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better me歌词_

1.薛凯琪的《better me》MV,表达什么意思啊?

2.求《Better me》歌词的英文部分解释

3.《Better Me》 的歌词翻译

4.better me歌词的意思

better me歌词_

Distant harbor, spreading wes of boat flute

I he been wandering to be picked up

Now looking at the reflecting window glass

A I strange and familiar

Oh, the I can Smile a little more

Sing a little more

Feel a little more

All because of you

Said a good day for the hy world practice

Exercise Laugh a little more

Love myself a little more

To learn to be more kind to myself

For you to become a Better me

What the distance is not regarded as really separated

Miss instead of all the words and understanding

One day life will grow old okay thank you

In your eyes I see the better in me

Coz I can Smile a little more

Sing a little more

Feel a little more

All because of you

Said a good day for the hy world practice

Exercise Laugh a little more

Love myself a little more

To learn to be more kind to myself

For you to become a Better me

Is less than miraculous

Former fault has significance

Taught me to put aside all suspicion might

I am beautiful and worthy of a miracle

My tears will fall

Not because of the weak

But thank the day I met you

Otherwise, today will not be able to he the courage to

Now I promise to you

And I can swear to you

For you and I cherish my own

Better me proud of you do a

Better me worthy of your love

薛凯琪的《better me》MV,表达什么意思啊?

Better me, Better you

Written by: Alicia Keys, Steve Mostyn, Marsha Ambrosius, Ron Hanley

I look into the mirror

And see a different girl

Hiding from herself with

Not a care in the world

Her smile pretends to fool

Those she chooses to please

If they could only see the tears she cries for help

See, I he been that girl

Didn’t know which way to turn

Then one day I turned to me…

I told myself to wake up

It’s gonna be a brighter day

I just he to believe that

My dreams won’t he to wait

At times I’ve lost my mind

Had to look deep inside

And find a way to get over

Had to swallow my pride

I searched the world for and answer

But i’ve been searching too far

Because I’ve been here all along


I’m here to make a statement

My place I’m here to claim it

Don’t tell me what my name is


I’m gonna make it

I’ve come to far to lose it

Gotta stay focused

And find a better me

Feels like forever

Trying to work it out

Sometimes you’re gonna fail

And you know

Sometime it will rain

But the sun will come

When u think it’s all said and done

You know u see the light

And everything is alright

You can do

Whatever you put your mind to

Cause you’re all that you need

Like I do just believe


You’re here to make a statement

You’re place you’re here to claim it

You know just what your name is

No GO!

You’re gonna make it

You’ve come to far to lose it

Gotta stay focused

And find a better me

求《Better me》歌词的英文部分解释

《Better Me》MV,表达薛凯琪的感恩。

《Better Me》是一首很有爱,很感恩的歌。从事艺术工作的薛凯琪,因为常常会虐待自己,经常废寝忘食,经常熬夜不睡,很对不起父母。为了能创作出好的作品,会有意无意去感受悲伤,去让她受伤,好让能有更多好的作品。很多时候薛凯琪走不出来,导致她变得人不像人鬼不像鬼。薛凯琪曾是缺乏安全感的人,也曾自暴自弃、不爱自己,可是有她的家人、好友、信仰、宠物帮助她渡过这一切,才能变成了今天开朗、积极的薛凯琪。

回溯出道至今演艺之路的成长,薛凯琪借歌曲《Betterme》鼓励自己,感谢曾经在爱情里受到的种种伤害,也希望能以榜样的姿态用音乐去感染女生们做让自己骄傲的better me。





填 词:小寒

谱 曲:江海迦






I can Smile a little more

Sing a little more

Feel a little more 全因为你

说好了要为幸福 一天天地练习

练习 Laugh a little more

Love myself a little more


为你我变成了 Better me



有一天生命会老去 还好谢谢有你

在你眼中 I see the better in me

Coz I can Smile a little more

Sing a little more

Feel a little more 全因为你

说好了要为幸福 一天天地练习

练习 Laugh a little more

Love myself a little more


为你我变成了 Better me



教我抛开所有猜疑 也许

我也美丽 值得一个奇迹




不然今天就不能 如此地有勇气

Now I promise to you

And I can swear to you

为你我 一定加倍 爱护我自己

做一个值得你 骄傲的 Better me

一个值得你 爱的Better me

《Better Me》 的歌词翻译

I can Smile a little more 我会多点微笑

Sing a little more 多唱点歌

Feel a little more 感受更多

Laugh a little more 更多微笑

Love myself a little more 更爱自己

I see the better in me 我看见了更好的我

Coz I can Smile a little more 因为我能多些微笑

Sing a little more 多唱歌

Feel a little more 感受更多

Now I promise to you 现在我向你保证

And I can swear to you 我也可以对你承诺

better me歌词的意思

Never known nobodddddy else

That knows me even more than

I know myself

And I'm still trying tooooo see

What you see in meeeee

You understaaand

The one I am

And you are the oneeeee

You changed me with your looove

You make , me - - - ya make me wanna be a better me

You make me wanna get it riiight

And be the one who diserves to be

The one who is in your liiiife

You make me wanna be the one you see

What's beautiful in your eyeeeeees

Yooou , make me - - - you make me wanna be a better meeeee

You make me feel I'm 10 feeeeeet tall

You make me think I can do , anything at all

And I'm here to make sure yooou find

All you need in meeee

Because you give the loooove

That lifts me up

I swear to you right nooooow

I won't let you dooooown

You maaaake meee - - - you make me wanna be a better me

You make me wanna get it riiight

And be the one who diserves to be

The one who is in your liiiife

You make me wanna be the one you see

What's beautiful in your eyeeeeees

Yooou , make me - - - you make me wanna be a better meeeee

You keep me strong

You keep me on track

Whaaaat you give

I wanna give baaack

Thank God for yoooou ! ( 2x )

You make me wanna be a better me

You make me wanna get it riiight

And be the one who diserves to be

The one who is in your liiiife

You make me wanna be the one you seeee !

What's beautiful in your eyeeeeees

'Causeeeee !

You , ya make me - - - ya make me wanna be a - - - better me

Make me wanna be a - - - make me - - - make me wanna be a - - - better me

Ya make me - - - make me wanna be a !

Ya make me - - - maaaake me wanna be a !

Make me - - - make me wanna be a !

Make me wanna be a better me

You make me wanna get it riiight

You make me wanna be a better me

( make me - - - make me wanna be a betteeer me ! Ohhhh ! )

You make me wanna be a better me

You make me wanna get it riiight

You make me wanna be a better me

不知道是没人ddddd的人知道我更比我知道我自己我仍然试图ooooo看你所看到的是eeeee你understaaand我的那一个你是在eeeee你改变了我和你的死你让,我- - -你让我想成为一个更好的我你让我想要得到它riiight而被人diserves是谁是你liiiife你让我想成为一个你看到的美丽的东西在你的眼睛eeeeee的你,让我- - -你让我想成为一个更好eeeee你让我感觉我是10eeeeee不高你让我觉得我可以做的,什么都我来这儿是要确保你找到在你需要我因为你给的爱我振奋我向你发誓,权ooooo瓦特我不会让你失望ooooo你maaaake meee - - -你让我想成为一个更好的我你让我想要得到它riiight而被人diserves是谁是你liiiife你让我想成为一个你看到的美丽的东西在你的眼睛eeeeee的你,让我- - -你让我想成为一个更好eeeee你让我坚强你让我的轨道上你给whaaaat我想给baaack感谢上帝yoooou!(2)你让我想成为一个更好的我你让我想要得到它riiight而被人diserves是谁是你liiiife你让我想成为一个你seeee!美丽的东西在你的眼睛eeeeee的“因为eeeee!你,你让我- - -你让我想成为一个- - -更好的我让我想成为一个- - - - - -让我让我想成为一个- - -更好的我你让我——让我想成为一个!你让我- - - maaaake我想成为一个!让我——让我想成为一个!让我想成为一个更好的我你让我想要得到它riiight你让我想成为一个更好的我(让我——让我想成为一个betteeer我!噢!)你让我想成为一个更好的我你让我想要得到它riiight你让我想成为一个更好的我

歌名:better me




The spring has come and took something from me


And what I he is another love story


Oh my baby can you can you see


This is more and just meant to be


I can smile a little more, sing a little more, laugh a little more


And you will see


We can do a little better than we used to be


we should crowd a little more, should've share a little more,


doing someting a little more crazy


But we never should've let it be


The sun was gone and you took my heart with you honey

谧静的夜晚,你的一声“亲爱的” 融化了我的心

And it has already sounds like memories


Would you should never ever let me cold no no baby

宝贝, 你曾一直温暖着我的心

And you will see, see the better in me

你看见了吗, 更好的我

Coz i can smile a little more, sing a little more, laugh a little more

我为了幸福, 一天天地进步

and you will see


We can do a little better than we used to be


We should crowd a little more, should've share a little more,

我们就能更靠近点, 就能多点分享

doing someting a little more crazy

可以去做一些, 更疯狂的事

But we never should've let it be

却再也, 没有机会了

Maybe someday you will know

祈祷有一天, 与你能再见

Perhaps you will never know

也可能, 再也不见

But to keep my real love isn't easy

不再, 轻易说爱

And i konw i konw to lee you won't be leing me(?)

期待的, 不离不弃, 白头到老

Now i promise to you and i can swear to you

现在为你, 许下山盟海誓

that i will never ever lee you behind me

只求, 携手到老

So come on baby give love a fantasy

宝贝,回来吧, 祈求幸福

Coz it could he been a new new story

过往能否揭去, 祈求未来相伴




