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red wedding_



3.求一些 颜色英文单词的形容词意义 例如: blue 忧郁的。

4.关于wedding ceremonies in China的英文ppt


6.red envelopes是什么意思


red wedding_


be in the red 负责

paint the town red 痛饮狂欢

see red 暴怒,激怒

red alert 紧急警报(红色警戒,一个著名游戏的名称)

red ball 特快列车

red carpet (迎接贵宾用的)红地毯,隆重的接待

red cent 一分钱,一便士

red dog 煤坑中的混合废料

red dog flour 低级面粉, 次面粉

red flag 红旗,危险信号,喻惹人生气的事物

red ink 红墨水,〈美〉喻赤字

red light 危险信号,(十字路口的交通)红灯,(车辆等的)尾灯,〈口〉(旧时以红灯作为标志)妓院

red-light district 〈美〉(城镇中的妓院区)

see the red light 看到了红灯(觉察危险迫近)

red rag 斗牛用的红布,激怒人的东西

red tape 繁琐的手续,官僚作风,官样文章

red-blooded 精力充沛的

red-letter day 大喜日子, 圣徒之节日

red-pencil 修改, 检查, 删除

red-handed 染血的

red-hot 炽热的, 非常激动的, 最新的

red-short 因热而脆的

red about the gills 两腮红润, 气色好;(因发怒或喝酒)满脸通红

red cap 红帽子,火车站的搬运工

red card 〈足球〉红牌

red cock 纵火引起的火灾

red gold 纯金,货币

red heat 赤热, 赤热状态

red meat 未煮前颜色是红色的肉类(尤指牛、羊肉)


It’s a black day for us. 今天我们不走运。

a black look

look black at sb.

give sb. a black look

black in the face (因发怒或使劲而)脸色发红或发紫;脸色发青

black-hearted 坏心肠的

not so black as one is painted 不像传闻那么坏

black deeds 黑心的事

black despair 深深的绝望

black humor 黑色幽默(即苦中作乐的)

black comedy 黑色喜剧(有悲剧或悲剧成份的喜剧,通常富于讽刺性)

black programs 秘密级的程序

the black 帐目的贷方

to black sb.’s eye 把某人的眼睛打的发青

black out 涂黑;遮掩

black and blue 遍体鳞伤的

black art 巫术,魔法

black ball 秘密反对票

black belt (柔道等有道位者所系的)黑腰带的,黑腰带级选手(柔道中达到最高级别者)

black book 黑名册,可疑人物册

black dog 〈俗〉沮丧,意气消沉

black eye 眼圈发黑,坏名声

black flag 海盗用的骷髅旗

black gauze cap 乌纱帽

black gold 黑金,石油

black hand 黑手党(由意大利西西里移民组织的进行走私、、敲诈勒索和恐怖主义活动的集团)

black in the face 脸色发紫的

black money 黑钱(匿报的非法收益)

black sheep 害群之马,败家子

black tea 红茶

black widow 动黑寡妇(一种美洲蜘蛛)

blackball n. 反对票 vt. 投票反对,排斥

blackleg 〈俗〉骗子(尤指者),骗徒,〈英〉破坏罢工的工人

bone black 骨灰


yellow alert 预备警报

yellow boy 〈英〉金币

yellow dog 不参加或不协助工会的工人,卑鄙的人

yellow jacket 小黄蜂,黄马褂

yellow journalism **新闻

yellow looks 阴郁的眼神

yellow metal 金,黄铜

Yellow Pages 电话黄页

yellow sheet 低俗新闻

the yellow press 以耸人听闻的方式报导新闻的报刊

yellow streak 胆怯

yellow-covered 表面**的,廉价的,无用的

yellowback 廉价


Your hands are blue with cold. 你的两只手冻的发青了。

I’m feeling rather blue today. 我今天觉得很沮丧。

shout blue murder 大声诉苦

till one is blue in the face 永远不会成功

blue about the gills 垂头丧气的,沮丧的

blue one’s money 〈俚〉乱花钱

blue blood 贵族的血统,〈俗〉贵族

blue book 名人录,蓝皮书

blue chip 绩优股(值钱而热门的股票),稳当可靠的财产

blue helmit 蓝盔部队(联合国维和部队)

blue moon 不可能或稀有的时期或事情

blue movie **

blue jokes 的笑话

blue note 悲伤的音符

blue print 蓝图,设计图,方案

blue ribbon 最高的荣誉, 头等的, 一流的, 特选的

blue streak 一闪而过的东西, 行动很快的人或物

blue water 深海

blue-collar 蓝领阶级的, 工人阶级的

blue-sky 无价值的, 不保险的


green as grass 幼稚的

green hand n. 生手,没有经验的人

green light 绿灯,放行,准许

green power 金钱的力量

green thumb 有特殊园艺才能

green with envy 非常忌妒的

green-eyed 绿眼的,忌妒的

green-eyed monster 忌妒

greenback n. 美钞, 背部为绿色之动物

greenbelt n. 绿色地带,城市周围的

greener n. 生手

green fingers 绿手指,园艺能手

keep sb. ’s memory green 使长记不忘

green card (AmE.)绿卡



in the pink 身体很好,健康

pink elephants n. 幻觉, 不可能的事情, 离奇的事

pink list 解雇通知书

pink tea午后茶会, 正式的社交活动


Pink Book红皮书(国家出版的国际收支文件)

pink champagne玫瑰香槟酒


purple passage 词藻华丽的段落

purple patch词藻华丽的段落

born in the purple 生于王室

become purple with rage 气得脸色发紫

purple black 紫黑色

purple brown紫褐色, 紫棕色


golden hours 幸福的时刻

golden age 黄金时代

golden ages 全盛期,黄金时代

golden eggs 大利益

golden key n. 贿赂

golden mean n. 中庸之道,美术黄金分隔(= golden section)

golden rule n. 金箴

golden saying 金玉良言

golden section n. 黄金分割

Golden State美国加利福尼亚州的别称

golden-wedding 金婚纪念(结婚50周年)

golden-mouthed a. 雄辩的


white about the gills a. 脸色发白

bleed sb. / sth. White 耗尽某人 / 某物的财富、力量;榨尽某人血汗,用尽某物物力

white alert n. 解除空袭警报,恢复正常

white alloy 银

white as a sheet a. 极苍白的

white bear n. 动白熊,北极熊

white coal n. 白煤(指发电用的水)

white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡

white elephant 白象,累赘物

white feather 胆怯,白羽毛(怯懦的象征)

white gold 人造白金(金、镍、铜的合金)

white hole 不适当的间隔,天白洞

white lie 无恶意的谎言,小谎

white list 白名单(指经认可或批准事项的一览表)

white night 不眠夜,(夏季高纬度地区所见的)白夜

white of the eye 白眼球

white room 绝尘室,最清洁的房屋

white sale 大减价(尤指床单、枕套等白织物)

white war 白色战争(经济战)

white-collar a. 白领阶层的,脑力劳动者



lend / give color to 使有真实性,使显可信

off color 脸色不好,身体不适

he very little color 面色苍白

he a high color 气色很好

in its true colors 以本来面目

show one’s true colors 露出真面目,显出本性

with flying colors 大为成功,出色地完成

join the colors 入伍

stick to one’s colors 坚持己见


color bar n. 对有色人种的歧视

color line n. 种族分界线


请问还有吗 越多越好 您在哪里找到的 最好还有关于谚语俗语或成语的短语翻译 谢谢!!我有分的 谢啦


好的 你== 我就是学英语的·




9 7 9 2 47265 @qq 谢谢你啦




 1. Congratulations you enter the palace of love. Wish roses: harmonious!


 2. Sincere love together is the most all combined with pure, bless you.


 3. Toil half, contribution for decades, and in this spring warms bloom days, congratulations you remarry the joy, so-called "sunset infinite good, day lilies late sweet"!


 4. May you two Wan with love to each other and the mutual understanding and care, Shared future pleasure and pain. With best wishes for a merry roses: harmonious knot!


 5. Years mend cultivate crossing, but a hundred to mend altogether pillow sleep. In the boundless huge crowd to find her, clear is a thousand years ago in a period of fate, and wish you both hiness, total harmonic coyly.


 6. Congratulations you find soul mate for life, marriage is a great things, I believe that you will make the most sensible decision, there is love crystallization begot cute baby, don't forget to ask me to eat oil rice!


 7. Let love filled with your sweet life, let every day after day, all the elephant kissings brilliant joy!


 8. The beautiful bride is like roses red wine, the bridegroom is that cup. Congratulations! Wine and cup since then was like peas and carrots. Bless you! Wine and cup boon conjugal love!! The beautiful bride is like a glass of red wine while the bridegroom is the roses red wine tasted both so slowly? The fusion of taste congratulations! Wine and cup since then was like peas and carrots. Bless you! Wine and cup boon conjugal love!! Ten years mend cultivate crossing, but a hundred to mend altogether pillow sleep. In the boundless huge crowd to find her, clear is a thousand years ago in a period of fate, and wish you both hiness, total harmonic coyly.


 9. Now evening what evening, in the air has filled the intoxicant hiness. Wishing my dearest friend, from henceforth, in love forever the bath!


 10. Wish you love each other forever, hand in hand altogether crossing the beautiful life!




 I wish you much good luck in one hundred.


 I wish you much hiness together.


 We never knew two people better suited to each other.


 Wishing you a world, from the endless hiness and love!


 May you two make a hy world.


 I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful life.


 The bride and groom so cute, must be handsome.


 Congratulations, I wish you he a beautiful honeymoon.


 Congratulations to you into the palace of love. Wish good luck one hundred!


 Wishing you a wonderful start, love for a lifetime.


 You two are a perfect match. Here's wishing you both a lifetime of hiness.


 I wish you love each other forever, hand in hand altogether crossing the beautiful life.


 Whitehead qi mei garden, colorful, green YangQiRui plum concentric.


 Best wishes, I wish you a lifetime of love and hiness.


 I wish you love knot, one hundred life hiness YongTong heart!


 God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing.


 Good luck in one hundred! Hy marriage, sweet! Early birth!


 Congratulations to you! Hy, hy, always in, grow old together.


 Everything is in a red envelope, brothers, you know. Good hiness!


 I know you feel that your marriage will last forever.


 Wedding bells are breaking up my past that a group of partners.


 Wish all shall be well, jack shall he Jill, former life doomed, tie the knot.


 I wish you unite as one, love each other, hy wedding, hiness!


 Wedding JiaoGeng yuanyang double, conjugal love offerings and feng luan two affectionate!


 We congratulate the young couple, wish them grow old together, and hiness.


 Congratulations to you! Hy marriage, hiness, passion in, grow old together.


 True love is the combination of all combined with the most pure, bless you!


 I wish you both every day can, as your wedding is permeated with hiness and joy.


 May you two share the joy of the day of wedding, will accompany you two years of life.


 Look forward to the long marriage long endless and calculate well kept dearer oil salt sauce vinegar.


 You two are the prince and princess in a fairy tale and may you live hily everafter!


 May you two boon conjugal love, Benedict meaning deep, this life eternal love, love grows day by day!


 Wish you dating such as , love is like fire, as a pair of lovebirds, winter jasmine color its wings.


 Bridal chamber two lucky flower, light a hy person. Wedding night, congratulations!


 All shall be well, jack shall he Jill, former life doomed marriage. Newly-married exultation! Good luck in one hundred!


 Wish your family, become a big power of the church revival; Has become a great contribution to society!


 Wish all shall be well, jack shall he Jill, former life doomed, tie the knot. Newly-married exultation! Good luck in one hundred!


 Bridal chamber two lucky flower, light a hy person; Dating love partner, with concentric beautiful marriage.


 Light a hy couple, bridal chamber, two love flowers golden strike together colourful feng, wedding like lapras!


 Millennium "in one thousand, and one thousand with one hundred years of sleep. Natural beauties, only envy mandarin duck not envyimmortal.


1. 结婚纪念日英文怎么写

Diamond wedding 钻石婚 (六十年—75年)Paper wedding 纸婚、布婚(结婚一周年) Calico wedding 棉布婚(结婚两周年) Straw wedding 稻草婚(结婚两周年) Cotton wedding 棉婚(结婚两周年) Muslin wedding 羊皮婚(结婚三周年) Leather wedding 皮革婚(结婚三周年) Silk wedding 丝婚(结婚四周年) Wood wedding 木婚(结婚五周年) Iron wedding 铁婚(结婚六周年) Copper wedding 铜婚(结婚七周年) Woolen wedding 毛婚(结婚七周年) Electric liance wedding 电器婚(结婚八周年) Pottery wedding 陶器婚(结婚九周年) Tin wedding 锡婚(结婚十周年) Steel wedding 钢婚(结婚十一周年) Linen wedding 麻纱婚(结婚十二周年) Lace wedding 花边婚(结婚十三周年) Ivory wedding 象牙婚(结婚十四周年) Crystal wedding 水晶婚(结婚十五周年) china wedding 搪瓷婚(结婚二十周年) Silver wedding 银婚(结婚二十五周年)第一大典 Pearl wedding 珍珠婚(结婚三十周年) Coral wedding 珊瑚婚(结婚三十五周年) Jade wedding 碧玉婚(结婚三十五周年) Ruby wedding 红宝石婚(结婚四十周年) Shire wedding 蓝宝石婚(结婚四十五周年) Golden wedding 金婚(结婚五十周年)第二大典 Emerale wedding 翠玉婚(结婚五十五周年)。

2. “纪念日”用英语怎样说

anniversaries of important events ; a red-letter day ; a memoration day ; a memorial day


An organized public procession on a festive or ceremonial occasion.

*** , *** 队伍节日或纪念日中有组织的公共队列

July2, observed in memoration of this event.


A wedding anniversary; the anniversary of the founding of Rome.


With best wishes, Babs, for a joyous birthday/holiday/anniversary.


The anniversary Thomas Alva Edison's birth.


The Fourth of July; Independence Day.


The anniversary of one's birth.


A golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage.


9.Remembers birthdays and anniversaries


One thousand years; a millennium.


求一些 颜色英文单词的形容词意义 例如: blue 忧郁的。

the dominant tone of chinese wedding is red which is the traditional color to present hy event. as long as something relate to the wedding, it will be stick with a big word "喜". red color makes people feel that it is full of joy and also indicates that the future life will be wonderful and hy. but in the western, the wedding chooses the white color as its dominant tone. the bride will wear white wedding cloth and white glove, there are white gauze kerchief on her head to symbolize the holiness and nobleness of her, it is really romantic .

关于wedding ceremonies in China的英文ppt


1) 英语中“black”可表示严重的,不受欢迎的,不吉利的、罪恶的、不合适的、不合法的、愤怒的等。

a black letter day 不吉祥的日子,倒霉的一天

black and blue 青一块、紫一块

black market 非法交易市场

black list 黑名单

Black Mass 死人的弥撒

Black Maria 囚车、巡警车

black look 恶的神色

black mood 情绪低落

black spot 交通事故多发地段,事故、犯罪焦点

black sheep 败家子、害群之马

in somebody’s black books 失去某人的宠爱

black heart 指奸恶阴险的人

black house 指军营中的牢房

black despair 大失望

black man 恶魔

black ox 不幸

black coffee 不加牛奶或糖的咖啡、犯

2) 汉语中的“黑色”也多表示贬意如“阴暗的、非法的、秘密的、坏的、狠毒的等。如:黑心人 the very cruel people

unlawful market

黑幕 the evil inside of something

黑手 the reactionary power hing some evil activities secretly

组织 the unlawful social organization doing some illegal activities as their job

黑货 the unlawful carrying or selling goods

黑帮 the reactionary organizations gathered secretly

黑色幽默 the humour expressing nihilism and pessimism


1) 英语色彩词“red”还可表示喜庆、热烈、、流血的、赤字、亏损、负债等。如:

red alert (空袭) 紧急警报

red cross 红十字会

red light 危险信号

a red letter day 纪念日,大喜的日子

red meat 牛肉羊肉

red rag 激怒的事物

on red alert 准备遭受危险应急状态

red ball 快车

red tape 繁琐拖拉的公事程序,官僚作风

red herring 熏青鱼

see the red light 觉察危险逼近

3) 汉语的红色还可表示:革命、成功、受到宠信、喜庆等。如开门红 get success at the very beginning

红火 very busy and flurishing

红人 a fourite with sb in power

红尘 human society the

红颜 beautiful women

红事 wedding

红脸 get angry or be shy

红眼 the green eye

红运 good luck honour roll

红娘 the person helping the other’s marriage


1) 英语中“yellow”除表示黄颜色外还可表示胆怯的、卑鄙的、靠不住的、妒忌的、(报刊等) 用耸人听闻手法的、作低级渲染的等。如:

yellow dog 野狗 杂种狗 卑鄙的人

yellow boy 金币 黑白杂种

yellow back 法国的一


Chinese Wedding Traditions

Red is the Color of Weddings in China

Red is central to the wedding theme of China. It signifies love, joy and prosperity and is used in a variety of ways in Chinese wedding traditions. The bride's wedding down is often red, as are the wedding invitations, and wedding gift boxes or envelopes for cash gifts. Even the bride and groom's homes are decorated in red on the wedding day.

Before the Chinese Wedding Day

Before her wedding celebration, a Chinese bride traditionally goes into seclusion with her closest friends. This Chinese custom gives the bride-to-be some time to symbolically mourn the loss of her friends and family.

Some time before the couple are married, the groom's family carries wedding gifts in red baskets and boxes to the bride's house. One of the baskets will contain "uang susu" or 'milk money'. Others will contain personal things for the bride, so that on her wedding day all of her personal belongings will be in the groom's house. The bride takes the gifts to another room where they are sorted through. Three days before the wedding day, women from the bride's family reciprocate, bearing gifts -- including some 'returns'-- in red wrings to the groom's family.

The Day of the Wedding Ceremony

Wedding anniversaries in China, are carefully chosen according to astrological signs. It is also customary for couples to be married on the half-hour or their wedding day rather than at the top of the hour. In this way, the couple begins their new lives together on an 'upswing', while the hands of the clock are moving up, rather than down.

On the morning of his wedding day, the groom is symbolically dressed by his parents. The groom arrives at the house of his bride on the way to the wedding chapel. He brings gifts of cash, wred in red tissue, to give to his bride's friends, in exchange for 'letting her go'. In some families, the wedding couple serves tea to both sets of parents while kneeling in front of them. a symbolic gesture of asking for permission. The bride and groom then lee for the wedding site together.

Chinese Marriage Ceremony and Wedding Reception

The wedding ceremony is usually attended only by the couples' immediate families. Just after the ceremony and before the wedding reception, the bride who honors tradition will serve tea to her in-laws in a formal ceremony. The couple will usually go to a professional studio for wedding pictures before they proceed to their reception. The wedding reception, an elaborate standing only affair.

A welcoming speech is usually performed by an MC who is hired for the occasion. The speech is followed by a cake cutting ceremony. The traditional wedding cake is immense, with many layers. The layers symbolize a ladder that they couple will 'climb to success', so couples will cut the cake from the bottom and work their way up. The cutting of the cake is the only event of the reception. The bride and groom feed each other a piece of cake with arms entwined, trying not to destroy the bride's elaborate makeup. A piece is then cut for each of the parents and for the grandparents, who are fed by the bride and groom holding the cake together. Sometimes a wedding toast is given and guests are invited to greet the newlyweds and their parents. Musical entertainment, which ranges from a simple keyboard player to a symphony or orchestra, accompanies the receiving line It is customary for guests to shake hands again before leing the reception. At more elaborate Chinese weddings, a sit-down reception may feature a 9 or 10 course meal as well as musical entertainment.

Chinese brides often change outfits at least three times during the reception.

PPT你得自己做吧, 找一些对应以上礼俗的, 加一些动画什麼的~~

red envelopes是什么意思

Marriage plays a greatly important role in social development .In the three ways of production,it is the only one to produce ourselves, and the only way to create ethic connection. Through marriage the lasting of human being is ensured, forming all kinds of relationship among and various costumes and social culture.

The beginning of marriage is a wedding, as it is known to us all. People think a perfect start makes everything go successfully. A wedding is far more than a ceremony, but a change for a person’s life and divine as a symbol of culture from the view of a country.

What’s the traditional wedding ceremony in China and England?

Pre-existing elements of traditional Chinese wedding ceremony is generally credited to scholars of the Warring States period, 402-221 B.C. The Three Covenants and the Six Rites, which were considered as necessary elements of a marriage. However, the full ritual was too complicated, so even within the span of the Warring States period; the etiquette underwent changes and simplification.” What remained constant were the chief objectives: joining and enhancing the two families and ensuring succession with numerous descendants. Reverence to parents and ancestors, omens to encourage fertility and wealth, financial and social obligations contracted by both families at the betrothal, extensive gift giving etiquette, and the bride’s incorporation into her husband’s family are recurring elements.”

There are six steps to form a completely wedding: The Proposal, The Betrothal, and Preparing for the Wedding Day, Day of the Wedding, Day After the Wedding, and Three Days after the Wedding .Before the wedding ritual, there are a lot to do, including The "Hair Dressing" Ritual which is done at dawn on her wedding day (or the night before). A “good luck woman”, woman with living parents, spouse and children, will come to help dressing up the bride’s hair. The woman should also speak auspicious words while tying up her hair in a bun, a style of married woman. Though this “hair dressing” ceremony, people give their best wishes to the bride so the bride will bring good luck to the groom and his family.(桃之夭夭,灼灼其华,之子于归,宜其室家。)The "Cing" Ritual “ that is performed at the groom’s home, where father of the groom place a hat decorated with cypress lees on the groom’s head”. The groom will bring the bridal sedan chair, an equivalent of a limousine nowadays, and a group of relatives and friends to go to fetch the bride. This act also wishes the groom to he good luck. The Bride’s Journey to the Groom’s House which is do by the “good luck woman” or a dajin, employed by the bride’s family to look after the bride, carried the bride on her back to the sedan chair. Arriving at the Groom’s House and after stepping over a saddle or a lit stove, the wedding ritual comes to the emphases.

In contrast to the elaborate preparations, the wedding ceremony itself is simple. The bride and groom are conducted to the family altar, where they pay homage to Heen and Earth, the family ancestors and the Kitchen God, Tsao-Chün. Tea, generally with two lotus seeds or two red dates in the cup, is offered to the groom’s parents.

Then the bride and groom bow to each other. This completes the marriage ceremony, except in some regions, where both also drink wine from the same goblet, eat sugar molded in the form of a rooster, and partake of the wedding dinner together.

Immediately after the ceremony, the couples are led to the bridal chamber, where both sit on the bed. In some areas, honey and wine poured into two goblets linked by a red thread. The bride and groom take a few sips and then exchange cups and drink it up.

And the guests that are usually the relatives of the bride and groom, will enjoy separately rich banquet which is by either the bride’s parents or the groom’s. It is generally considered as public recognition of the union.

英国Let’s see how the wedding in Britain is. Contrast to the Chinese one, the English is much simpler. In the traditional wedding culture of England, the bride will carry a calla in hand being typical of good luck. If the two persons live near to the church, they would get into it together with their guests and sprinkle orange flowers along the whole way. Their weddings are used to being celebrated in the afternoons, and then they would hold a party. The cakes they eat on that day are made of many kinds of fruits, they can decorate hogged nets. The top of the cake which stands for the naissance of bottle will remain until their first child come out.

As we know, there are a lot of differences between these two wedding ceremony, which reflect the different culture of the two countries.

Firstly ,the aims of the wedding are quite different .Chinese take marriage as “joint the two families together for the ancestor and for the offspring”(合二姓之好,上以事宗庙,而下以继后世也。). In order to bring more fame and make the families become larger and larger; marriage is a family affair more than private. So one of the most important steps is to see if the girl and the boy are fit to each other by checking their birthday .Because the wedding is usually connected with wealth, financial and social obligations, there is another thing that does not ear in a British wedding, the betrothal gift. The betrothal gift is the gift that the groom gives to the bride’s family, which often is some property or something like that. The experts say that it contains function below: First, the proposal by talking is a limited in sanction and some property as a keepsake is more powerful. The accepter will not pull back because they don’t want to lose the property, and the giver won’t pull back either. Second, it is a transition of labor force when the girl go .The gift is a compensate in economy. Third, the pay out of the groom is quite a lot for an ordinary family, and that will prevent the man abandoning the wife and getting another, and make the marriage more steadily. Fourth, the gift is usually paid by the parents of the groom, which means the housemaster can be in charge of a marriage.

As mission of procreating, there are lots of details in a wedding hing something to do offspring. For example, the Bed Making. Spilling some Chinese dates ,peanuts ,longans ,lotus on the bed, means hing a boy as soon as possible(早生贵子)。What about the British wedding? It seems to pay more attention in love. The aim of a wedding is to make the lovers living together forever, so it is a private affair more than the family’s. There is usually a minister asking the groom and the bride if they are willing to marry each other, and ask if there is anyone against. The wedding will go on unless the two lovers say yes and no opposing. Obviously we can not see a similar step in a Chinese wedding, because the mastery is the parents but not the people getting marry .After the wedding is over, there is still an interesting ceremony: throwing the bouquet. It is said that the girl who comes to hand the bouquet will get marry soon .It is a pure-hearted wish to the girls .But in a Chinese wedding, the girls can not even be in charge of their life, their love, or their husbands. They usually he not seen their husbands until the night they marry, and the person can only be counted on is the matchmaker. These are all decided by the differences of the wedding.

. Secondly, the wedding dress is also different .In a Chinese wedding, the common color is red. The color red is considered as good luck, a strong color that which can drive away evil spirits. The traditional Chinese wedding dress in northern China usually is one-piece frock named Qi Pao, embroidered with elaborate gold and silver designs. Brides from southern China usually wear two-piece dress named Qun Gua, Kwa or Cheongsam, also elaborately adorned with golden phoenix and dragon. It is a tradition to wear Cheongsam with red dragon and phoenix design at the wedding day because dragon and phoenix design symbolizes the balance of male and female power.

In the old days, a piece of red veil is part of the bride’s costume to cover her face during the wedding ceremony. Newlyweds would see each other’s face for the first time on their wedding night.

The groom’s costume is a black silk coat worn over an embroidered dragon robe of dark blue. The headgear is a black hat with red tassels. Nowadays, most grooms’ wear has been simplified to a set of traditional outfit without the overcoat.

And as we all know, the west wedding dress is often white. It means chasteness, beauty, loftiness, and civility. White dress, white posy, white veil, and the white cream cake, everything is so romantic.

Thirdly, the woman’s status in a wedding is different. In a Chinese traditional wedding, because of the aim of that wedding, the woman usually has a low status .The man can he more than a wife, but once the wife is just a tool for birthing and . So after the wedding, there is a ceremony in which the groom must see her mother-in-law, accept her enlighten, to serve the husband as a master. But in west, we can see it is fairer and more democratic. They will be asked if they would like to be his/her wife /husband no matter rich or poor, health or sick until die. They change their rings to mean possessing

If you are going to marry, which wedding would you choose? A Chinese traditional wedding? A British one? Or both? At first we think there may be a lot of people will choosing the last one, but, it seems that there still a lot of people quite like the Chinese style.


red envelopes



Adults give red envelopes to children.


Giving red envelopes to children is the tradition of the Chinese New Year.


talk about intention, he wanted the United States red envelopes, wake up theconscience of the Wall Street rich.


Mid-Autumn and National Day holiday makes wedding we, the red envelopes spending people too much.


You received little red envelopes containing money on special occasions.


In the ancient times, it was very important to follow a basic principle of Three Letters And Six Etiquettes, since they were essential to a marriage.

Chinese marriage was systemized into custom in the Warring States period (402-221 B.C.). Due to the vast expanse and long history, there are different customs to follow in different places, although they are generally the same. Visitors still get chances to witness traditional marriages in the countryside.

Three letters include Betrothal Letter, Gift Letter and Wedding Letter. Betrothal Letter is the formal document of the engagement, a must in a marriage. Then, a gift letter is necessary, which will be enclosed to the identified girl's family, listing types and quantity of gifts for the wedding once both parties accept the marriage. While the Wedding Letter refers to the document which will be prepared and presented to the bride's family on the day of the wedding to confirm and commemorate the formal acceptance of the bride into the bridegroom's family.

Six Etiquettes

Proposing: If an unmarried boy's parents identify a girl as their future daughter-in-law, then they will find a matchmaker. Proposal used to be practiced by a matchmaker. The matchmaker will formally present his or her client's request to the identified girl's parents.

Birthday matching: If the potential bride's parents do not object the marriage, the matchmaker will ask for the girl's birthday and birthhour record to assure the compatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom. If the couple's birthdays and birthhours do not conflict according to astrology, the marriage will step into the next stage. Once there is any conflict, meaning the marriage will bring disasters to the boy's family or the girl's, the proposed marriage stops.

Presenting betrothal gifts: Once birthdays match, the bridegroom's family will then arrange the matchmaker to present betrothal gifts, enclosing the betrothal letter, to the bride's family.

Presenting wedding gifts: After the betrothal letter and betrothal gifts are accepted, the bridegroom's family will later formally send wedding gifts to the bride's family. Usually, gifts may include tea, lotus seeds, longan, red beans, green beans, red dates, nutmeg, oranges, pomegranate, lily, bridal cakes, coconuts, wine, red hair braid, money box and other stuff, depending on local customs and family wealth.

Picking a wedding date: An astrologist or astrology book will be consulted to select an auspicious date to hold the wedding ceremony.

Wedding ceremony: On the selected day, the bridegroom departures with a troop of escorts and musicians, playing hy music all the way to the bride's home. After the bride is escorted to the bridegroom's home, the wedding ceremony begins.

Different with the West, the dominant color on traditional Chinese wedding is red, almost every thing. Chinese tend to ly red to add hy atmosphere in such big days.

At dawn on the wedding day, after a bath in water infused with various grapefruits, the bride puts on new clothes and wares a pair of red shoes, waiting for the so called good luck woman to dress her hair in the style of a married woman. Her head will be covered with a red silk veil with tassels or bead strings that hang from the phoenix crown. Then she waits her future husband to escort her home, with married women talking around her how to act to be a good wife.

On the other hand, the bridegroom prepares himself to receive his wife. He gets ced and dressed in a long gown, red shoes and a red silk sash with a silk ball on his chest, the groom knelt at the ancestral altar as his father put a cap decorated with cypress lees on his head to declare his adulthood and his family responsibility.

Then the bridegroom set out to receive his bride. Usually he will be crowded among his friends as escorts and musicians who play hy music all the way to radiate hiness. Dancing lions, if any, precede the troop. In the ancient time, a bridal sedan chair (or a decorated donkey due to poverty or bad traffic) would be used to serve the bride. There will be a child carrying a bridal box among the people, reflecting the bridegroom's expectation to he a child in the near future. The most interesting part of the reception really takes place at the doorstep of the bride's residence, heily guarded by the bridesmaids or sisters of the bride. It is customary for the bridesmaid to give the bridegroom a difficult time before he is allowed to enter. Usually wisdom and courage and his friends will help the bridegroom to succeed in the quizzes. After passing the tests and singing for his bride, the bridegroom is finally allowed to meet his bride. However, there is one more pass, he has to negotiate with the bridesmaid and sisters of the bride to distribute them red packets, with auspicious money enclosed in, in order to take his bride home.

Before the bride departures to his bridegroom's home, she will be carried by the good luck woman to the sedan chair. On her way to the chair, a sister of her will shield her with a red parasol and another threw rice at the sedan chair, at the back of which hung a sieve and a metallic mirror that were believed to protect the bride from evil. The bride has to cry to show that she does not want to lee her parents.

Then firecrackers will be set off to drive away evil spirits as the bride sits into the sedan chair. All along the way people make great efforts to oid any inauspicious influence. For instance, the sedan chair is heily curtained, so as to prevent the bride from seeing an unlucky sight, e.g. a widow, a well or even a cat. When the parading troop arrives at the bridegroom's, firecrackers will be set off to hail the bride's arrival. Before the sedan chair a red mat is placed so that the bride will not touch the bare earth. By the threshold a flaming stove and a saddle will be set up, the bride is required to step over, to oid evils.

The wedding ceremony is the hottest point. The bride and bridegroom are led to the family altar, where the couple pays kotows to Heen and Earth, the family ancestors and parents successively. Then they bow to each other and will be led to the bridal chamber. The ceremony proceeds under a director's prompts and lauses of the audience.

Then there will be a grand feast for relatives and those who help in the wedding. The newlywed couple will resume to drink wedlock wine. Generally they are required to cross their arms to sip the wine and then exchange their cups to gulp down. They also will toast with guests to pay their thanks. Good wishes of the guests rush to the couple. However, well-intentioned people will try their best to fuddle the bridegroom who is dodging to oid the embarrassing scene.

Teasing games in the bridal chamber: After night falls, the teasing games start. Usually all young men can participate except for the bride's married brothers-in-law. Those funny and silly games will ease the tension, since in ancient times the newlyweds never met each other before the wedding! Most of the games require the shy couple to act like wife and husband. The festive atmosphere also promotes closeness among all the family members and the Community beyond. There also will be other activities conducted by the bridegroom's mother after the roaring laughter fades into the darkness.

Other Customary Practices

Preparing the bridal bed: A good luck man, usually hing a nice family, will help to install the bridal bed in the right place in the bridal chamber on a selected day before the wedding day. Before the wedding, a good luck woman will arrange the bridal bed and scatter candies, lotus seeds, peanuts, beans and fruits of good meanings on the bed. Nobody is allowed to touch the bed until the couple enters the bridal chamber after the wedding ceremony. Children will then be invited onto the bed to bless fertility of the couple.

Dowry: Usually the bride's dowry shall be sent to the bridegroom's family by the day before the wedding day. Sometimes the dowry will be brought by the bride's escorting troops on the wedding day to show off. Traditional dowry normally consists of items such as jewelry, embroidered beddings, kitchen utensils and furniture. The package of the dowry is always changing except those basic items of symbol. For example, dozens of years ago, sewing machine, bicycle, and recorder were musts in a marriage. Now, they are totally out of fashion.

Bride's Return: Traditionally, the newlyweds are to return to visit the bride's parents one or three days after the wedding. They will be hailed with a banquet and it is the bridegroom's turn to suffer teasing of the bride's relatives and friends. That is still well intentioned.

Traditional marriage customs lost its popularity due to the collapse of feudal marriage custom and its complexity. However, traditional marriage can still be seen in the countryside, despite innovations. Now, traditional marriage custom revives in some places and attracts will-be-couples.
