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1.To Be Number One 歌词


3.to be number one歌的意思


5.number one是什么意思



2AM 的《no.1》(南非世界杯官方主题曲)

I`m number 1

You`re number 1

u'rin' mo'du'ga' number 1

There`s no number 2


eo'di'e'seo' sal'geon'(eo'di'e'seo' sal'geon')

u'rin' mo'du'ga' number 1

sum' ttwi'neun' i' sun'gan' man'keum'

And so on

You can dance with me if you wanna do

You can see with me if you wanna do

You can let feel make you wanna do

nu'ga' na'wa' cum'cu'go' sip'eo'do'

nu'ga' na'wa' no'rae'ha'go'pa'do'

nu'ga' dwaess'teun' gat'i' hal' su' iss'eo'


eo'di'e'seo' sal'geon'

mwol' ha'myeon'seo' sal' geon'

Uh We can be a number 1

Let`s Celebrate

Just look it special day

And we will be a number 1

Do what you wanna do And so on

You can dance with me if you wanna do

You can see with me if you wanna do

You can let feel make you wanna do

nu'ga' na'wa' cum'cu'go' sip'eo'do'

nu'ga' na'wa' no'rae'ha'go'pa'do'

nu'ga' dwaess'teun' gat'i' hal' su' iss'eo'

You can dance with me if you wanna do

You can see with me if you wanna do

You can let feel make you wanna do

nu'ga' na'wa' cum'cu'go' sip'eo'do'

nu'ga' na'wa' no'rae'ha'go'pa'do'

nu'ga' dwaess'teun' gat'i' hal' su' iss'eo'


eo'di'e'seo' sal'geon'

mwol' ha'myeon'seo' sal' geon'

Uh We can be a number 1

To Be Number One 歌词

bop to the top

mucho gusto 荣幸至极!

hay que fabulosa 多么美妙!

rrrrr, hay hay hay 嘿嘿

arrriba, quieres bailar 一起来吧

mi ra me 美妙极了

i believe in dreamin' 我相信梦想

shootin' for the stars 到天空摘下星星

baby to be number one 宝贝,要想成为第一名

you've got to raise the bar 你需要完美的表现

kickin' and a scratchin' 拿出我最好的一面

grindin' out my best 用尽我所有努力

anything it takes 拿出一切

to climb the ladder of success 登上成功阶梯

work our tails off every day 每一天都勤奋努力

gotta bump the competition 在比赛中大获全胜

blow them all away 将对手彻底打败

Caliente! 真是火热!

Sue! 非常顺利!

yeah we're gonna

bop, bop, bop

bop to the top 是的,我们会舞上巅峰

slip and slide and ride that rhythm 跟着节奏摆动旋律

jump and hop hop 'til we drop 跳到自己的极限

and start again 然后再重新开始一次

zip zap zop 扭来扭去

pop like a mop 像拖把那样跳动

scoot around the corner 再到角落里游走

move it to the groove 尽情的享受这一切

'til the music stops 直到音乐停止

do the bop bop, bop to the top 跳啊,舞啊直到巅峰

don't ever stop 不会停止

bop to the top 舞上巅峰

gimmie, gimmie 来吧来吧

shimmy shimmy 一起摇摆

shake some booty and turn around 踩踩靴子,转过身子

flash a smile in their direction 冲他们微微一笑

show some muscle 露出肌肉

do the hustle 展示舞姿

yeah we're gonna bop, bop, bop

bop to the top 是的,我们会舞上巅峰

wipe away your inhibitions 抛开你的负担

stump, stump, stump do the rump 踏出你的步伐

and strut your stuff 秀出你的能力

bop, bop, bop 一起来跳吧

straight to the top 只知道巅峰

going for the glory 为荣誉而舞

we'll keep stepping up 我们会一直向上

and we just won't stop 不会停止

'til we reach the top 直到我们到达巅峰

bop to the top舞上巅峰

bop to the top

mucho gusto 荣幸至极!

hay que fabulosa 多么美妙!

rrrrr, hay hay hay 嘿嘿

arrriba, quieres bailar 一起来吧

mi ra me 美妙极了

i believe in dreamin' 我相信梦想

shootin' for the stars 到天空摘下星星

baby to be number one 宝贝,要想成为第一名

you've got to raise the bar 你需要完美的表现

kickin' and a scratchin' 拿出我最好的一面

grindin' out my best 用尽我所有努力

anything it takes 拿出一切

to climb the ladder of success 登上成功阶梯

work our tails off every day 每一天都勤奋努力

gotta bump the competition 在比赛中大获全胜

blow them all away 将对手彻底打败

Caliente! 真是火热!

Sue! 非常顺利!

yeah we're gonna

bop, bop, bop

bop to the top 是的,我们会舞上巅峰

slip and slide and ride that rhythm 跟着节奏摆动旋律

jump and hop hop 'til we drop 跳到自己的极限

and start again 然后再重新开始一次

zip zap zop 扭来扭去

pop like a mop 像拖把那样跳动

scoot around the corner 再到角落里游走

move it to the groove 尽情的享受这一切

'til the music stops 直到音乐停止

do the bop bop, bop to the top 跳啊,舞啊直到巅峰

don't ever stop 不会停止

bop to the top 舞上巅峰

gimmie, gimmie 来吧来吧

shimmy shimmy 一起摇摆

shake some booty and turn around 踩踩靴子,转过身子

flash a smile in their direction 冲他们微微一笑

show some muscle 露出肌肉

do the hustle 展示舞姿

yeah we're gonna bop, bop, bop

bop to the top 是的,我们会舞上巅峰

wipe away your inhibitions 抛开你的负担

stump, stump, stump do the rump 踏出你的步伐

and strut your stuff 秀出你的能力

bop, bop, bop 一起来跳吧

straight to the top 只知道巅峰

going for the glory 为荣誉而舞

we'll keep stepping up 我们会一直向上

and we just won't stop 不会停止

'til we reach the top 直到我们到达巅峰

bop to the top舞上巅峰


歌曲名:To Be Number One

歌手:Gianna Nannini


Giorgio Moroder - To Be Number One

This is what we've worked for all our lives

Reaching for the highest goal we can

We choose to give it all

When competition calls

Time records the Victory in our hearts

To win or lose is not the only thing

It's all in how we play the fairest game

This is the chance we take

Reaching for the top

Time records the Victory in our hearts

To be number one

Running like the wind

Playing hard but always playing fair

(oh Year)

To be number one

Winning again and again

Reaching higher

Through Italian sky

This is what we've worked for all our lives

Shining like a shooting star at night

We've got to give it all

When we hear the call

Time records the viictory in our hearts

To be number one

Running like the wind

Playing hard but always playing fair

(oh Year)

To be number one

Winning again and again

Reaching higher

Through Italian sky

To be number one

Running like the wind

Playing hard but always playing fair

(oh Year)

To be number one

Winning again and again

Reaching higher

Through Italian sky

To be number one!


to be number one歌的意思


以往也有不少经典曲目流传至今,如1990年意大利世界杯的《意大利之夏》、1998年世界杯瑞奇马丁的《生命之杯》及2010年南非世界杯的《Waka Waka》等。今天就借着世界杯开幕之势,一起来重温这些经典主题曲。


Gianna Nannini / Giorgio Moroder


《意大利之夏》原唱录音版较舒缓传统,现场演唱版则加入更多摇滚节奏。两位意大利的流行乐大师Giorgio Moroder、Gianna Nannini富有的现场演出彻底点燃了米兰狂欢的火苗。这首歌有数个版本,英语版本名称为:《To Be Number One》。超级球迷香港天王谭咏麟也曾将此歌改成粤语版本的《理想与和平》。





Daryl Hall And John Oates

1994年美国世界杯主题曲《Gloryland》,与《Gloryland》同时走入全球球迷视线的还有另两首皇后乐队传唱度极高的摇滚乐《Wewill rock you》和《We are the champions》。

We Will Rock You


We Are The Champions


当年赛事中球迷在赛场齐声合唱《We will rock you》,整齐的鼓掌声与口号一般的合唱,恐怕再也找不到哪支歌曲比《We Will Rock You》更适合出现在体育赛场上了,全场的灯光与观众都随着节奏而整齐变化,非常震撼!




number one是什么意思

第一名的英文表达是:first place、number one


1、first place

读音:英 [f?:st pleis] 美 [f?st ples]?


He said he was going to try for first place next year.?


2、number one

读音:英 [?n?mb? w?n] 美 [?n?mb? w?n]?



Now you he to be number one in Asia.?



champion ?

读音:英 ['t?mpi?n]? 美 ['t?mpi?n]

n. 拥护者;冠军;优胜者;勇士

vt. 拥护;保卫;为 ... 而斗争



He is the undisputed champion.



1、new champion 军

2、national champion 全国冠军

3、swimming champion 游泳冠军


number one的中文意思

adj. ?自己的; 重要的;

n. ?头号人物,头头,副舰长; 尿尿,撒尿;

number one

英 [?n?mb? w?n] ?


1. Now you he to be number one in Asia. ?


2. The economy is the number one issue by far. ?


3. Williams has confirmed his position as the world's number one snooker player. ?


4. By the way, I'm your number-one fan. ?


5. We're number one in the used car business. ?



鸿星/ 代表“红星”,且“鸿”又有“鸿鹄高飞,一举千里”的寓意。

尔克/ 克服困难。意指不断挑战,不断创新的拼搏精神。

TO BE No.1倡导的是一种坚韧、拼搏的奋斗精神,是敢为天下先、勇争第一的决心和勇气;它代表了不屈服于平庸的ERKE 人对成功的渴望和追求;它倡导的是一种高层次、高境界的精神超越和延伸。




微领T(Micro Collar Polo)是鸿星尔克在2012年夏天重磅推出的微创新品类。有别于传统T恤和POLO衫,在时代背景之下孕育而生的微领T,打上了微时代的烙印,每一个细微的改变,都流露出不凡。


