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tell me who you are_

1.Tell Me Who You Are Christian Wunderlich,翻译成汉语的歌词

2.Could you tell me ___________? A .who are you B.you are who C.who you are D.who you was

3.求Tell Me Who You Are的歌词

4.Tell me who you are -Ldy Lickem(rap 伴奏 )

tell me who you are_

I fantasize your face as i dream alseep 我睡觉做梦时都在梦着你的脸 hoping and wondering if you think of me 思索着,期待着你也在想我 asking myself 并问问自己 does he exsist? does he even know who i am 他是真实的吗?他到底知不知道我是谁? or does he even know my name 他到底知道我叫什么吗? is my mind playing games 是不是我的大脑在耍我 i feel like its a movie 我感觉一切像一场** where i keep dreaming 一场我一直在其中做梦的** to where i keep waiting 一场我一直在等待着的** waiting for the day, you show up in my life 等着你在我生命中出现的那一天 i know im not going insane 我知道我没有发疯 maybe its even deja vu 可能这只是似曾相识的幻觉 cuhs i feel like, some how i know him 因为我觉得,我不知怎么的居然熟识他 and i do believe that dreams come true 我的确相信梦想会成为现实 he i seen him before 我以前见过他吗? i know that wasn't the firs 我明白那并不是 firs...不好意思看不懂firs if it was why can't i stop wondering 那是不是就是我无法停止幻想的原因 i can't be loosing it 我无法释怀 in my fantasies 在我的幻想中 i he memories of you, 我有对你的回忆 can this really be true? 这难道是真的吗? i don't know 我不知道 but i really wanna figure it out 但我实在想弄个明白 whats his name 他叫什么名字 is he real 他是不是真实的 why am i suddenly hing these thoughts/ now ? 为什么我现在会突然有这些想法? is it real? 那是真的吗? Just tell me who you are, 告诉我你是谁吧 Everytime i see your face at dark. 每每我在黑暗中看见你的脸 i'm hing more and more dreams, 我的幻想就越来越多 Please explain it to me. 请解释给我听吧 Waking up, i feel like im in a different world 我醒来,却发现自己在一个截然不同的世界 like im making fantasies, reality 就好像我在幻想现实 there he is 他就在那儿 looking straight at me 毫不掩饰地看着我 what do i do 我应该做些什么呢 what do i say 我应该说些什么呢 somehow he just never goes away 不知为何他从不消失 is it a sign of some kind 这是否预示着什么 what is he tryna tell me 预示着他将对我说的话 at that point 在那时那刻 im thinking this aint real. 我思索着这一些是否真实 nah 也许不吧 it's just make believe 这只是我自己的幻想 but then again 但在那时,又一次 my eyes are wide open 我的眼睛睁得大大的 maybe he'll explain who he is 或许他会告诉我他是谁 im hoping at least tell me why he keeps popping up in my head 我只是期待他至少会告诉我为何他频频出现 as i dream in my bed 我在床上梦着 im tryna wake up 我试图清醒 get away from this confusion 远离这种混乱 some how it keeps comin back 但不知为何它总是回来 i'm hing more illusion 我开始产生更多的幻觉 i don't know what to do now, 我不知该怎么办 am i suppose to just sit and wait, 我应该坐着等待呢 patiently letting time elaborate on whats going on耐心地等着时间逐渐展开现实的画卷 then again maybe im just tripping! 到那时或许我只是又犯了个小错 and nothing really was wrong 没什么是错误的 不好意思,缺乏诗意... Just tell me who you are, 简简单单地告诉我你是谁 Everytime i see your face at dark. 每每我在黑暗中看见你的脸 i'm hing more and more dreams, 我的幻想就越来越多 Please explain it to me. 请解释给我听吧 Just tell me why your here ( why are you here ? ) 只要告诉我你为何在这儿 (你为何在这儿) is this suppose to be a sign ( if so, what kind ? ) 这是否预示着什么(如果是,那又是什么呢?) Cuhs its been playin with my mind ( it's been playin with my mind ) 因为那一直纠缠在我的脑海中 (一直纠缠在我的脑海中) i swear im seeing things, or am i ( am i ? ) 我发誓我看见了什么(我看见了吗?) Just tell me who you are, 只要告诉我你是谁 Everytime i see your face at dark. 每每我在黑暗中看见你的脸 i'm hing more and more dreams, 我的幻想就越来越多 Please explain it to me. 请解释给我听吧 Just tell me who you are, 只要告诉我你是谁 Everytime i see your face at dark. 每每我在黑暗中看见你的脸 i'm hing more and more dreams, 我的幻想就越来越多 Please explain it to me. 请告诉我吧

Tell Me Who You Are Christian Wunderlich,翻译成汉语的歌词

在我的生命里有这样一个他 无时无刻我都在把他把他牵挂 曾今想和他拥有这样一个家 可是这一切都是那么的虚 我们的爱情就这样被无情的践踏 到底是什么让我们彼此都不说话 明知道我们的爱情再也坚

Could you tell me ___________? A .who are you B.you are who C.who you are D.who you was






















'我相信你余弦( '我是你余弦)

















'成本,没有人知道它现在更好( '成本,没有人知道它更好)


(迄今... )








求Tell Me Who You Are的歌词


首先you are/were是一致的,而不是you was

who you are是作 tell 的宾语,tell 接双宾,即tell sb sth ,只是在这里sth是一个从句,所以它不用倒装的语序(who are you .)

Tell me who you are -Ldy Lickem(rap 伴奏 )

I don't believe that you think

I could lee you lonely

I even know that you show me your way

I won't be there 'til you swear

I am just the only one for you

I holp your silent love is true

I can't believe that all your feelings are a lie

And see you through the tears I cry

So baby.Tell me who you are

'Cos I believe it's better for me

Can't you see I'm so in love with you girl

Baby.Tell me who you are

'Cos no one knows it better now

If you only believe in me so far

Tell me who you are

Why don't you say that you'll stay

By my side forever

Why don't you try?

I'm too shy to confess my love

Is it so wrong we belong

In this life together

'Cos I am you('Cos I am you)

I holp your tender love is true

I can't believe that all your feelings are away

I just don't know why you can't stay

So baby.Tell me who you are

'Cos I believe it's better for me

Can't you see I'm so in love with you girl

Baby.Tell me who you are

'Cos no one knows it better now

If you only believe in me so far

Tell me who you are...

I can't believe that all your feelings are lie

And see you through the tears I cry

'Cos baby.Tell me who you are(Tell me who you are)

'Cos I believe it's better for me(It's better for me)

Can't you see I'm so in love with you girl(So in love with you girl)

Baby.Tell me who you are

'Cos no one knows it better now ('Cos no one knows it better)

If you only believe in me so far

(So far...)

Baby.Tell me who you are

'Cos I believe it's better for me

Can't you see I'm so in love with you girl(Tell me who you are)

Baby.Tell me who you are

'Cos no one knows it better now

If you only believe in me so far

Tell me who you ...are

Tell me who you are

Ldy Lickem

I fantasize your face as i dream alseep

hoping and wondering if you think of me

asking myself

does he exsist? does he even know who i am

or does he even know my name

is my mind playing games

i feel like its a movie

where i keep dreaming

to where i keep waiting

waiting for the day, you show up in my life

i know im not going insane

maybe its even deja vu

cuhs i feel like, some how i know him

and i do believe that dreams come true

he i seen him before

i know that wasn't the first

if it was why can't i stop wondering

i can't be loosing it

in my fantasies

i he memories of you

can this really be true?

i don't know/ but i really wanna figure it out

whats his name/ is he real

why am i suddenly hing these thoughts/ now ?

is it real?

Just tell me who you are,

Everytime i see your face at dark.

i'm hing more and more dreams,

Please explain it to me.

Waking up, i feel like im in a different world

like im making fantasies, reality

there he is/ looking straight at me

what do i do/ what do i say

somehow he just never goes away

is it a sign of some kind

what is he tryna tell me

at that point

im thinking this aint real

nah/ it's just make believe

but then again

my eyes are wide open

maybe he'll explain who he is/ im hoping

atleast tell me why he keeps popping

up in my head/ as i dream in my bed

im tryna wake up/ get away from this confusion

somehow it keeps comin back

i'm hing more illusi**

i don't know what to do now

am i suppose to just sit and wait

patiently letting time elaborate

on whats going on

then again maybe im just tripping

and nothing really was wrong

Just tell me who you are,

Everytime i see your face at dark.

i'm hing more and more dreams,

Please explain it to me.

Just tell me why your here ( why are you here ? )

is this suppose to be a sign ( if so, what kind ? )

Cuhs its been playin with my mind ( it's been playin with my mind )

i swear im seeing things, or am i ( am i ? )

Just tell me who you are,

Everytime i see your face at dark.

i'm hing more and more dreams,

Please explain it to me.

Just tell me who you are,

Everytime i see your face at dark.

i'm hing more and more dreams,

Please explain it to me.
