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       今天,我将与大家共同探讨THE ORIGIN OF SILENCE的今日更新,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些参考和建议。







       Santorini(圣托里尼)选自1994雅典卫城音乐会,此曲为音乐会第一首曲目就令人有置于另一空间,观看星际大战的辽阔感,是雅尼的代表大作。真是New Age经典中之经典。

       Within Attraction(深深吸引)选自1994雅典卫城音乐会。曲中各个乐手配合默契特别是两位小提起手。里面的小提琴的最后部分是两个人演奏一男一女,并且真是互相玩命的演奏呀。


       One Man's Dream (一个男人个梦想)选自1994雅典卫城音乐会。被誉为雅尼抒情之经典。

       With An Orchid(和兰花在一起)选自2000年《IF I COULD TELL YOU》 这是雅尼较为出名的曲目,据说是凤凰卫视天气预报曲。

       1994 LIVE AT THE ACROPOLIS (雅典卫城现场音乐会) ,1997 《雅尼致敬紫禁城》,2003 ETHNICITY (大同世界)三张专辑中每一首曲子都很不错,建议下载。

       我最最喜欢的就是LIVE AT THE ACROPOLIS 这张专辑,每一首都是经典啊。当年都把这张CD听坏了,又特意托人去买了一张。







       Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.

       And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall

       there with a sign.



       O Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.




       The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.

       It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.



       It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.



       The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who

       shakes her head and laughs and flies away.



       If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.




       The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing

       water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness?



       Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.




       Once we dreamt that we were strangers.

       We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.



       Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among

       the silent trees.




       Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart

       the music of the ripples.






       What language is thine, O sea?

       The language of eternal question.

       What language is thy answer, O sky?

       The language of eternal silence.



       Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes

       love to you.




       The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great.

       Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning.



       Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high.




       I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops

       for a moment, nods to me and goes.



       There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their

       whisper of joy in my mind.



       What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.




       My wishes are fools, they shout across thy song, my Master.

       Let me but listen.




       I cannot choose the best.

       The best chooses me.



       They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on

       their back.



       That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.




       We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms,

       but who are you so silent?"

       I am a mere flower.



       Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes.



       Man is a born child, his power is the power of growth.



       God expects answers for the flowers he sends us, not for the sun

       the earth.




       The light that plays, like a naked child, among the green leaves

       happily knows not that man can lie.



       O Beauty, find thyself in love, not in the flattery of thy mirror.




       My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon

       it her signature in tears with the words, "I love thee."




       Moon, for what do you wait?

       To salute the sun for whom I must make way.



       The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.



       His own mornings are new surprises to God.



       Life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth

       by the claims of love.



       The dry river-bed finds no thanks for its past.




       The bird wishes it were a cloud.

       The cloud wishes it were a bird.



       The waterfall sing, "I find my song, when I find my freedom."




       I cannot tell why this heart languishes in silence.

       It is for small needs it never asks, or knows or remembers.




       Woman, when you move about in your household service your limbs sing

       like a hill stream among its pebbles.



       The sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation

       to the East.



       Do not blame your food because you have no appetite.



       The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand atiptoe to peep

       at the heaven.



       You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this

       I had been waiting long.




       The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy,

       the bird in the air is singing.

       But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and

       the music of the air.



       The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making

       the music of sadness.




       He has made his weapons his gods.

       When his weapons win he is defeated himself.



       God finds himself by creating.




       Shadow, with her veil drawn, follows Light in secret meekness,

       with her silent steps of love.



       The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies.



       I thank thee that I am none of the wheels of power but I am one with

       the living creatures that are crushed by it.



       The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move.



       You idol is shattered in the dust to prove that God's dust is greater

       than your idol.



       Man does not reveal himself in his history, he struggles up through it.




       While the glass lamp rebukes the earthen for calling it cousin the

       moon rises, and the glass lamp, with a bland smile, calls her,

       ---My dear, dear sister.




       Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near.

       The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart.




       My day is done, and I am like a boat drawn on the beach, listening to

       the dance-music of the tide in the evening.



       Life is given to us, we earn it by giving it.



       We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility.



       The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the burden of its tail.



       Never be afraid of the moments--thus sings the voice of the everlasting.



       The hurricane seeks the shortest road by the no-road, and suddenly ends

       its search in the Nowhere.




       Take my wine in my own cup, friend.

       It loses its wreath of foam when poured into that of others.



       The perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the Imperfect.



       God says to man, "I heal you therefore I hurt, love you therefore punish."



       Thank the flame for its light, but do not forget the lampholder

       standing in the shade with constancy of patience.



       Tiny grass, your steps are small, but you possess the earth under

       your tread.



       The infant flower opens its bud and cries, "Dear World, please do not




       God grows weary of great kingdoms, but never of little flowers.



       Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can.




       I give my whole water in joy,

       it is enough for the thirsty.




       Where is the fountain that throws up these flowers in a ceaseless

       outbreak of ecstasy?




       The woodcutter's axe begged for its handle from the tree.

       The tree gave it.



       In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled

       with mist and rain.



       Chastity is a wealth that comes from abundance of love.



       The mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and bring out

       surprises of beauty.



       We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.



       The poet wind is out over the sea and the forest to seek his own voice.



       Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.




       The grass seeks her crowd in the earth.

       The tree seeks his solitude of the sky.



       Man barricades against himself.




       Your voice, my friend, wanders in my heart, like the muffled sound

       of the sea among these listening pines.



       What is this unseen flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars?



       Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.



       He who wants to do good knocks at the gate; he who loves finds the

       gate open.




       In death the many becomes one; in life the one becomes many.

       Religion will be one when God is dead.



       The artist is the lover of Nature, therefore he is her slave and her





       How far are you from me, O Fruit?

       I am hidden in your heart, O Flower.



       This longing is for the one who is felt in the dark, but not seen

       in the day.




       You are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf, I am the smaller

       one on its upper side," said the dewdrop to the lake.



       The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of

       the sword.




       In darkness the One appears as uniform; in the light the One appears

       as manifold.



       The great earth makes herself hospitable with the help of the grass.




       The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy

       whose wider circles move slowly among stars.






       Power said to the world, "You are mine."

       The world kept it prisoner on her throne.

       Love said to the world, "I am thine."

       The world gave it the freedom of her house.




       The mist is like the earth's desire.

       It hides the sun for whom she cries.



       Be still, my heart, these great trees are prayers.



       The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the Eternal.




       I think of other ages that floated upon the stream of life and love

       and death and are forgotten, and I feel the freedom of passing away.




       The sadness of my soul is her bride's veil.

       It waits to be lifted in the night.



       Death's stamp gives value to the coin of life; making it possible

       to buy with life what is truly precious.




       The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky.

       The morning crowned it with splendour.



       The dust receives insult and in return offers her flowers.



       Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on,

       for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way.




       Roots are the branches down in the earth.

       Branches are roots in the air.



       The music of the far-away summer flutters around the Autumn seeking

       its former nest.



       Do not insult your friend by lending him merits from your own pocket.




       The touch of the nameless days clings to my heart like mosses round

       the old tree.



       The echo mocks her origin to prove she is the original.



       God is ashamed when the prosperous boasts of His special favour.



       I cast my own shadow upon my path, because I have a lamp that has not

       been lighted.



       Man goes into the noisy crowed to drown his own clamour of silence.



       That which ends in exhaustion is death, but the perfect ending is

       in the endless.



       The sun has his simple rode of light. The clouds are decked with




       The hills are like shouts of children who raise their arms, trying

       to catch stars.



       The road is lonely in its crowd for it is not loved.



       The power that boasts of its mischiefs is laughed at by the yellow

       leaves that fall, and clouds that pass by.




       The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning,

       some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue.



       the grass-blade is worthy of the great world where it grows.




       Dream is a wife who must talk,

       Sleep is a husband who silently suffers.




       The night kisses the fading day whispering to his ear, I am death,

       your mother. I am to give you fresh birth.




       I feel thy beauty, dark night, like that of the loved woman when

       she has put out the lamp.




       Extortion of confession by torture is refers to the judicial officials to use the corporal punishment either the corporal punishment to suffer in disguised form is inquired person's spirit or the human body gains the oral confession one bad interrogation method. This kind ancient and the barbaric interrogation way still exists, and becomes our country judicature system's stubborn malignant tumor. This article to the extortion of confession by torture concept and above the nature understanding's foundation, conducts the research to its nature present situation question, and refers profits from overseas related mature to make the law, after extortion of confession by torture's present situation, the origin, the harm and extortion of confession by torture failure to prohibits repeatedly the reason to carry on the analysis; By the time proposed that a set solves this question plan, from the thought that the transformation law enforcement idea, eliminates extortion of confession by torture the thought root, in the law, strengthens the legal regime construction establishment silence power system, the consummation judicature to inquire that the system pays great attention the evidence principle; In the mechanism, enlarges the criminal investigation science and technology capital the investment, improves the police quality, but may also consummate the Public security organ interior surveillance to restrict methods and so on mechanism, establishment science inquiry system and liability system system contains extortion of confession by torture the occurrence. key word: Extortion of confession by torture; Silence power; The surveillance restricts the machine-made countermeasure


       Fuck noob shit damn loser bitch等。请合理运用。 当然这些只是针对些许的自以为是的白痴。还有很多单词根据不同的游戏有不同的说法。玩多了。你自然就知道怎么说了。其实只要你大概的说出了意思了。老外也能懂。一些简单的像cd ult ar mr (技能冷却 大招 物理防御 魔法防御)这些打多了就知道了



       bio 内急——Biology Break,上厕所专用高端大气上档次词汇!

       lag——延迟,例句I'm lagging wait——卡,等等,别冲动

       glhf——good luck have fun,国际惯例头一句——祝好运开心

       gg wp——good game well play,国际惯例末一句——玩得漂亮


       afk——away from keyboard,相当于qq的“离开”状态


       <img src="/42325c4db8a70cf03e3a0285d8aad8b7_b.jpg" data-rawwidth="640" data-rawheight="356" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="640" data-original="/42325c4db8a70cf03e3a0285d8aad8b7_r.jpg">cover me——掩护我

       follow me——跟哥来


       fire in the hole——同上

       out of ammo——没子弹了




       out of armor——补护甲

       stay close——跟好了别散开

       retreat/ pull back——撤(有时就打一个b字。。这你们得有默契)



       stfu——shut the f up:闭上你的鸟嘴


       stay sharp——赛前提醒队友提高警惕

       lol——laugh out loud:大笑


       wtf——what the fuck:艹!


       <img src="/4f8d615875d57acb13c41dd5388884d0_b.jpg" data-rawwidth="308" data-rawheight="188" class="content_image" width="308">

       <img src="/bf33ee1215ff582b4973cb15a5c30f79_b.jpg" data-rawwidth="617" data-rawheight="385" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="617" data-original="/bf33ee1215ff582b4973cb15a5c30f79_r.jpg">异常专题,感谢异常专题,感谢papa Mr热心补充:



       taunt——嘲讽,e.g. 龙龟

       silence——沉默,e.g. 风女

       slow——减速,e.g. 炮娘、炼金

       grab——抓,e.g. 机器

       knock back——击退,e.g. 炮娘




       TP——teleport :(传送)回城

       miss, mia——miss in action:对面游走




       mid——Middle Lane:中路/中单

       bot——Bottom lane:下路


       lol英雄一大堆,请走传送门鼠标悬停即出名字——League of Legends Wiki







       juke——dodge:躲闪/ 骗技能

       ks——kill stealing:抢怪、抢人头等等

       fb——first blood:一血


       AoE——Area of Effect:群伤

       AS ATS ASPD——Attack Speed:攻速

       Creeps——Monsters and minions:野味(有时指小兵)

       IE——Infinity Edge:无尽

       BC——The Black Cleaver:黑切


       GA——Guardian Angel:春哥

       <img src="/a458ff6ae158bef20360128bba819217_b.jpg" data-rawwidth="20" data-rawheight="20" class="content_image" width="20">Drake——小龙



       是出生在希腊后移居美国的音乐家YANNI(雅尼)的曲子!"鸟瞰新重庆"里有的那些曲子可以在一张叫《LIVE AT THE ACROPOLISC 》的演奏会现场上找到!是他1994年返回希腊家乡在雅典卫城,帕台农神庙之下,著名的Herod Atticus剧场中举行的一场震惊世界的音乐会!他率领自己的乐队和英国爱乐乐团一起给我们代来了最现代、最热情、最浪漫的NEW AGE!不过重庆台也真是用了人家的音乐连字幕也不给人家打个....


       1980. OPTIMYSTIQUE

       本专辑是雅尼的首张个人专辑,其中并没有什么特别引人之作。但我们可以从 "Farewell"等曲中领略到雅尼音乐风格的雏形。

       01.The Sphynx

       02.Butterfly Dance



       05.The Chase


       07.Turn Of The Tide

       08.The Magus

       1986. KEYS TO IMAGINATION 天堂之约

       这是BMG发行的首张雅尼音乐专辑,由Peter Baumann协助完成,雅尼电子音乐风格在此确立。Santorini,Keys To Imagination及Nostalgia这三首后来在卫城音乐会中大放光彩的作品最初均收录于此。

       01.The North Shore Of Matsushima

       02.Looking Glass



       05.Port Of Mystery

       06.Keys To Imagination

       07.Forgotten Yesterdays

       08.Forbidden Dreams

       1987. OUT OF SILENCE 远离尘嚣

       其中Acroyali/Standing In Motion(medly)是经典之作

       01.Sand Dance

       02.After The Sunrise

       03.Standing In Motion

       04.The Mermaid

       05.Within Attraction

       06.Street Level

       07.Secret Vows

       08.Point Of Origin


       10.Paths On Water

       1988. CHAMELEON DAYS 漂泊的日子

       Reftlections Of Passion经典之作,Swept Away,Marching Season和The Rain Must Fall曾在雅典演出。

       01.Swept Away

       02.Marching Season

       03.Chasing Shadows

       04.The Rain Must Fall

       05.Days Of Summer

       06.Reflections Of Passion


       08.Everglade Run

       09.A Word In Private

       1989. NIKI NANA


       01.Niki Nana (We are One)

       02.Dance With A Stranger

       03.Running Time


       05.Human Condition

       06.First Touch


       08.Quiet Man

       1990. REFLECTIONS OF PASSION 激情飞跃

       01.After the Sunrise

       02.The Mermaid

       03.Quiet Man


       05.Almost a Whisper

       06.The Rain Must Fall



       09.Swept Away

       10.True Nature

       11.Secret Vows

       12.Flight of Fantasy

       13.A Word in Private

       14.First Touch

       15.Reflections of Passion

       1991. IN CELEBRATION OF LIFE 生活的庆典

       雅尼的精选专辑,收录其八十年代的许多佳作。其中Song for Antarctica为新作。


       02.Song For Antarctica

       03.Marching Season


       05.Keys To Imagination

       06.Looking Glass


       08.Within Attraction

       09.Standing In Motion

       10.Sand Dance

       1992. DARE TO DREAM 敢于梦想

       这是一张颇具可听性的专集。小提琴的加入为雅尼的音乐增色不少。从此开始,雅尼的专辑均由其本人独立制作。FELITSA(雅尼母亲的名字),IN THE MIRROR是我非常喜欢的两首曲子。本专辑获得九三年葛莱美最佳 New Age 专辑提名。

       01.Once Upon A Time

       02.A Love For Life

       03.Nice To Meet You

       04.So Long My Friend

       05.You Only Live Once

       06.To The One Who Knows

       07.Face I The Photograph




       11.A Night To Remember

       12.In The Mirror

       1993. IN MY TIME 我行我素

       这是一张公认的经典唱片。雅尼用钢琴演奏了全部九首新作和上张专辑中的FELITSA及IN THE MIRROR。我们可以从中感受到异于其以前任何一张唱片的韵味和内涵,其中的UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT和THE END OF AUGUST是雅尼的经典之作。正如一位乐迷所说,这是一张“自省”的专辑,略显沉闷但久听不厌。

       01.In The Morning Light

       02.One Man’s Dream

       03.Before I Go


       05.The End of August

       06.To Take...To Hold

       07.In The Mirror


       09.Whispers In The Dark

       10.Only A Memory

       11.Until The Last Moment

       1994. LIVE AT THE ACROPOLISC 盛典


       02.Until the last moment

       03.Keys to imagination

       04.The rain must fall


       06.Within Attraction

       07.One man’s dream

       08.Marching season


       10.Acroyali/Standing in Motion


       12.Reflections of passion

       13.Swept away

       14.The end of August

       1997. TRIBUTE 赞辞 雅尼《雅尼在紫禁城》



       02.Adagio In C Minor


       04.Dance With A Stranger



       07.Love Is All Lynn/M/Y

       08.Southern Exposure

       09.Waltz In 7/8


       11.Niki Nana Sterling/Y/Y

       2000. IF I COULD TELL YOU 尽在不言中

       这是一张纯正的New Age专辑。

       01.On Sacred Ground

       02.The Flame Within

       03.Midnight Hymn

       04.November Sky

       05.With An Orchid

       06.Wishing Well

       07.A Walk In The Rain


       09.If I Could Tell You

       10.In Your Eyes

       11.Reason For Rainbows

       2003. ETHNICITY 大同世界


       01.Rites of passage

       02.For all seasons

       03.The promise


       05.Written on the wind

       06.Playing by heart

       07.At first sight

       08.Tribal dream

       09.Almost a whisper

       10.Never too late

       11.Play time

       12.Jivaeri (Jiva-Eri)

       STEAL THE SKY (**配音专辑)

       01.Steal The Sky

       02.Fountain / Life Is Serious

       03.I’ll Think About It / Fenesta Vascia

       04.Baghdad Sirport / Main Title

       05.Stealing The Jet

       06.Munir Flies The Jet

       07.Munir Lands The Plane


       09.Nowhere Man


       01.You Only Live Once

       02.Flight Of Fantasy

       03.To The One Who Knows

       04.Keys To Imagination

       05.Butterfly Dance

       06.Nice To Meet You




       10.Point Of Origin


       12.Chasing Shadows

       VANN JOHNSON 经典选播

       01.All the Above (Messages)

       02.Forever Yours (Messages)

       03.Now (Messages)

       04.Love is All (Tribute)

       05.Everytime We Say Goodby(with Dan Hill)

       06.Loves Passio(with Michael Cooper)

       07.Dont Forget(Juan Atkins Remix)

       THE VERY BEST OF YANNI 雅尼2000年最新精选


       02.Looking Glass

       03.In The Morning Light

       04.Marching Season

       05.Swept Away

       06.One Mans Dream

       07.The Mermaid

       08.To The One Who Knows



       11.In The Mirror


       13.Flight Of Fantasy

       14.The End Of August

       15.The Rain Must Fall

       16.Face In The Photograph

       THE ANCIENT WORLD 远古世界(仙境)





       05.ISLAND (OF GREECE)





       10.EVION`S DREAM



       WINTER LIGHT 冬之光

       01.Forgotten Yesterdays

       02.Only A Memory

       03.Point Of Origin

       04.Marching Season

       05.After The Sunrise

       06.Until The Last Moment


       08.Keys To Imagination

       09.A Word In Private

       10.True Nature

       11.The Magus

       12.Face In The Photograph


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