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long long way to go_longlongwaytogo歌词_2

long long way to go_longlongwaytogo歌词

       最近有些忙碌,今天终于有时间和大家聊一聊“long long way to go”的话题。如果你对这个领域还比较陌生,那么这篇文章就是为你而写的,让我们一起来了解一下吧。

1.求恩雅的long long journey 中英对应歌词


3.Long Way To Go (Headed Home) 歌词


5.have got a long way to go 造句


long long way to go_longlongwaytogo歌词

求恩雅的long long journey 中英对应歌词

       Long Long Journey

       City lights shine on the harbour,


       night has fallen down,


       through the darkness

       and the shadow

       I will still go on.


       Long, long journey

       through the darkness,

       long, long way to go;


       but what are miles

       across the ocean

       to the heart that's coming home?


       Where the road

       runs through the valley,

       where the river flows,

       I will follow every highway

       to the place I know.


       Long, long journey

       through the darkness,

       long, long way to go;


       but what are miles

       across the ocean

       to the heart that's coming home?


       Long, long journey

       out of nowhere,

       long, long way to go;

       but what are sighs

       and what is sadness

       to the heart that's coming home






















































Long Way To Go (Headed Home) 歌词

       《Don't cry》

       2.《Long long way to go》

       3.《Wish you were here》


       5《Don't stand so close to me》

       6.《Smelsl like teen spirit》


       8.《Bohemian rhapsody》

       9.《At My Most Beautiful》

       10.《If god will send his angels》


       1、Guns N' Roses是一支来自美国的乐队,有着典型美国重金属的特点。这首"Don't cry"来自他们1991年发行的专辑"Use your illusion II"(《运用你的幻想2》),专辑收录了14首歌曲。

       《Don't cry》 是枪花乐队最具影响力的曲目之一,《Don't cry》在billboard排行榜上停留将近3年(147)周,创下了摇滚乐的神话.DON'T CRY这首歌中枪花乐队一改从前的愤怒激烈,两名主唱一沧桑一哀婉低吟出一段令荡气回肠的柔情曲,而歌曲表达出的无奈和失意正是愤怒的极至

       2、《Long Long Way to Go》是英国硬摇滚乐队Def Leppard专辑《X》中的一支单曲,发行于2003年。DEF LEPPARD是一支典型的流行重金属乐队,流畅的旋律和优美的和声是乐队的特征之一。

       DEF LEPPARD音乐中的优美旋律令乐迷们对重金属音乐有了新的认识,无数热血青年受DEF LEPPARD音乐的引领步入重金属的殿堂,而这一点也成了一些评论家和重金属狂热者攻击的目标。

       3、PINK FLOYD六十年代英国经得起历史考验的乐队,Pink Floyd在摇滚领域许多方面的开拓和创新为它投下了耀目的不朽的光辉。《Wish you were here》纪念离团主唱Syd Barret荡气回肠之作。《月影》《迷墙》2张经典作品之间承前启后之史诗巨著。沃特斯的曲风再现,1975年首次发行即为英美排行第一。

       4、1985年主唱兼吉他手John Rzeznik与玩重金属乐的表哥Robby Takac找来前鼓手George Tutuska,于美国纽约州水牛城组成了三人摇滚团体。

       《Iris》堪称流行摇滚音乐作品中十年一遇的好音乐,音乐起始清脆急促的吉他SOLO,John Rzeznik饱含沧桑的低沉嗓音对世事对爱情满腹的疑问,而曲至中段突然的高昂爆发似乎疑问已经转为了真挚的誓言,“即便万物毁灭,我也只要你知道我是谁!”旋律的优美和主唱声线的粗犷形成了鲜明对比,而正因如此,此首音乐脱离了甜腻情歌的范畴,成了百听不厌的超级经典。


       主唱兼词曲作者的STING[斯汀]是police乐队的灵魂,他创作的《don't stand so close to me》歌词幽默,曲调非常的随意、流畅,完美的合音,强烈的节奏,高鼻音的大量运用把起源于牙买加海岸的雷鬼乐自由、极富个性化的音乐特点天衣无缝地融入摇滚乐中,开创了一个独特的摇滚音乐风格。

       6、《smell like teen spirit》是NIRVANA 专辑Nevermind中的代表作品,音乐中扭曲的吉他,沙哑的歌喉,猛然的爆发把Kurt Cobain 内心的狂燥、愤怒、压抑、扭曲、病态、激烈的矛盾冲突完全显示了出来,同时也也反映了KURT温柔、感性、脆弱和恐惧的一面。

       7、The Cranberries是爱尔兰历史上最伟大的另类摇滚乐队之一。

       卡百利乐队(The Cranberries) ,又译为小红莓乐队、红草莓乐队、小红莓合唱团,1990年代成立于爱尔兰利默里克(Limerick)。

       与U2、Sinead O'Connor、Enya等一样,被誉为是带领爱尔兰音乐走向世界的重要力量

       《Joe》出自乐队的第三张专辑〈To the faithful departed>,音乐起时悠扬清脆的曼陀铃缓缓流淌,象一股清澈的甘泉直入心底,紧随其后的Dolores另类却不失甜美的嗓音,在双音轨录音技术的处理后的独特合音效果,宛如一段灵魂的对话,整首音乐清澈干净,无懈可击。




       Bohemian Rhapsody(波西米亚狂想曲)是QUEEN的招牌曲目,在酷似歌剧唱诗般的华丽配乐中不断加入大段的重金属吉他riff和solo,这正是QUEEN的典型风格。


       在美国,这首歌和整张专辑也获得了巨大的成功,进入了排行榜前10位并同时成为白金单曲和白金专辑。甚至在十多年后的1992年,这首Bohemian Rhapsody还在美国单曲排行榜上获得过数周的亚军成绩








       1976年,U2在爱尔兰都柏林成立。1980年,发行首张录音室专辑《Boy》。1983年,发行录音室专辑《War》,该专辑获得了英国专辑榜的冠军。1987年,发行录音室专辑《The Joshua Tree》,该专辑全球销量超过2500万张,获得了第30届格莱美奖年度专辑奖。1991年,发行录音室专辑《Achtung Baby》,该专辑的全球销量突破1800万张。2017年,发行录音室专辑《Songs of Experience》。

       U2为尼古拉斯.凯奇和梅格.瑞恩主演的**〔天使之城〕制作了一首主题歌《If god will send his angels》,没有炫耀的吉他,没有急促的鼓鸣,一切归于沉静,主唱BONO用用最低沉的嗓音吟唱,一种痛至极度的哀伤淡淡流淌出来,却轻易就敲碎了听者的心。此曲可以说是U2演绎的最动情的情歌,也是20世纪最百听不厌的经典情歌之一是80年代英国和爱尔兰最受瞩目的伟大乐队,在80年代被滚石杂志称为U2的十年。

       U2为尼古拉斯.凯奇和梅格.瑞恩主演的**〔天使之城〕制作了一首主题歌《If god will send his angels》,没有炫耀的吉他,没有急促的鼓鸣,一切归于沉静,主唱BONO用用最低沉的嗓音吟唱,一种痛至极度的哀伤淡淡流淌出来,却轻易就敲碎了听者的心。此曲可以说是U2演绎的最动情的情歌,也是20世纪最百听不厌的经典情歌之一


       歌名:《Long Way To Go (Headed Home)》

       歌手: Pat Green

       所属专辑:《Lucky Ones》




       You held my hand and then you slipped away

       And I may never see your face again

       So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside

       Without love, what is life?

       And anyone who knew us both can see

       We always were the better part of me

       I never wanted to be this free

       All this pain, does it go away?

       Then every time I turn around

       And you're nowhere to be found

       I know I got a long, long way to go

       Before I can say goodbye to you

       Oh, I got a long, long way to go

       Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew

       To you, to you

       From memory, there is no hiding place

       Turn on the TV and I see you there

       In every crowd there's always someone with your face

       Everywhere, trying not to care

       Then every time I turn around

       And you're nowhere to be found

       I know I got a long, long way to go

       Before I can say goodbye to you

       Oh, I got a long, long way to go

       Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew

       To you, I wish you everythin'

       And all the best that life can bring

       I only hope you think of me sometimes, oh

       And even though I feel the pain

       I know that I will love again

       The time will come, oh, and I'll move on

       I got a long, long way to go

       Before I can say goodbye to you

       Oh, I got a long, long way to go, got a long way to go

       Before I can say goodbye, before I say goodbye

       To all I ever knew, to all I ever knew

       I got a long, I got a long, long way to go, long way to go

       Before I can say, before I say, goodbye to you

       Oh, I got a long, long way to go

       Say goodbye, say goodbye

       Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew

have got a long way to go 造句

       we will get there we remember the days, we sat out together with faith? remember the times, so fine, when we thought that nothing could stand in our way? then things weren't the same, the life that we knew had to change we've struggled through the darkest storms, we thought we couldn't tame together we've tried, as we stood side by side i knew we'd build a new world, a world of hope forever after deep in my heart i just know, right from the start we will grow look where we are, we've come so far and there's still a long long way to go all of my heart, i will care. i'll play my part, i will share with family and friends,together we'll stand and in the end, hand in hand, we will get there so now we begin, working together to win believing in trust, it must be possible to overcome anything. there's so much to do, there's so much we can contribute by sharing just a little love, we will start again a new so why don't we try? if we stand side by side i know we'll build a new world, a world of hope for ever after



       We have got a long long way to go to get there!


       Let bygones be bygones, I have got a long way to go.


       We must start off early, for we have got a long way to go.



       Better man--Robbie Williams——忧郁王子:罗伯特·巴乔

       I will always return--Bryan Adams——深蓝王子:马尔蒂尼

       Angel--Sarah Mclachlan——战神:巴蒂斯图塔

       Stand by me--Oasis——风之子:卡尼吉亚

       Long long way to go--Def Leppard——范·巴斯腾

       You took my heart away--Michael Learns to Rock——皮耶罗 dying in the sun--the cranberries ——韩日世界杯上送走法国、葡萄牙、阿根廷、意大利时令人心碎的歌 when you say nothing at all--boyzone——献给受伤的克雷斯波 It's your love--Tim McGraw & Faith Hill——天下足球再见冰王子博格坎普 Another day--Dream Theater—维埃里

       I will--Chris Kirkpatrick</A>—劳尔

       Have I told you lately--Rod Stewart</A>—因扎吉 Don't Cry For Me Argentina--Madonna——阿根廷队离开

       好了,今天关于“long long way to go”的话题就到这里了。希望大家通过我的介绍对“long long way to go”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的学习中更好地运用所学知识。
