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the day after tomorrow_

1.后天是星期几英语怎么说 what day。。。。



4.The day after tomorrow I (go)to the mountains。

5.the day after tomorrow中文是什么意思

the day after tomorrow_

tomorrow 明天

the day after tomorrow 后天

next week/year 下周、明年

in the future 在将来

the day after tomorrow 后天

before long不久以后

next year/month/week/summer

in the future,some day将来的某一天



He will get married. 他就快结婚了 。

She will he a daughter.她就会有个女儿了。

The cat will he a master.猫要有主人了。

The dog will he a house. 狗就要有窝了。

Telephone me this evening. I‘ll be at home. 今晚给我打电话,我会在家。

I'll(shall/will)do a better job next time. 下次我要干得好

The car won‘t start.车开不了啦。

Oil and water will not mix. 油水没法混在一起。

后天是星期几英语怎么说 what day。。。。

One day

a meteorologist called Jack received an astonishing shocked news ---- human is in great trouble because of the world's globle warming

an extinctive natural disaster which could destroy the Earth is imminent. 某一日,气象学家杰克收到惊人噩闻 — 人类将会大祸临头,因为全球温室效应所致,一场灭绝人寰、足令地球消失的自然灾害已经迫在眉睫。 In addition

Jack had seen a large ice which was in the size of Newport fell of trom the South Pole that the world's climate started to he a large change. For instance

ice storms in size of grapes attacked Tokyo

the most destructive typhoon eared in Hawaii

giant wind and sonw in New Delhi


the abnormal typhoon which destroyed Los Angeles in one time......These unexpected natural disaster creates death every where and huge loss. 加上杰克亲眼目睹一个如罗德岛般巨大的冰块从南极冰层上脱落后,地球的气象开始产生重大变化:如葡萄般大的冰雹侵袭东京、有史以来破坏性最强的飓风席卷夏威夷、大风雪袭击印度新德里、异常的龙卷风将洛杉矶毁于一旦..这些突如其来的天然灾害,弄至死伤枕藉,损失惨重。 Jack noticed that the situation is in urgent. He informed the White House

the American ernment. At the same time

he discovered that the usual roasting New York city cooled down quickly in one day and suddenly changed into frozen

with the most miserable news of knowing that his own seven year's old son Sam (Dennis Quaid) was tred there because of participating in a academic petition. For the sake of sing his son

sing the Earth

Jack willingly beared the risk of death to go against the disaster which affects all human's life. 杰克见情势危急,马上通知美国白宫 *** 。同时间他又发现本来炙热难耐的纽约市,一天内急速降温,突变冰天雪地,最难过是知道自己的十七岁儿子森姆( 积克格宁贺饰演 )因出席学界比赛被困于当地。为了拯救儿子、拯救地球,杰克甘于冒生命危险,对付一场关乎全人类性命的灾害

参考: Yahoo! Dictionary

Certain on the first

meteorologist's right bower receives astonishing E to *** ell- The mankind will be disaster is upon us

because of global green house effect with the result that

a depopulation human world

foot disears the Earth of natural disaster already of the utmost urgency. Plus right bower to witness 1

such as Luo

virtuous island sort huge ice-cubes personally from the South pole ice after layer shed off up

the permafrost meteorology starts producing major variety:Encroach upon Tokyo and he a history as the grape big hail destructiveness the most strong hurricane gobble up Hawaii

snow blizzard to assault India New Delhi

excrescent tornado to ruin Los Angeles in once..these natural disasters for ing all of a sudden

make till death harm Zhen by

lose miserably hey. The right bower sees situation urgent

noting the white house ernment right away.Meantime he finds original steaming hot unbearable New York City again

rapid in a day reduce the heat

mutation snow and icebound

knowing is the most sad own of the 17 years old son's Sen Mu( accumulate a gram of space rather He to play) surround in the region because of attending an educational circles game.For rescuing a son and rescuing the Earth

the right bower is sweet in risk death

deal with a pass the disaster of whole mankind's life

参考: me



What day will it be the day after tomorrow?

What day is it the day after tomorrow?

(the day after tomorrow 是“时间状语”,it 是主语。)


前天的英文:the day before yesterday;昨天的英文:yesterday;

今天的英文:today;明天的英文:tomorrow;后天的英文:the day after tomorrow;

大后天的英文:three days from now;大大后天的英文:four days from now


yesterday 读法? 英 [?jest?de?] 美 [?jest?rde?]?




1、yesterday evening?昨天晚上,前晚

2、since yesterday?从昨天

3、born yesterday?乳臭未干




She had an attack of indigestion yesterday.


The day after tomorrow I (go)to the mountains。



前天the day before yesterday。

后天the day after tomorrow。


today 英[t?de?] 美[t?de]

adv. 现在; 现今; (在) 今天; 现代,当代;

n. 现今; 今天,今日; 现代,当代;

[例句]How are you feeling today?


tomorrow 英[t?m?r?] 美[t?mɑ:ro?]

adv. 在明天,在明日;

n. 明天; 最近,不远的将来;

[例句]Bye, see you tomorrow.


the day before yesterday

英[? dei bi?f?: ?jest?di] 美[?i de b?f?r ?j?st?de]

adv. 前天; 前日;

[例句]Perhaps the day before yesterday.


the day after tomorrow

英[? dei ?ɑ:ft? t?m?r?u] 美[?i de ?ft? t?m?ro]

adv. 后天;

[例句]She's leing the day after tomorrow.


the day after tomorrow中文是什么意思

填will go The day after tomorrow 后天,是将来时间,所以用将来时

The day after tomorrow I will go to the mountains.





the day after tomorrow即后天


the day before yesterday前天
