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1.帮忙写个歌词赏析~! 最好是王菲或张国荣的歌 最近流行的也行


3.一首低沉沧桑的男生英文歌曲 歌词中好像有I am dying 歌曲有点年头了

4.韩国歌曲Here i am的歌词。


6.BON JOVI有一首歌叫I AM,谁能提供歌词?最好有中文翻译


『What I've Done』 我犯下的错

In this farewell, 在这样的告别

There’s no blood, 没有血腥

There’s no alibi. 没有借口

‘Cause I’ve drawn regret, 因为 我已经为那

From the truth, 无数谎言背后的真相

Of a thousand lies. 陷入深深的悔恨

So let mercy come, 因此 赐予我恩惠

And wash away… 将这一切洗刷……

What I’ve Done. 我犯了错

I’ll face myself, 我会面对我自己

To cross out what I’ve become. 把自己的过去 一笔勾销

Erase myself, 擦去我自己

And let go of what I’ve done. 放开我所做的一切

Put to rest, 当我犹豫着

What you thought of me. 用这双手

While I clean this slate, 清洗那张名单

With the hands, 不去想

Of uncertainty. 你是怎么看我

So let mercy come, 因此 赐予我恩惠

And wash away… 将这一切洗刷……

What I’ve Done. 我犯了错

I’ll face myself, 我会面对我自己

To cross out what I’ve become. 把自己的过去 一笔勾销

Erase myself, 擦去我自己

And let go of what I’ve done. 放开我所做的一切

For What I’ve Done 因为我所做的一切

I'll start again, 我将重新开始

And whatever pain may come. 不论要经历怎样的伤痛

Today this ends, 今天 一切结束了

I’m forgiving what I’ve done. 我原谅了自己所做的一切

I’ll face myself, 我会面对我自己

To cross out what I’ve become. 对自己的过去 一笔勾销

Erase myself, 擦去我自己

And let go of what I’ve done. 放开我所做的一切

What I’ve done. 我所做的一切

Forgiving What I’ve Done. 原谅自己所做的一切

『Shadow Of The Day 』 白昼的阴影

I close both locks below the window.我关上窗下的插销

I close both blinds and turn away. 关上两扇百叶窗 我转过脸去

Sometimes solutions aren't so simple. 有时候 解决方法并非如此简单

Sometimes goodbye's the only way. 有时候 再见是唯一的选择

And the sun will set for you, 太阳会为你升起

The sun will set for you. 太阳会为你升起

And the shadow of the day, 白昼的阴影

Will embrace the world in grey, 即将笼罩这个世界

And the sun will set for you. 太阳会为你升起

Pink cards and flowers on your window, 你窗台上 粉色的卡片和鲜花

Your friends all plead for you to stay. 你所有的朋友 都恳求你留下

Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple. 有时候 开始并非那么容易

Sometimes goodbye's the only way. 有时候 再见是唯一的选择

And the sun will set for you, 太阳会为你升起

The sun will set for you. 太阳会为你升起

And the shadow of the day, 白昼的阴影

Will embrace the world in grey, 即将笼罩这个世界

And the sun will set for you. 太阳会为你升起

And the shadow of the day, 白昼的阴影

Will embrace the world in grey, 即将笼罩这个世界

And the sun will set for you. 太阳会为你升起

And the shadow of the day, 白昼的阴影

ill embrace the world in grey, 即将笼罩这个世界

And the sun will set for you. 太阳会为你升起

『Bleed It Out』血液沸腾

Yea here we go for the hundredth time, 第一百次 我们在这里

Hand grenade pins in every line, 手榴弹栓满每一条战线

Throw 'em up and let something shine. 抛出去 制造一些火光

Going out of my fucking mind. 我已完全失控

Filthy mouth, no excuse. 污秽的嘴,没有什么借口

Find a new place to hang this noose. 找一个新的地方 挂上绳索

String me up from atop these roofs. 把我绞死在那屋顶上

Knot it tight so I won't get loose. 把它勒紧 让我无从解脱

Truth is you can stop and stare,事实上 你可以驻足观望

Run myself out and no one cares. 让我自生自灭 无人在乎

Dug a trench out, laid down there 挖一个战壕 躺在那里

With a shovel up out to reach somewhere. 上面留一把铁铲 让人们有迹可循

Yea someone pour it in, 是的 有人填进了土

Make it a dirt dance floor again. 又把它变成一个肮脏的舞池

Say your prayers and stomp it out, 当他们开始合唱的时候

When they bring that chorus in. 一边说着祷告词 一边把它踏平

I bleed it out, 我血液沸腾

Digging deeper just to throw it away. 挖得更深一些 只是为了把它丢弃

I bleed it out, 血液沸腾

Digging deeper just to throw it away. 挖得更深一些 只是为了把它丢弃

I bleed it out, 血液沸腾

Digging deeper just to throw it away, 挖得更深一些 只是为了把它丢弃

Just to throw it away, 只是为了把它丢弃

Just to throw it away. 只是为了把它丢弃

I bleed it out. 血液沸腾

Go, stop the show. 走开 别再作秀

Chop your words in a sloppy flow. 把你的话碾碎在烂泥里

Shotgun I pump, lock and load, 我给鸟枪打气,上锁,装上

Cock it back and then watch it go. 扣动枪扳 看着飞出

Mama help me, I've been cursed, 妈妈 救救我 我被诅咒了

Death is rolling in every verse. 死神随时会向我走来

Candypaint on his brand new hearse. 在他崭新的灵车上 涂满糖果的颜色

Can't contain him, he knows he works. 却不能抑制他 他知道自己还有威力

I hope this hurts, I won't mind. 我希望那可以伤害他 我不会介意

Doesn't matter how hard I try. 要我多努力 都没关系

Half the words don't mean a thing, 没有说完的语言 毫无意义

And I know that I won't be satisfied. 我知道我不会知足

So why, try ignoring him. 因此 为什么不试着置之不理

Make your dirt dance floor again. 照样建起你们的舞池

Say your prayers and stomp it out, 在合唱的时候

When they bring that chorus in. 一边说着祷告词 一边把它踏平

I bleed it out, 我血液沸腾

Digging deeper just to throw it away. 挖得更深一些 只是为了把它丢弃

I bleed it out, 血液沸腾

Digging deeper just to throw it away. 挖得更深一些 只是为了把它丢弃

I bleed it out, 血液沸腾

Digging deeper just to throw it away, 挖得更深一些 只是为了把它丢弃

Just to throw it away, 只是为了把它丢弃

Just to throw it away. 只是为了把它丢弃

I bleed it out. 血液沸腾

I've opened up these skies, 我已打开这片天空

I'll make you face this. 我要让你面对着一切

I pulled myself so far, 我自己已陷得太远

I'll make you face this now. 现在 我要让你去面对这一切

『Lee Out All The Rest』 忘了其他的一切

I dreamed I was missing 我梦到我消失了

You were so scared 你是那么的害怕

But no one would listen 但没有人相信

‘cause no one else cared 因为他们不在乎

After my dreaming 梦醒后

I woke with this fear 我带着这种恐惧醒来

What am I leing 如果我完蛋了

When I’m done here? 我能在这里留下什么?

So if you’re asking me 因此如果你问我

I want you to know 我想让你知道

When my time comes 我的时辰到来的时候

Forget the wrong that I’ve done 请忘记我所犯的错

Help me lee behind some 帮我留下一些理由

Reasons to be missed 让人们借以怀念我

And don’t resent me 不要憎恨我

And when you’re feeling empty 如果你感到空虚

Keep me in your memory 把我留在你的记忆里

Lee out all the rest 忘了其他的一切

Lee out all the rest 忘了其他的一切

Don’t be afraid 别害怕

Of taking my beating 我对你的伤害

I’ve shared that I’m me 我已经告诉你 我就是我

I’m strong on the surface 在这个世界上

Not all the way through 我并非一直都坚强

I’ve never been perfect 我从来不完美

But neither he you 你也一样

So if you’re asking me 因此如果你问我

I want you to know 我想让你知道

When my time comes 我的时辰到来的时候

Forget the wrong that I’ve done 请忘记我犯的错

Help me lee behind some 帮我留下一些理由

Reasons to be missed 让人们借以怀念我

And don’t resent me 不要憎恨我

And when you’re feeling empty 如果你感到空虚

Keep me in your memory 把我留在你的记忆里

Lee out all the rest 忘了其他的一切

Lee out all the rest 忘了其他的一切

Forgetting all the hurt inside 忘了心里所有的伤痛

You’ve learned to act so well 你已经学会举止得体

Pretending 学会伪装

Someone else can come 会有另外一个人

And se me from myself 救赎我

I can’t be who you are我不能像你那样掩饰

『Given Up』 放弃

Wake in a sweat again 冷汗中惊醒

Another day's been laid to waste 我在耻辱中又虚度了一天

In my disgraceStuck in my head again 那种感觉又卷入头脑

Feels like I'll never lee this place我仿佛永远也离不开这个地方

There's no escape没有出口

I'm my own worst enemy... 我最大的敌人是我自己

I've given up; I'm sick of feeling 我放弃了,我讨厌这种感觉

Is there nothing you can say? 你是不是哑口无言了

Take this all away; I'm suffocating 把一切都抛开 我快要窒息

Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me 告诉我我到底那里出错了!

I don't know what to take 我不知道我要承受什么

Thought I was focused but I'm scared 虽然我努力集中精神但却又胆怯了

I'm not prepared 我没有做好准备

I hyperventilate 我呼吸急促

Looking for help somehow somewhere 到处寻求帮助

And no one cares 但没有人关心

I'm my own worst enemy... 我最大的敌人是我自己

I've given up; I'm sick of feeling 我放弃了,我讨厌这种感觉

Is there nothing you can say? 你是不是哑口无言了

Take this all away; I'm suffocating 把一切都抛开 我快要窒息

Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me 告诉我我到底那里出错了

Put me out of my misery 把我从痛苦中解放出去

Put me out of my misery 把我从痛苦中解放出去

Put me out of my... 让我远离我的……

Put me out of my fucking misery... 把我从痛苦中解放出去

I've given up; I'm sick of feeling 我放弃了,我讨厌这种感觉

Is there nothing you can say? 你是不是哑口无言了

Take this all away; I'm suffocating 把一切都抛开 我快要窒息

Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me 告诉我我到底那里出错了!

『In Between』左右为难

Let me apologize to begin with 让我以道歉作为开始

Let me apologize for what I'm about to say 让我为我即将说的话道歉

But trying to be genuine was harder than it seemed 但是要努力变得诚恳并非易事

But somehow I got caught up in between 但不知何故 我左右为难

Let me apologize to begin with 让我以道歉作为开始

Let me apologize for what I'm about to say让我为我即将说的话道歉

But trying to be someone else was harder than it seemed 但是要努力变成他人并非易事

But somehow I got caught up in between 但不知何故 我左右为难

Between my pride and my promise 在我的骄傲和我的诺言之间

Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way 在我的谎言和和渐渐显露真相之间

The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我想对你说的话 说不出口

The only thing that's worse than one is none 聊胜于无

Let me apologize to begin with 让我以道歉作为开始

Let me apologize for what I'm about to say 让我为我即将说的话道歉

But trying to regain your trust was harder than it seemed但是要努力重获你的信任并非易事

But somehow I got caught up in between 但不知何故 我左右为难

Between my pride and my promise 在我的骄傲和我的诺言之间

Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way 在我的谎言和和日渐显露真相之间

The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我想对你说的话 说不出口

The only thing that's worse than one is none 聊胜于无

The only thing that's worse than one is none 聊胜于无

And I cannot explain to you 我无法向你解释

In anything I say or do or plan 无论用语言 行为 还是策略

Fear is not afraid of you 我恐惧并不是因为害怕你

Guilt's a language you can understand罪恶是你能理解的语言

I cannot explain to you in anything I say or do 我无法用语言或行为向你解释

I hope the actions speak the words they can 我希望行动说明一切

For my pride and my promise 因为我的骄傲和我的诺言

For my lies and how the truth gets in the way 因为我的谎言和日渐显露真相

The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我想对你说的话 说不出口

The only thing that's worse than one is none 聊胜于无

For my pride and my promise 因为我的骄傲和我的诺言

Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way 在我的谎言和真相之间

The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我想对你说的话 说不出口

The only thing that's worse than one is none 聊胜于无

『Valentine's Day』情人节

My insides all turn to ash, 我崩溃了

So slow. 我的心慢慢地

And blow away as I collapse, 全变成灰

So cold. 冷冰冰的吹走

A black winter been away, 黑色的冬天

From sight. 从眼前走了

Another darkness over day, 那一夜

That night. 又是一片黑暗

And the clouds above move closer, 天上的云 靠得更近一些

Looking so dissatisfied. 它们看起来那样不满足

But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing. 但狂风却不停地刮着 刮着……

I used to be my own protection, 我曾经可以保护自己

But not now. 但现在不行

'Cause my path has lost direction, 因为 我的路已失去方向

Somehow. 不知何故

A black winter cue away, 黑色的冬天

From sight. 从眼前走了

Another darkness over day, 那一夜

That night. 又是一片黑暗

And the clouds above move closer, 天上的云 靠得更近一些

Looking so dissatisfied. 它们看起来那样不满足

And the ground below grew colder, 当他们把你埋进去

As they put you down inside. 地下变得更加冰冷

But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing. 但狂风却不停地刮着 刮着……

So now you're gone, 现在 你走了

And I was wrong. 我错了

I never knew what it was like, 我从来都不知道 那是什么样的情形

To be alone on a Valentine's Day, 在情人节 孤身一人

To be alone on a Valentine's Day. 在情人节 孤身一人

I used to be my own protection, 我曾经可以保护自己

But not now. 但现在不行

'Cause my path has lost direction, 因为 我的路已失去方向

Somehow. 不知何故

『No More Sorrow 』不再悲伤

Are you lost, In your lies? 你是否迷失在自己的谎言里?

Do you tell yourself, I don't realize? 你是否告诉自己 我还没有意识到?

Your crusades, A disguise. 你所谓的改变 只是伪装

You replaced freedom with fear, 你因为恐惧放弃了自由

You trade money for lives. 你用金钱与生命做交易

I'm aware of what you've done. 我清楚你做了什么

No, No More Sorrow. 不 我不会再悲伤

I've paid for your mistakes. 我已经为你的错误付出代价

Your time is borrowed. 你的时间是借来的

Your time has come to be replaced. 是时候归还了

I see pain, I see need.我看到伤痛 我看到穷困

I see liars and thieves, 我看到骗子和小偷

Abuse power with greed. 滥用着权利和欲望

I had hope for you, I believed. 我曾经寄予你希望,我曾经相信

Now I'm beginning to think that I've been deceived. 现在我开始想 我被蒙骗了

You will pay for what you've done. 你将为你所做的付出代价

No, No More Sorrow. 不 我不会再悲伤

I've paid for your mistakes. 我已经为你的错误付出代价

Your time is borrowed. 你的时间是借来的

Your time has come to be replaced. 是时候归还了

Face the hypocrite. 看清这伪君子

Face the hypocrite. 看清这伪君子

Face the hypocrite. 看清这伪君子

No, No More Sorrow. 不 我不会再悲伤

I've paid for your mistakes. 我已经为你的错误付出代价

Your time is borrowed. 你的时间是借来的

Your time has come to be replaced. 是时候归还了

Your time has come to be replaced. 是时候归还了

Your time has come to be erased.你是时候被毁灭了

『Hands Held High』高举双手

Turn my mic up louder, 把我麦克风音量调大点

I got to say somethin. 我有话要说

Light weight step it aside, 我们进来的时候

when we comin. 轻轻地把它踢到一边

Feel it in your chest, 你的胸膛 感受得到

the syllables get pumpin. 跳动的音节

People on the street, 街上的人们

they panic and start running. 恐慌着 开始奔走

Words on loose leaf, 念着松散的书页上写着的话

sheet complete coming. 他们把裹尸布完全盖了下来

I jump on my mind, 我吃了一惊

I summon the rhyme of dumping. 鼓起勇气 想丢弃它

Feeling the blind, 眼前漆黑一片

I promise to let the sun in. 我发誓要让阳光照进来

Sick of the dark ways, 厌倦了在黑暗中生活

we march to the drumming. 我们在军鼓声中行进

Jump when they tell us 他们就喜欢操纵别人

they want to see jumping. 要我们怎么做 我们就得怎么做

Fuck that, I want to 混帐! 我希望看到的是

see some fist pumping. 我们个个摩拳擦掌

Risk something. 去冒点风险

Take back what's yours 拿回属于你的东西

Say something that you know 说出你知道的事情

they might attack you for 他们可能会因此攻击你

cause I'm sick of being treated 但是我厌倦了

like I he before. 像从前那样受人处置

Like a stupid standing for 像个傻子

what I'm standing for. 忍受着正在忍受的

Like this war is really just 好像这场战争真的是

a different brand of war. 一场不一样的战争

Like a dozen catered rich 跟很多富得流油的富人

and an abandoned poor. 和一个被遗弃的穷人的故事一样

Like they understand you 就好像 当你已经支付不起买汽油的钱

in the back of the jet, 他们却坐在喷气式飞机的后排

When you can't put gas in your tank. 表示理解你

These fuckers are laughing their way 这些傻瓜正得意洋洋地去银行

to the bank and cashing their check 拿出支票取款

asking you to he compassion and to he some respect. 又叫你要有一点同情心和尊重

For a leader so nervous 因为我们有个神经紧张的***

in unobvious ways 虽然他表现得不太明显

Stuttering and mumbling 结结巴巴 含含糊糊

for nightly news to replay 只是为了不断播放晚间新闻

and the rest of the world 让全世界其他国家的人

watching at the end of the day 在忙碌了一天后坐下来看电视

in the living room laughing 让他们在客厅里放声大笑:

like what did he say? 他刚才说了什么来着?

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen


In my living room watching, 我也在自己的客厅观看

But I am not laughing. 但我没有笑

'Cause when it gets tense, 因为当形势紧张起来的时候

I know what might hen. 我知道会有什么事情要发生

The world is cold, 这个世界是冰冷的

The bold men take action. 大胆的人会作出反应

He to react, 他们会取行动

To getting blown into fractions. 把即将发生的扼杀在摇篮里

10 years old is something to see, 10年后的世界又不一样

Another kid my age drugged under a G, 又有一个跟我同龄为学业挣扎的孩子了

Taking about and found later under a tree, 在附近徘徊 最后死在一棵树下

I wonder if he thought the next one could be me. 我想知道 他是否认为下一个就是我

Do you see? 你看见了吗?

The soldiers that are out today. 今天已经过时了的士兵

That brush the dust with bulletproof vests away. 用防弹衣去掸灰尘

It's ironic. 多么讽刺!

At times like this you pray, 在这样一个你从前祈祷到来的年代

But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday. 昨天却有人用把清真寺炸

帮忙写个歌词赏析~! 最好是王菲或张国荣的歌 最近流行的也行

Hello, hello, baby; You called, I can't hear a thing 


I he got no service in the club, you see, see… 


Wha-Wha-What did you say? 


Oh, you're breaking up on me… 


Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy 


K-kinda busy K-kinda busy 


Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy 


Just a second, it's my forite song they're gonna play 


And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh… 


You shoulda made some plans with me 


you knew that I was free. 


And now you won't stop calling me; 


I'm kinda busy.


Stop callin', stop callin' 


I don't wanna think anymore! 


I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor. 


Stop callin', stop callin', 


I don't wanna talk anymore! 


I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor 


eh eh eh eh eh…… 

Stop telephonin' me! 


eh eh eh eh eh…… 

I'm busy! 


eh eh eh eh eh…… 

Stop telephonin' me! 


Can call all you want, but there's no one home 


and you're not gonna reach my telephone! 


Out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub 


and you're not gonna reach my telephone! 


Call when you want, but there's no one home 


and you're not gonna reach my telephone! 


Out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub 


and you're not gonna reach my telephone! 


Beyonce:You've been a very bad girl


A very very bad bad girl,GaGa

一个非常非常坏的女孩 嘎嘎

Lady Gaga:Em honey bee

嗯哼 亲爱的

Sure you wanna do this,honey bee?


Beyonce:Why do you misdou my sure?


Lady Gaga:You know what they say,once you killa cow,you gotta make a burger

知道吗?人们常说“一旦宰了头牛 你就得把它做成汉堡”

Beyonce:You know GaGa?Trust is like a mirror

你知道吗嘎嘎 互相信赖就像是面镜子

You can fix it if it's broke


Lady Gaga:But you can still see the crack in that motherfucker reflections


Boy, the way you blowin' up my phone boy 


won't make me lee no faster 


Put my coat on faster, lee my girls no faster 


I shoulda left my phone at home 


'cause this is a disaster! 


Callin' like a collector -sorry, I cannot answer! 

像收费的一样 抱歉,我不能接! 

Not that I don't like you, I'm just at a party 


And I am sick and tired of my phone r-ringing 


Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station 


Tonight I'm not takin' no calls, 'cause I'll be dancin' 


'Cause I'll be dancin' 


'Cause I'll be dancin' 


Tonight I'm not takin' no calls, 'cause I'll be dancin'! 


Stop callin', stop callin', 


I don't wanna think anymore! 


I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor 


Stop callin', stop callin' 


I don't wanna talk anymore! 


I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor 


eh eh eh eh eh…… 

Stop telephonin' me! 


eh eh eh eh eh…… 

I'm busy! 


Stop telephonin' me! 


Can call all you want, but there's no one home 


and you're not gonna reach my telephone! 


Out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub, 


and you're not gonna reach my telephone! 


Call when you want, but there's no one home, 


and you're not gonna reach my telephone! 


Out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub 


and you're not gonna reach my telephone! 


My telephone! M-m-my telephone! 


'Cause I'm out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub, 


and you're not gonna reach my telephone! 


My telephone! M-m-my telephone! 


'Cause I'm out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub, 


and you're not gonna reach my telephone! 


Lady Gaga:We're did it honey Bee,Now let's go far far away from here

我们成功了 宝贝 让我们马上远离这个地方

Beyonce:You promise will never come back?


Lady Gaga:I promise!


We're sorry…the number you he reached 


is not in service at this time. 


Please check the number, or try your call again 
















白发魔女传1和2的插曲,红颜白发是张国荣第一次为**写插曲,然而一鸣惊人地得到了金马奖最佳**歌曲奖。这两首歌其实是姊妹篇,红颜白发是属于卓一航的歌,忘掉你像忘掉我则是练霓裳的心声,张国荣为这两首歌的结尾设计了同一个乐句,这两首歌同样地缓慢悠长,气息连贯, 起伏跌荡,这样的旋律非常适合剧中刚烈执着的爱情的悲剧意味。








在谈到插曲的创作时,张国荣曾说:“整首歌用上弦乐,很接近舞台上演奏的音乐,且没有古筝等中国乐器,目的是要配合整部戏的情节及色调。” “戏中的宋丹平是一个很前卫的音乐家,若编一些很中国调的歌曲,会很不协调。”“借鉴外国歌剧的唱腔,又全无敲击部分。”我认为他最后完成的作品很好地实现了这种设想。












11. 这么远那么近(Cash最佳另类音乐奖)


张国荣在这首歌里还贡献了成串的独白,黄耀明话:“当然这当中浓浓的戏剧效果有很多都是由哥哥提供, 那些独白的部份就好像是画龙点睛一样,令歌曲也生动起来。”但是谁能想到这是临场的即兴发挥呢?黄耀明如是说:“这首歌在录独白的过程中其实是好好玩的一回事, 录音时哥哥只是录了一大堆说话, 很随意的, 而我就只凭直觉选了一些我觉得是颇为对的感觉试试放在歌裏, 没想到全部好像度身订造一样”。



“如果你知我苦衷”是写给周慧敏的歌,旋律细腻又有几分凄楚,出于喜爱,2002年黄耀明将其翻唱,他说:“录这首歌的时候确很顺利, 说真的当你对一首歌很有feel 的时候是会录得特别顺利的。而我对「如果你知我苦衷」这首歌特别有感觉, 基本上是一进入录音室就可以录唱。”




“极爱自己”怎么样?它是陈冠希的代表曲目,有国粤两种版本,2000年,张国荣为这个迷恋hip-hop 和R&B的新人类写歌,在好听的旋律之外着重了节奏的生动,还特别在歌中写了一段英文Rap,嘿嘿,哥哥也疯狂!








关于这首歌,词作者林夕说:“(和Leslie合作)所有的歌词,其实都是我自己很自由地写的,因为没有限制,我才发挥得好。惟一例外的只有一首歌,(之前林夕先按自己的意思写的那一稿)他说那是我的歌,不是表达他自己心声的歌,所以要求我用一部**里的一句对白来打磨。”林夕所说的这个例外就是“我”,张国荣创作这首歌是受什么启发呢,他要求林夕参照的那部**是什么呢,我认为就是以下这首名为“I am what I am"的歌以及名为“La Cage aux Folles”的**。

I Am What I Am

I am what I am

I am my own special creation

So come take a look

Give me the hook

Or the ovation

It's my world That I want to he a little pride

My world And it's not a place I he to hide in

Life's not worth a dam

Till I can say I am what I am


这首歌是首演于1983年的百老汇首部同志音乐剧"La Cage aux Folles"的选曲。而这部音乐剧脱胎于拍摄于18年的同名法国同志**,中文译为凤虚凰。林夕在写这首歌的时候参照了“I am what I am"的歌词,比如,“谁都是造物者的光荣”等。歌词有国粤两种版本,林夕本人是都喜欢的,但张国荣更喜欢国语版本。

不是每个人都将信念建立在执着自我之上, 但这却是张国荣的生命意志和勇气的来源, 是他这个特别的生命的构造逻辑。在这首歌里,他用两段式曲式,前半部分之前,先写了一个引子,唱出主题,“I am what I am ,我永远都爱这样的我”,间奏过后,用较为平静和缓的旋律和宣叙的调子娓娓道来歌曲的前半部分,然后用一句过渡句将旋律整体拉高,进入歌曲的后半部分也即高潮段落,他将融于宽阔悠长的旋律设计中,抒发了歌曲意欲表达的磊落坦荡的情怀,然而结尾处音乐的落寞收尾又有一丝苍凉的孤独感。




一首低沉沧桑的男生英文歌曲 歌词中好像有I am dying 歌曲有点年头了

1. Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine

I'm leing my life in your hands

People say I'm crazy and that I am blind

Risking it all in a glance

How you got me blind is still a mystery

I can't get you out of my head

Don't care what is written in you history

As long as you're here with me

I don't care who you are

Where you're from

What you did

As long as you love me

Who you are

Where you're from

Don't care what you did

As long as you love me

Every little thing that you he said and done

Feels like it's deep within me

Doesn't really matter if you're on the run

It seems like we're meant to be

I've tried to hide it so that no one knows

But I guess it shows

When you look in to my eyes

What you did and where you're comin from

I don't care, as long as you love me, baby.

I Don't Care

2. I always needed time on my own

I never thought I'd need you there when I cry

And the days feel like years when I'm alone

And the bed where you lie

is made up on your side

When you walk away

I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone

The words I need to hear to always get me through the day

Avril Ligne

And make it OK

I miss you

I hen't felt this way before

Everything that I do

reminds me of you

And the clothes you left

are lyin' on the floor

And they smell just like you

I love the things that you do

When you walk away

I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

When you're gone

The words I need to hear to always get me through the day

And make it OK

I miss you

Out here forever

I know we were

Oh oh oh oh oh

All I ever wanted was for you to know

Everything I do I give my heart and soul

I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me


When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone

The words I need to hear to always get me through the day

And make it OK

I miss you

3. 我还不知道呢

4. You don't run with the crowd, you go your own way

You don't play after dark, you light up my day

Got your own kind of style that sets you apart

Baby,that's why you captured my heart

I know sometimes you feel like you don't fit in

And this world doesn't know what you he within

When I look at you I see something rare

A rose that can grow anywhere

And there's no one I know that can compare

What makes you different,makes you beautiful

What's there inside you shines through to me

In your eyes I see all the love I'll ever need

What make you different

Makes you beautiful to me

You got something so real, you touched me so deep

You see material things don't matter to me

So come as you are,your've got nothing to prove

You won me with all that you do

And I wanna take this chance to say to you

You don't know how you touch my life

Oh,in so many ways I just can't describe

You taught me what love is supposed to be

It's all the little things that make you beautiful to me

5. My friends say you're so into me

And that you need me desperately

They say you say we're so complete

But I need to hear it straight from you

If you want me to believe it's true

I've been waiting for so long it hurts

I wanna hear you say the words, please

Don't, don't let me be the last to know

Don't hold back, just let it go

I need to hear you say

You need me all the way

Oh, if you love me so

Don't let me be the last to know


Your body language says so much

Yeah, I feel it in the way you touch

But til' you say the words it's not enough

C'mon and tell me you're in love, please

Don't, don't let me be the last to know

Don't hold back, just let it go

I need to hear you say

You need me all the way

Oh, if you love me so

Don't let me be the last to know

C'mon baby, c'mon darling, ooh yeah

C'mon, let me be the one

C'mon now, oh yeah

I need to hear you say

You love me all the way

And I don't wanna wait another day

I wanna feel the way you feel

Oh, c'mon

Don't, just let me be the one

Don't hold back, just let it go

I need to hear you say

You need me all the way

So…baby, if you love me

Don't let me be the last to know

6. This old time radio program was originally aired live

Long before the advent of high fidelity

As a result you may detect an occasional surface noise or volume drop

Due to transmission problems so common to old radio.

We hope however that any variants in audio quality

Will not take away from your pleasure in listening to this,

One of the all time forites....

How does it feel to be you

How does it feel to feel the way you do

It's so decisive

And I don't care if you like or you hate me

I know you muthafuckas bout to underrate me

Looking through your window

As a thunder bolt strikes the ground

Wind blowing through the trees making irritating sounds

Like the voice in the back of my head when I'm immune

To the confines of Dracula's tomb

9th rate man made Nosferata

Child of the night sending shocks through your body

Fatter than Poveratti

Speak softly

Or back up off me

Feline before I gaze in your eyes and blow your mind

Sickness what I depicted is ordered and evicted

Frequently described as being Twiztid or wicked

Predicted many sights seen hening to lives

Perform on the daily in disguise



Tell the minister to bless my soul

Momma made me mind broken and went outta control

Smash the remote control through television screen

Blame it on the movie or a dream, it's all the same

Mind games, little prodigies paralyzed

Swollen little brain mesmerized

Then he dies

Left alone in a world full of hate

Body rots away while his mind incubates

How does it feel to be you

How does it feel to feel the way you do

It's so decisive

And I don't care if you like or you hate me

I know you muthafuckas bout to underrate me

How does it feel to be you

How does it feel to feel the way you do

It's so decisive

And I don't care if you like or you hate me

I know you muthafuckas bout to underrate me

You label me a paranoid schizophrenic

Known on this planet for 2 things

Talkin shit and automatic

Mind gets transferred in little walks through the woods

Bury you alive if I could

Robin through the hood with a body in the trunk

Unidentified because he's known as a chump

I hear him keep talking junk in my ear

But nobody else can hear

I look around and I'm feeling weird

Palms are sweaty I'm about to black out

Last chance but nothing could stop this Twiztid sprout.

Fuck you and the red Martian

Peon wrecking and skull crushing

Turning bitches to dust and when I recite you folks die

Like I creep in the night, I let your soul fly

So high that I never touch ground

Make it so your bodies never found

Another Unsolved Mystery

Looking for some nobody

Every single night on TV

Try to get me to see .

My eyes closed and rolled back

Holdin a thought deep in my mind about a car jack

Another brake down in the middle of the street

People just kept moving they feet

Treat me like a freak, so how am supposed to act

So when you see me muthafucka be prepared for the axe

How does it feel to be you

How does it feel to feel the way you do

It's so decisive

And I don't care if you like or you hate me

I know you muthafuckas bout to underrate me

How does it feel to be you

How does it feel to feel the way you do

It's so decisive

And I don't care if you like or you hate me

I know you motherfuckas bout to underrate me

We're going vampire hunting with a 9 millimeter

Our souls our blessed by Mary Magdalene and Saint Peter

Eat a bit of flesh but I call it the host

Am I dead, alive, or just a ghost

Comatose midrange, 2 dollars and some change

Hoping, picturing sanity but I'm feeling so insane

Got a migraine headache, my stomach hurts...

7. 不知道

8. i open my eyes i see your face

i cannot hide i can't erase

the way you make me feel inside

you complete me girl, that's why

something about you makes me feel

baby my heart wants to reveal

i'm down on my knees, i'm asking you

so these three words i wanna hear from you

yes i will, take your hand and walk with you

yes i will, so these three words i promise to

yes i will, give you everything you need

and someday start a family with you

yes i will, take your hand and walk with you

yes i will, baby i promise to

yes i will, give you everything you need

and someday start a family with you

oh yes i will

this is no ordinary love

and i can never he enough

of all the things you've given to me

my heart , my soul , my everything

every night i thank you lord(i thank you lord)

for giving me the strenght to love her more

and more each day i promise her

as long as i hear those three words

yes i will, take your hand and walk with you

yes i will, so these three words i promise to

yes i will, give you everything you need

and someday start a family with you

yes i will, take your hand and walk with you

yes i will, baby i promise to

yes i will, give you everything you need

and someday start a family with you

i stand beside you, in everything you do

wherever you go, whatever you do

baby i'll be there (oh baby i will be there)

as god as my witness i will carry this through

till death do us part, i promise to you

yes i will, take your hand and walk with you

yes i will, baby baby yes i promise to

yes i will, give you everything you need

and start a family with you, baby

yes i will

yes i will

yes i will, i promise you

everything's gonna be all right

it's gonna be all right

i will

9. 不知道

10. [The Rock]

Yo this is the Rock kicking it with the Refugee camp

And you're bout to smell what the Rock is cooking

[Wyclef Jean](The Rock)

Yo this is strictly a club record

Dedicated to everybody who used to stand outside in the cold

When the LFEX was spinning at the Red Zone

Putting it down

And the tired bouncers would not let me in

Know what I'm saying?

Yo, yo, yo, yo

I got fifty Bentley's in the West Indies

(It doesn't matter)

I got a pocket full of cheese and a garden full of trees

(It doesn't matter)

I just won the bingo bought a crib in Rio

(It doesn't matter)

Cause if you ain't sharing, people ain't caring

Come up in the hood and take everything you're wearing

Back in the days it was all about the clubs

And the so-called thugs used to dance the break for love

The girls, they wouldn't say HEY!

Unless you bought em champagne like it was their birthday

Me I used to hustle my way in

I'm on the guest list plus five!

Who's performing tonight?

He said Shabba

Mister Lover that be needy and selective

(Someone jump the Rock's up in here)

Disrespect emcees and catch a smack in your left ear

Light up like Vegas when its time to gamble

Girls scream for me like I was part of the Beatles

But I'm not honey

But I could be your Paul McCartney

An ebony or ivory into my Jacuzzi

Foundation like Cool Hirth as DJ Red Alert go bizzerk

The needle ain't skip the record jerked

Cause y'all jumpin' too hard

(Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!)

[Wyclef](The Rock)

I got fifty Bentley's in the West Indies

(It doesn't matter)

I got a pocket full of cheese and a garden full of trees

(It doesn't matter)

What? I just won the bingo bought a crib in Rio

(It doesn't matter)

Yo cause if you ain't sharing, people ain't caring

Come up in the hood and take everything you're wearing

Yo Rock I just bought a fresh Bentley

(It doesn't matter you just bought a fresh Bentley)

[Wyclef](Melky Sedeck)

How many of y'all ever been to a barbecue

And you always got an Uncle Juan that wanna show you

How all the dances go

And they start it off like this

Electric side on the dance floor

Freaky-deaky like Studio 54

GIRLS!! Until the IRS raids it

Drug money get converted into music

The dope man becomes an entertainer

Lee that crack alone!

I told the customers

I'm into bigger and better things Mr. Fiend

You want a hit?

Give me a guitar and a drum machine

And the crowd will scream loud when the bass thump

I can smell it in the air, the smell is funk

Excuse me I gotta cough

Girl you in so much ice you could freeze New York

You're man must really love you

What does he do for a living?

(He works on Wall Street he's only home two nights a week)

That's when she said a little too much conversation

I think she want to indulge in lyrical masturbation

So I proceeded with the compensation, I said

Can I offer you a glass of Merrill Mrs. No Name?

(Let's get it straight huh, my name's Veronica)

She had the ass the size of South America

She said ain't you that kid that sing Guantanamera

Way before Ricky Martin started Livin' La Vida Loca

What hood you come from?

I was raised in Brooklyn, but did my studies in Jerusalem

The New Jerusalem yeah that's short for New Jersey

Checked my watch it was a quarter to three

Slid to her crib when we opened the door

Her man was on the bottle waiting for her with the 44

[Wyclef](The Rock)

Now what it look like, it ain't really that

(It doesn't matter)

So he cocked the gat at my top hat

(It doesn't matter)

Are you crazy? You was married!

(It doesn't matter)

Cause if you ain't sharing, people ain't caring

Come up in your hood and take everything you're wearing

Yeah that's when shorty walked up to her man

And she said I gotta go I can't be here no more

And she said this

[Melky Sedeck]

Take me home, to the place

I belong at the Refugee Camp

And the Booga basement

That's where I live, oh

Come on

Yo Rock I sold like seven million records

(It doesn't matter how many records you've sold)

Alright I'm with yo check it out

You wanna go get diamond rings

(It doesn't matter if the Rock wants to go get diamond rings or not)

Man listen, listen

I just got two new Grammy's man

(It doesn't matter about your Grammy's)

It doesn't matter

11. Yo, yo

Yo, yo

Your honour please

Gotta believe what I say (say)

What I will tell (tell)

Hened just the other day (day)

I must confess (confess)

'Cos I've had about enough (enough)

I need your help (help)

Got to make this here thing stop (stop)

Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)

About all the things you used to do (come on)

And if you thought you had me fooled (come on)

I'm tellin' you now objection overruled

Here we go (oh baby)

One for the money and the free rides

It's two for the lie that you denied

All rise (all rise)

All rise (all rise, all rise)

Three for the calls you've been making

It's four for the times you've been faking

All rise (I'm gonna tell it to your face)

All rise (I rest my case)

You're on the stand (stand)

With your back against the wall (wall)

Nowhere to run (run)

And nobody you can call (call) oh no

I just can't wait (wait)

Now the case is open wide (wide)

You'll try to pray (pray)

But the jury will decide (decide)

(oh baby)

So step back 'cos you don't know this cat

I know deep down that you don't want me to react

I lay low leing all my options open

The decision of the jury has not been spoken

Step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone)

But in reality to whom does the stuff belong

I bring you into court to preach my order

And you know that you overstep the border, uhuh

All rise

It's two for the lie that you denied (ooooh)

All rise (all rise)

All rise (all rise, all rise)

Three for the calls you've been making (yeah)

It's four for the times you've been faking

All rise (all rise, all rise)

All rise (all rise, all rise)

One for the money and the free rides (what you say)

It's two for the lie that you denied (can't you pay)

All rise (what you've done)

All rise

Three for the calls you've been making (what you say)

It's four for the times you've been faking (can't you pay)

All rise (what you've done)

All rise (where you've gone)

One for the money and the free rides

It's two for the lie that you denied (ohhh)

All rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh)

Three for the calls you've been making

It's four for the times you've been faking

I said all rise

I'm gonna tell it to your face

All rise, I rest my case (uhuh uhuh)


韩国歌曲Here i am的歌词。

歌手:Rod Stewart






尹尚贤 - Here i am

Here I am ?2?1?8?5 Here I am

Here I am ?8?9?7?5 ?2?1?8?5?2?3 ?2?1?8?5 ?3?3?8?9?9?9

Here I am ?3?1?8?5 Here I am

Here I am ?3?1?8?5 ?2?1?8?5?2?3 ?8?9?7?5 ?3?3?8?9?9?9

8?9 ?9?9 ?3?3?9?3 ?0?7?3?1?9?5

8?9 ?0?3?0?3?9?3 ?0?7?3?1?9?5

8?9?7?5 ?8?1 ?2?3?0?3?0?7?5?5 ?1?7?9?6?6?9?8?9?3?1?0?7

0?7?0?7 ?7?7?2?9 ?2?3?0?3 ?8?7 Here I am

0?7?0?7 ?7?7?2?9 ?2?3?0?3 ?8?7 Here I am

Here I am 这里 Here I am

Here I am 我就在这里 这里

Here I am 现在 Here I am

Here I am 现在 我就在这里




也许你不会知道 Here I am

也许你不会知道 Here I am




也许你不会知道 Here I am

Here I am 这里 Here I am

Here I am 我就在这里 这里








也许你不会知道 Here I am

也许你不会知道 Here I am

BON JOVI有一首歌叫I AM,谁能提供歌词?最好有中文翻译



心に 泳ぐ 金鱼は,


恋し 想いを 募らせて,


真っ赤に 染まり 実らぬ 想いを 知りながら,


それでも そばにいたいと 愿ったの,


夏の匂い 雨の中で,




光で 目がくらんで,


一瞬うつるは あなたの优颜,


心に 泳ぐ 金鱼は,


丑さで 包まれぬよう,


この夏だけの 命と 决めて,


少しの 时间だけでも,


あなたの 幸せを 愿ったの,


夏の匂い 夜が包んで,




どんな言叶にも できない,


一瞬うつるの あなたの优颜,



《金鱼花火》是大冢爱的第5首单曲,也是大冢爱毫无争议最受欢迎的歌曲。2004年8月18日由艾回在中国地区发行。收录于第二张专辑《LOVE JAM》及第一张精选专辑《爱am BEST》中。


How you spend your minutes are what matters

All tomorrows come from yesterdays

When you're feeling broken, bruised

And sometimes shattered

Blow out the candles on the cake

Like everything's a big mistake

It seems you always wait for life to hen

And your last buck can't buy a lucky break

If all we've got is us

Then life's worth living

And if you're in, you know I'm in

I'm ready and I'm willing

I am

When you think that no one needs you

Sees you or believes you

No one's there to understand

I'll be there to be that someone

When you think that no one

Is there to hold your hand

We're just who we are

There's no pretending

It takes a while to learn to live

In your own skin

Say a prayer that we might find our hy ending

I ain't got no halo hanging over my head

I ain't gonna judge you

I'm just here to love you
