to the parents, especially between the old and excessive protection, except learning activities, the child in the home almost no hands-on opportunities. Especially for three years before the child, parents think the baby is a small, should YiLaiShenShou "extra-curricular life, what does not know so, will blow their confidence.

In fact, the parents love ", "excessive beyond the children's needs and beyond the children's ability, everything must rely on parents and child to children's development is unforable! A extreme example: there are five years old children, every morning to eat boiled eggs are parents help him off the shell, A child to nursery spring outing, teacher, when to eat food that he took in a trance, ask that children do not know how to peel egg shell!

The situation of children's self-confidence is obvious: children damage from the adults feel oneself to take care of, what can't do not live from your heart, they feel oneself ability.

Psychologist research has confirmed that confidence is a successful work and study, life hiness, so the key factors of the most attention is the self-confidence of parents and children in his confidence is one another, to solve the problem of another process.

If you want to put his parents of children he confidence, will let the child self-reliance, do it ourselves, let children clothing, shoes, dinner, etc, and parents might do a "lazy" parents. For example, children aged 2 begin, let them eat with a spoon, parents don't again so "diligence" to give the child was fed. At age 4, let your child practice using chopsticks, fashion and heart are spirit. Although we adults, food, clothing are trivial things, but for three years before the children, these are matters of the task.

Second, the tolerance of setbacks. Tolerance is to defeat, defeat the ability to endure. Now we often see media, some people because of the poor ability to endure frustrations get discouraged, depression, even to himself. This feature in alone, children he generation upon generation alone now more arent.

I met such a thing in kindergarten classes: a kindergarten teacher education activity, the question to discuss, their own points of view. Many children were asked to answer questions raised small, the teacher called one of the child's name, suddenly another boy shouted, classes, teachers are very consternation, and class teacher and other children seem to his performance was not accidental. Because the boy, but the teacher did not lift up his speech, he shouted. After class, the teacher told us, he always so children has no way of child blindly, because parents spoiling and compromise. I found in education activities in the next question, the teacher also ge the children the opportunity to express a view, and his answer was alchemists, However, in this case, he never listens other kids, showing a modest spirit. Hands without being called to the teacher a name that we couldn't even (the child), called setbacks, we cannot stand still can expect he will finish what kind of work do you do?

Second generation child alone, are generally at home ZanMeiSheng long grow into, many parents accept education ", "no criticism of scientific concept," criticism "simple for not understanding the criticism and blindly praise," baby, you are great!" Hang on, even in children he done something wrong, and also to protect the children, arising from a child for grievance. For example, adults, children arbitrary interrupt adult conversation, casual in, some parents of children can seriously conduct necessary education etiquette? Many parents are smiling and waiting for the baby "vision", after a few words of praise is not forget it, "said the baby!"

No criticism is education, children; respect Because of the child's experience and ability is limited, they still in the development process, for they he made mistakes, on the basis of respecting their help and correct. In the example, adult children disorderly speak without interrupting, the criticism is determined to tell the children, please wait: 2 minutes, we say that finish, again the things seriously to listen to you, Rather than simple gruffly say: "you how so the child dislike!" "Don't speak to interrupt!"

If the child did quiet waiting for 2 minutes, after fulfilling their adult children of promise, listening carefully to talk, If a child does not want to tell him, because he not quiet waiting, so adult should spend more time to deal with their own things, also don't listen to him. To do so, the child and tell him to respect the right way, the real education without criticism.

Third, the spirit alone. We are now, children, material is extremely rich, but mentally more lonely. Due to the family structure is simple, no brothers or sisters, lack of peers, alone the second generation child easily alone. They've habits and TV, computer, accustomed to play alone, in real life, lack of social intercourse with people skills.

Modern society, because network technology developed, make people good communication online, chat, but not face-to-face conversation. Habit As with a dormitory of college students, in the evening on the computer, even chatting on sat back-to-back, also more willing to choose online dialogue, they say: don't face-to-face communication habits. The world, network close alienates companion.

For a child's spirit alone, on the one hand, parents can know more about the child's age and psychological characteristics, accompany children to participate in activities like they do children really friend, On the other hand, the parents for the children to create the environment, and peer interaction peers will make the child to learn from each other and benefit, parents can exchange between the experience, take parenting.

Four, ability to learn, broad scope, and physical exercise. Now the children of the world, because contact more varied, small age has accumulated many natural knowledge, they know what is the unsolved mysteries, they know that heen, the biological characteristics of sea, however, too much knowledge, occupied the child time outdoors, On children's development, now I found assessment of children is generally physical fitness poor children 20 years ago. This problem should pay enough attention to the parents.

The traditional way of education in our country, the school education, family education and intellectual education hey moral, Modern society, because of the fierce competition, school and family are focusing on the knowledge that child's age will bear a hey burden. If you heat the recent pupils learn mathematical olympiad problem, it is a typical representative of this problem. Not suitable for children to learn whether content, sheet is overweight, learning, will inevitably takes too much time. In other activities of the child time, So somebody to predict the future of mankind, is a large head and degradation of limbs, Thus, this is reasonable.

In children, parents before 3 years old should help children develop like outdoor activities, like the habit of sports games, mountain climbing, wandering in the water, even after me to drive you downstairs ran to exercise, children's fitness. Such children aged 5 and 6, parents can help children to adhere to choose one of the sports activities, play, swimming, dancing, or is tae kwon do children develop a good body, to bear the hey study and job.

Five characteristics, self centered. Alone in the second generation child, grandma and grandpa and grandma and grandpa's mom and dad, that is absolutely a center of ZhongXingPengYue, particularly remarkable. In such an environment, the eyes of the children grow up, not only oneself of others is natural. Self-centered characteristics, can extend out of selfish, everything in their own not consider others, is not a selfish? Parents think that a selfish people in the society, to gain your support?

To cultivate unselfish children, parents in concept to update, for example, home to buy good things, don't rush, the first 2 years old children into the mouth, and should reflect the pecking order: the old man became hard all his life, the first to old man. Dad bear the burden, hard to support the dad... If the child is in this order environment where, then they won't matter prior consideration oneself, but first thought rules, obey the rules.

Above all is the second generation child alone, of course, these children also has many advantages, such as the outstanding ability, they learn to accept new things quickly, To self-expression, don't panic.

Due to the rapid development of science and technology in network era, alone the second generation child contact with all kinds of media, computer and Internet greatly broadened the horizon, their children will learn from childhood on the network access colorful natural knowledge and knowledge of the society, it is small is informed. Alone in the second generation child intelligence also far better than the older generation, the parents often regrets: now, children more clever than we were! Good mental foundation for their future accept high levels of learning laid solid foundation.

Compared with their parents and children, alone in the bre self-expression, they ear very prominent to show himself in the presence of all the singing, dancing, drawing and so on to get everybody's specialty, praise, and say, the second generation child alone self-consciousness development earlier more strongly.

Only two generations of children's psychological characteristic said so much, still seemed more negative and positive characteristic said the little, Because we want, carefully placed a high expectations of next generation, they can correct the shortcomings unconsciously, so negative features of concern. Of course, the second generation of children alone. For example, psychological characteristics and their sensitive, studious, their strong self-respect, etc.

And the generation of children, and children alone in a social development more rapid, professional more competitive society, the more hey burden alone, but parents raise the generation is more significant duty!

英语don’t get panic怎么翻译?



Excuse me, this table is reserved for staff. Please sit at that row behind. Thank you for your cooperation.


It's not about money, It s China Railway Policy(Regulation/Rule).


Please don't place your luggage over there, cos oversize. glass, electrical, Metal items are not allowed to put on top of the rack according to China Railway Regulation. So do u mind i arrange a staging spot for your luggage(s)?


Sorry that the trains is a bit overloaded. China has a big population.


Sorry that we need to keep all the Latories locked 5minutes for the platform's sanitary before (the train) pulling in , Would you please just hold it for now?


Don't worry, take your time. If u lose the ticket u do need to pay a excess fare. But it is refundable once you find the original one.


Dinning carriage is number 11.

/Catering is at carriage 11.


Sorry we don't he any bunks. Please go to Carriage 12 to registration(登记)/ Book/make reservation (登记预留).


Kids taller than or same as 1.2 meter need a half price ticket. Taller than 1.4 meter need a full-ticket.

Lovely angel, what s your name?


英语don’t get panic意思为不要惊慌失措。




n. 惊恐; 恐慌; 人心惶惶的局面; 惶恐不安;

v. (使)惊慌,惊慌失措;

adj. 恐慌的; (恐慌心理)没来由的; 过度的; 牧人之神的;





to panic about sth?对某事物感到恐慌

to panic over sth?对某事物感到恐慌

a feeling of panic?恐慌情绪


The thunder panicked the horses.


A brutal murder panics the town.


The wonderful performance panicked the audience.



001 Pretty Boy - M2M

002 That's Why 你离去的理由(迈克学摇滚合唱团)

003 My heart will go on-Celine Dion

004 Pretty Boy 漂亮男孩(窈窕美眉)

005 Big Big World-Emilia

006 Yesterday Once More-Carpenter

007 NO MATTER WHAT 无论如何(男孩地带)

008 I.O.I.O 哎呦,哎呦(比基少年组)

009 My Love 亲亲吾爱(西城男孩)

010 I Love The Way You Love Me 我喜欢你用那种方式爱我(男孩地带)

011 Only Love 只有爱(真情马克合唱团)

012 How Deep Is Your Love 爱你有多深(接招合唱团)

013 I Want It That Way 我用那种方式(后街男孩)

014 Goodbye 再见(辣妹组合)

015 Stop!Stop! 停!停!(圣女天团合唱团)

016 The Call 电话(后街男孩)

017 Uptown Girl 住宅区女孩(西城男孩)

018 Tears Of Pearls 珍珠的眼泪(野人花园)

019 Get Down 下来(后街男孩)

020 I Will Always Love You-Whitney Houston

021 Bye Bye Bye 再见(超级男孩)

022 A Little Bit More 爱多一些(911合唱团)

023 All Out Of Love 爱的迷失(空中补给合唱团)

024 As Long As You Love Me 只要你爱我(后街男孩)

025 Every Body 每个人(后街男孩)

026 Finally Found 最终愿望(甜蜜儿组合)

027 How Deep Is Your Love 你的爱有多深(比吉斯合唱团)

028 Hero-Mariah Carey

029 Lovefool 爱情傻瓜(羊毛衫合唱团)

030 One Love 唯一的爱(蓝色组合)

031 Queen Of My Heart 亲亲宝贝(西城男孩)

032 Every Morning 每天清晨(辣椒乐队)

033 Scarborough fair-Sarah Brightman

034 Right here waiting-Richard Marx

035 Say You Say Me-Lioned Richie

036 We Will Rock You 摇滚派对(FIVE合唱团)

037 A Thousand Words 千言万语(野人花园)

038 One love-Blue

039 Yesterday-The Beatles

040 I Swear-All 4 One

041 Without You-Mariah Carey

042 Only Love-Trademark

043 Best In Me 最好的我(蓝色组合)

044 Get Over It 覆盖它(飞鹰乐队)

045 To be with you-Mr. big (olympus广告曲)

046 Breaking The Habit 打破常规(林肯公园)

047 Bring It All Back 一切重来(长小龙)

048 Brown eyes 棕色的眼眸(真命天女合唱团)

049 I Believe I Can Fly-R.kelly Grammy Nominees

050 Careless Whisper 无心呢喃(威猛合唱团)

051 Carry On Dancing 继续跳舞(野人花园)

052 Cartoon Heross 卡通英雄(水族馆合唱团)

053 Chaind To You 拉紧你(野人花园)

054 Falth 信念(软饼干乐队)

055 Don't Stop 不要停(林肯公园)

056 Hey Whatever 无论如何(西城男孩)

057 Emotion 情感(真命天女合唱团)

058 End Of The Road 路之尽头(男人男孩合唱团)

059 Wind Of Change 变幻曲(蝎子乐队)

060 You're Looking Like That 你的一声一笑(西城男孩)

061 Evergreen 地久天长(西城男孩)

062 Better man-Robbie Williams(罗比.威廉斯)

063 When you believe-Whitney Houston

064 Flexin 收缩(蓝色乐队)

065 Fly By 飞吧(蓝色乐队)

066 Flying Without Wings 为爱而飞(西城男孩)

067 Going Under 堕落(伊凡塞斯合唱团)

068 Baby one more time-Britney Spears

069 Around The World 环球世界(红辣椒)

070 Heal 治愈(西城男孩)

071 Hotel california-The Eagles(老鹰乐队)

072 Larger than life-Backstreet Boys


074 I He A Dream 我有一个梦(西城男孩)

075 I Knew I Loved You 我知道我爱你(野人花园合唱团)

076 This I Promise You 我向你发誓(超级男孩)

077 Rhythm of the rain-Cascades

078 Unbreakable 真爱无敌(西城男孩)

079 White flag-Dido

080 Tears in heen-Eric Clapton

081 Careless Whisper-Wham!

082 If You Come Back 如果你回来(蓝色组合)

083 I'll Never Stop 我永远不停息(超级男孩)

084 In My Place 在我空间(酷玩乐队)

085 Everything I do(I do it for you)-Bryan Adams

086 Enter Sandman 进入睡魔(重金属乐队)

087 promises don't come easy-Caron Nightingale

088 Just Don't Tell Me That 不要对我说那事(超级男孩)

089 The power of love-Celine Dion

090 Large Than Life 比生命更伟大(后街男孩)

091 Lost In You 失去你(西城男孩)

092 Lying From You 你的谎言(林肯公园) PUNK风格

093 BECAUSE I LOVE YOU-Shakins Stevens

094 Make It With You 和你走完路程(面包乐队)

095 Here I Am 是我(史提夫)

096 You And I 你和我(蝎子乐队)

0 Mmmbop 姆巴(汉森兄弟)

098 More Than That 比我幸福(后街男孩)

099 Neighbourhood 守望相助(人中爆炸合唱团)

100 Never Had A Dream Come True 梦想一定实现(七小龙合唱团)

101 Every Breath You Take 所有你的气息(斯汀)

102 No Scrubs 无所谓(TLC合唱团)

103 Not For Me不要为我牺牲(后街男孩)

104 Holle I Love You 你好爱你(大门乐队)

105 On My Shoulder 在我的肩膀(西城男孩)

106 One Sweet day 甜蜜那一天(男人合唱团)

107 Picture Of You 你的照片(男孩地带)

108 Politid 策略(酷玩乐队)

109 PoP 流行(超级男孩)

110 Promises 诺言(野人花园)

111 Quit Playing Games 拒绝再玩(后街男孩)

112 I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing 绝世天劫(空中铁匠)

113 Rilax Your Mind 放松你头脑(男人男孩)

114 Santa Monica 桑尼蒙妮卡(野人花园)

115 Sleeping Child 熟睡的小孩(迈克学摇滚合唱团)

116 So Good 太棒了(男孩地带)

117 Somewhere I Being 我属于哪里(林肯公园)

118 Stop 停止(辣妹组合)

119 Summer Sunshine 夏日阳光明媚(可儿合唱团)

120 Superstar 超级明星(糖果盒子合唱团)

121 Swearit Again 再次发誓(西城男孩)

122 Wolf and Man 狼和男人(重金属乐队)

123 Thank You 谢谢(西城男孩)

124 Truly Madly Beeply 真诚地疯狂地深刻地(野人花园)

125 I Hate Myself For Loving You 我恨我爱上你(琼杰特乐队)

126 I Want you 我想你(野人花园)

127 The Captain Of Her Heart 指挥她的心(双倍乐队)

128 The Color Of Love 爱的色彩(男人男孩)

129 The Game Is Over 游戏结束(超级男孩)

130 The Love After Me 在我之后的恋人(野人花园)

131 This I Peomise You 对你承诺(超级男孩)

132 Mother 母亲(平克弗洛德乐队)

133 MY Fourite Game 我喜欢的游戏(羊毛衫乐队)

134 To Be With You 和你在一起(西城男孩)

135 To The Moon Us Back 往返月球(野人花园)

136 Turn Around 旋转(西城男孩)

137 Unchined Melody 奔放的旋律(正直兄弟合唱团)

138 Universe 宇宙(野人花园)

139 Venus 维纳斯(香蕉女郎合唱团)

140 Wannabe 为所欲为(辣妹合唱团)

141 We He Go It Going On 冲动陷阵(后街男孩)

142 Rlding With The King 与国王同行(克莱普顿与BB金)

143 When a Women Loves A Man 男女相爱(西城男孩)

144 When The Angels Sing 天使在歌唱(天使合唱团)

145 Where Ded Your Heart Go 你的心去了哪里(威猛乐队)

146 Wiolet 紫罗兰(野人花园)

147 Without You Hy Nilsson 爱无处不在(湿湿湿乐队)

148 Words 言语(男孩地带)

149 World Of Our Own 我们的世界(西城男孩)

150 Yes I Will 我想是的(后街男孩)

151 You Can Still 你依然自由(野人花园)

152 You Drive Me Grazy 你令我疯狂(超级男孩儿)

153 You Needed Me 你需要我(男孩地带)

154 WhatT Do They Know 他们知道什么(西城男孩)

155 Home 家(西城男孩)

156 MY God 上帝(枪炮玫瑰)

157 Take Me To Your Hear 贴心(迈克摇滚)

158 Bop Bop Baby 宝贝(西城男孩)

159 Someday 有一天(迈克摇滚)

160 Don't Panic 不要惊慌(酷玩乐队)

161 Eternal Flame 永恒的爱火(原子猫组合)

162 Greeneyes 绿眼睛(酷玩乐队)

163 The Best Of Me 我的精选(布莱恩乐队)

164 I Did It For You 一切为你(西城男孩)

165 I Want You 我要你(野人花园)

166 The Show Must Go On 表演必须继续(皇后乐队)

167 What It Takes 怎样的生活(史密斯飞船乐队)

168 ****** Love 制造爱情(男人男孩)

169 Isn't It a Wonder 并不算奇迹(男孩地带)

170 Riders 骑手(蓝色乐队)

171 Take On Me 带上我(优格男孩)

172 Losing My Touch 失去我的感觉(滚石合唱团)

173 Try To Do Without 尽力排除它(大先生)

174 We Will Rock You 我们要摇滚(皇后乐队)

175 Obvious 明显的(西城男孩)

176 Optimistic(电台司令)

177 Stealing My Heart 偷我的心(滚石合唱团)

178 Beautiful Day 美丽的一天(U2)

179 Time 时时刻刻(后街男孩)

180 The best thing 最好的事情(野人花园)
