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all in good time

all in good time

       下面,我将以我的观点和见解来回答大家关于all in good time的问题,希望我的回答能够帮助到大家。现在,让我们开始聊一聊all in good time的话题。

1.good time / good times / good timing 有什么不同



4.good time可数吗


all in good time

good time / good times / good timing 有什么不同

       good time 指好时光

       we had a good time in Beijing


       good times


       毛主席那个时代是好时代,就用good times.T


       good timing 指时间把握得好

       your speech is just 20 min,good timing.



       time作时间意是不可数名词,但是have a good time 是固定搭配,这里time表示一段时光,是可数的。这是一种特殊情况。玩的开心只能说have a good time,不能说have good times。 扩展资料


        Now is a good time to invest in the property market.


        If you're thinking of getting a new car, now is a good time to buy.


        The start of a new year is a good time to reflect on the many achievements of the past.


        I hope you'll have a good time.



       time /ta?m/ DJ /ta?m/ KK


       See also: times

       what is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc. (以分钟、小时、天等计量的)时间 uncountable

       the time shown on a clock in minutes and hours (钟表所显示的)时间,钟点,时刻 uncountable

       the time measured in a particular part of the world (世界某一地区所计量的)时,时间 uncountable

       See also: standard time; summer time

       the time when something happens or when something should happen (某事发生或应该发生的)时间,时候 uncountable countable ~ (to do sth) ~ (for sth)

       See also: any time; closing time; night-time; opening time

       an amount of time; the amount of time available to work, rest, etc. 一段时间;(可用于工作、休息等的)一段时间 uncountable ~ to do sth

       a period of time, either long or short, during which you do something or something happens (或长或短的)一段时间 singular

       Alternate: a time

       a period of history connected with particular events or experiences in people's lives 时期;时代;年代;世道 uncountable plural

       See also: old-time

       an occasion when you do something or when something happens 次;回 countable

       an event or occasion that you experience in a particular way (以某种方式经历的)事件,时刻 countable

       how long somebody takes to run a race or complete an event (完成赛跑或竞赛项目的)所用时间 countable uncountable

       the number of beats in a bar of music 拍子;节拍 uncountable

       the correct speed and rhythm of a piece of music (乐曲正确的)速度,节奏 uncountable

       See also: big time; small-time

       Idiom: (and) about time (too) spoken; (and) not before time spoken

       used to say that something should have happened before now 早该发生;早该如此

       Idiom: against time

       if you do something against time, you do it as fast as you can because you do not have much time 争分夺秒;抢时间

       Idiom: ahead of/behind time

       earlier/later than was expected 提前;拖后

       Idiom: ahead of your time

       having advanced or new ideas that other people use or copy later 超越时代的;有超前意识的;具有前瞻性的

       Idiom: all the time; the whole time

       during the whole of a particular period of time (在某段时间内)一直,始终

       very often; repeatedly 经常;总是;老是

       Idiom: at all times

       always 总是;随时;永远

       Idiom: at the best of times

       even when the circumstances are very good 即使在最好的情况下

       Idiom: at the same time

       at one time; together 同时;一起

       used to introduce a contrasting fact, etc. that must be considered (用以引出必须予以考虑的相对情况)同时,也,然而,不过

       Idiom: at a time

       separately or in groups of two, three, etc. on each occasion 每次;逐一;依次

       Idiom: at my, your, his, etc. time of life

       at the age you are (especially when you are not young) 在…这样的年纪(尤指不年轻时)

       Idiom: at times

       sometimes 有时;间或

       Idiom: before my, your, his, etc. time

       happening before you were born or can remember or before you lived, worked, etc. somewhere 在…出生(或记事、在世、工作等)之前

       before the usual time in somebody's life when something happens 过早;提前

       Idiom: behind the times

       old-fashioned in your ideas, methods, etc. (思想、方法等)落伍,过时,陈旧

       Idiom: do time informal

       to spend time in prison 坐牢;蹲监狱

       Idiom: every time

       whenever there is a choice 无论何时;一有机会

       Idiom: for the time being

       for a short period of time but not permanently 暂时;眼下

       Idiom: from time to time

       occasionally but not regularly 不时;有时;偶尔;间或

       Idiom: have a lot of time for somebody/something informal, especially British English

       to like and be interested in somebody/something 喜欢;对…感兴趣;愿意为…花时间

       Idiom: have no time for somebody/something informal; not have much time for somebody/something informal

       to dislike somebody/something 不喜欢;讨厌;不愿为…花时间

       Idiom: have the time of your life informal

       to enjoy yourself very much 过得很快乐;玩得痛快

       Idiom: have time on your hands informal; have time to kill informal

       to have nothing to do or not be busy 无所事事;没事可干;闲着

       Idiom: in good time

       early; with enough time so that you are not in a hurry 及早;有足够的时间

       Idiom: (all) in good time spoken

       used to say that something will be done or will happen at the appropriate time and not before 会按时做(或出现);不消多久

       Idiom: in (less than/next to) no time

       so soon or so quickly that it is surprising 短暂(或快)得令人吃惊;立刻;马上;一会儿

       Idiom: in time

       after a period of time when a situation has changed 经过一段时间之后;迟早;最后;终于

       Idiom: in time (for something/to do something)

       not late; with enough time to be able to do something 来得及;及时

       Idiom: in your own (good) time informal

       when you are ready and not sooner 在准备停当时

       Idiom: in your own time

       in your free time and not when you usually work or study 在业余时间;在空闲时

       Idiom: it's about/high time spoken

       used to say that you think somebody should do something soon 差不多/现在是…的时候了

       Idiom: keep up/move with the times

       to change and develop your ideas, way of working, etc. so that you do what is modern and what is expected 跟上时代;跟着潮流

       Idiom: make good, etc. time

       to complete a journey quickly 在路上花的时间很短

       Idiom: many a time old-fashioned; many's the time (that)… old-fashioned

       many times; frequently 多次;常常;屡屡

       Idiom: nine times out of ten; ninety-nine times out of a hundred

       used to say that something is usually true or almost always happens 十有八九;几乎总是

       Idiom: (and) not before time; (and) about time (too) Synonym

       Idiom: (there is) no time like the present saying

       now is the best time to do something, not in the future 现在是做…的最佳时机;现在不做更待何时

       Idiom: of all time

       that has ever existed 自古以来;有史以来;从未有过

       See also: all-time

       Idiom: take your time (over something); take your time to do something/doing something

       to use as much time as you need without hurrying 从容不迫;慢慢来

       used to say you think somebody is late or is too slow in doing something 迟到;慢慢腾腾;磨磨蹭蹭

       Idiom: time after time; time and (time) again

       often; on many or all occasions 一次又一次;一再;屡屡;总是

       Idiom: time and a half

       one and a half times the usual rate of pay 通常工资的一倍半

       See also: double time

       Idiom: time is on your side

       used to say that somebody can wait for something to happen or can wait before doing something 有的是时间(等待某事发生或做某事)

       Idiom: (the) next, first, second, etc. time round

       on the next, first, etc. occasion that the same thing happens 同样的事情下次(或第一次等)发生时

       Idiom: time was (when)… old-fashioned

       used to say that something used to happen in the past 曾经有那么个时候…;那年头…

       Idiom: time (alone) will tell; only time will tell

       used to say that you will have to wait for some time to find out the result of a situation (只有)时间会证明

       Idiom: the whole time; all the time Synonym

       See also: beat time (to something); bide your time; be (living) on borrowed time; buy time; call time (on something); in the course of time; take it/things one day at a time; a devil of a job/time; have an easy time of it; from that day/time forth; in the fullness of time; gain time; give me something/somebody (any day/time); give somebody a hard time; have a high old time; kill time; long time no see; make up for lost time; better luck next time; mark time; it's just/only a matter of time; move with the times; in the nick of time; for old times' sake; once upon a time; pass the time of day; race against time/the clock; a sign of the times; a stitch in time (saves nine); in your own sweet time/way; have a thin time (of it); third time lucky; have a whale of a time


       to arrange to do something or arrange for something to happen at a particular time 为…安排时间;选择…的时机 often passive

       to measure how long it takes for something to happen or for somebody to do something 计时;测定…所需的时间

       to hit or kick a ball at a particular moment in a sports game 在某一时刻击球(或踢球) VN


good time可数吗



       1、a good time 一段美好时光

       2、for the good time 为了美好的时光

       3、in good time 不失时机地

       4、didja have a good time 玩的开心吗


       1、Have a?good time?with the artists, tim .


       2、University was a?good time?for me .





       good and+形容词,在美国口语中常用来加强语气,表示“很”,等于very。

       It's good of sb 和It's good for sb 都可接to do sth,但含义不同。前者重在“人”很好,后者重在“事”很好。

       the good常可表示一类人或事。


       time作时间意是不可数名词,但是good time 是固定搭配,这里time表示一段时光,是可数的。这是一种特殊情况。玩的开心只能说have a good time,不能说have good times。 扩展资料

        Now is a good time to buy a house.


        Did you have a good time in London?


        I went to a few parties and had a good time.


        Did you have a good time in Spain?


        We arrived in good time for the connection to Paris.


       good [gud] [E-E] [GOOGLE]

       n.善行,好处,利益 a.好的,优良的,上等的,愉快的,有益的,好心的,慈善的; 要得; 商品; 品; 良好; 良; 好; 不赖幸锹

       good [g?d;ɡud] [E-E] [GOOGLE]

       源自古英语;比较级,最高级的 better,best 来自其他字源



       (( ←→ bad))

       1 a. (品质,内容,外观等)良好的,优秀的,优良的,


       a ~ book 好书

       a ~ house 好房子

       a ~ family 良好家庭

       ~ manners 得体的举止

       ~ looks 美貌

       ~ weather 好天气

       ~ luck 幸运,好运

       ~ news 吉报,好消息

       (→ good thing)

       ~ tools 好工具

       speak [write] ~ English 说[写]漂亮的英言[文]

       Bad money drives out ~ (money) 劣币逐良币

       b. (学生成绩五等评分中)优等的,乙等的,B 的

       ((→ grade n. 3))

       get a ~ result in the exam 考试得优等成绩

       2 a. (道德上)良好的,善良的,有品德的;忠实的

       a ~ wife 良妻

       a ~ deed 善行

       lead a ~ life 过光明磊落的生活,过幸福的[不愁吃穿的,富裕的]生活

       b. [the ~;当复数名词用;集合称]善良的人们

       The ~ die young ((谚))好人早死[不长寿]

       3 <孩子>乖的,规规矩矩的

       (→(as)good as GOLD)

       Be ~ (while I am away). ( 我不在时)要乖

       There's [That's] a ~ boy [girl, fellow] 那才是好孩子;(你听了话)是个乖孩子

       4 和好的,亲密的

       a ~ friend 亲友,好友

       5 a. 亲切的,体贴的

       do a person a ~ turn 待人亲切

       He's a real [very] ~ sort ((口语))他是个性情很温和的人

       Will you be ~ enough [be so ~ as] to open the window? 请你打开窗子好吗?



       He is ~ to us 他对我们亲切




       It is ~ of you to invite me.= You are ~ to invite me 你邀请我,真是亲切;承蒙邀请,十分感谢

       How ~ of you! 你真亲切[好]

       6 a. 高明的,


       a ~ doctor 高明的医师,名医

       a ~ swimmer 游泳好手

       He is a ~ driver 他是个好司机;他擅长开车

       b. 擅长[善於]


       She is ~ at cooking. [languages, remembering dates] 她擅长烹饪[精通多种语言,擅长记日期]

       He is ~ at carpentry 他擅长木工

       She is ~ on the piano 她善於弹钢琴

       She is ~ with children. [the telephone, faces] 她善於对待小孩[应接电话;记住面孔]


       a. <人>适合[於某地位等]的,有资格的[for]

       He is a ~ man for the position 他是那个职位的合适人选

       He is ~ for nothing 他一无所长

       b. [金钱上]付得起的,有财力的


       I am ~ for $50 我付得起五十美元

       8 a. (对某目的)情形良好的,合适的,理想的

       a ~ answer [question] 一个适切的答覆[问题]

       I thought it ~ to do so 我认为那样做是合适的

       That is not [hardly] ~ enough ((口语))那不够好

       b. [对…]有益的,有帮助的;有效的,合适的[for]

       It's a ~ day for swimming [a walk] 这是个适合游泳[散步]的日子

       Exercise is ~ for the health 运动有益于健康

       This medicine is ~ for colds 此药对治感冒有效

       c. [某人]


       It is ~ for you to be out in the sun 出去晒太阳会对你有益的

       It is not ~ for a man to be alone 男人独处是不好的

       d. 合适的

       This water is ~ to drink 此水适於饮用


       This ticket is ~ for one week 这张车票一周有效

       This house is ~ for another fifty years 这栋房子可再维持五十年

       9 快乐的,愉快的;宜人的,可喜的,有趣的

       a ~ joke 有趣的笑话

       have a ~ time (of it) 过得快乐;玩得痛快

       It is ~ to be home 在家真好,回到家令人觉得舒畅

       That's a ~ one ['un] ((口语))那真是趣闻;



       a. [常 a ~]充分的,十足的;相当的

       a ~ while 相当长的时间

       a ~ five hours 足足五小时

       give a person a ~ beating 痛打某人

       have a ~ laugh [cry] 痛快地笑 ?/font>

       have a ~ night's sleep 好好睡一晚

       go a ~ distance 走相当远的距离

       b. [在形容词之前,当副词用]((口语))颇,相当地(cf. GOOD and)

       a ~ long time 相当长的时间

       a ~ many books 相当多的书

       It's ~ hard work 颇难的工作

       11 (无比较级、最高级)<食品>新鲜的,未腐败的

       This fish won't keep [ ((英))stay]~ overnight.这种鱼隔夜就不新鲜了

       12 健全的,强壮的,精力充沛的

       His (eye) sight is still ~ 他的视力仍然很好

       I enjoy ~ health 我身体健康

       I feel ~ this morning ((口语))今天早上我觉得浑身舒畅[精神很好]

       13 (商业上)有信用的,可靠的,安全的

       a ~ debt 可收回的贷款

       a ~ investment 安全的投资

       ~ securities 优良证券

       14 (无比较级、最高级)[常 ~old,用於称呼,尊称]亲爱的

       my ~ friend 我亲爱的朋友

       How's your ~ man [lady] ? 您先生[夫人]好吗?



       (→ good afternoon,good-bye,good day,good evening,good morning,good night.)


       G~ gracious!= G~ God [heavens] ! 哎呀!天哪!

       a good deal → deal n. B

       a good few → few

       all in good time→ time

       as good as


       As I have had my car repaired, it looks as ~ as new 我的车子经过修理,看起来和新的一样

       He is as ~ as dead 他跟死的一样

       He as ~ as promised it 他事实上等於答应了

       good and ...

       ~ and fresh 非常新鲜

       I'm ~ and ready 我全准备好了

       They tied him up ~ and proper 他们把他五花大绑

       Good for you !

       ((英方言))=Good on you!((口语))好!干得好!

       in good time → time

       make a good thing of...→ thing

       make good

       ⑴ 赔偿<损失等>;弥补<不足等>

       The damage was made ~ 损失获得赔偿


       ⑶ 履行<诺言>;完成<计画>,实现<逃亡>,达到<目的>

       make ~ a promise 履行诺言

       They managed to make ~ their escape 他们终於设法逃掉了

       ⑷ 证明,证实<言论,责难等>

       make ~ a boast 证明夸耀的事正确

       ⑸ 保持[确保]<地位,立场等>

       make ~ a position 保持某一地位

       ⑹ 成功(succeed)

       He made ~ in business [as a businessman] 他经商成功[成功地成为实业家]





       He's pitching pretty ~ today 他今天投球投得相当好

       It suits you ~ 它对你恰恰好[很合适]

       have it good → have. n



       (( ←→ evil))

       a. 善,善良,美德,优点,长处

       (→ do GOOD)

       know ~ from evil 分辨善恶

       Try to see the ~ in people 试著去看人们的长处

       b. 好事[东西,结果]

       for ~ or evil 不论好坏

       come to no ~ < 事情>以不幸的结果收场,失败;<人>做出坏事,没有好结果

       2 利益,用处;幸福,福利

       the greatest ~ of the greatest number 最大多数的最大幸福

       I'm scolding you for your own ~ 我之所以责备你是为你好

       3 a. 好处,利益,用处,价值

       What ~ is it? =What is the ~ of it? ((反语))那有什麽好处 ?

       This ballpoint is no ~ [=not much ~] 这支原子笔没多大用处

       What is the ~ of doing it? ((反语))做那件事有何益处?

       b. [对做...]有用[in]

       It is no ~ (my) talking to him 我对他说是没用的

       Is there any ~ in arguing with the inevitable? 对无可避免的事争长论短有何用?

       (→ goods)

       be up to no good


       do good

       ⑴ 行善;表现亲切

       ⑵ 有用,有效

       Do you think it will do any ~ ? 你认为它会有什麽用处吗?

       do a person good


       Smoking won't do you any ~ 吸烟对你的身体无益

       It will do you more harm than ~ 它对你的害处多於益处;它对你有害无益

       Much ~ may it do you ! ((反语))但愿它对你大有用处((它对你没什麽用处))

       for good(and all)


       I am going for ~ (and all) 我此去就不回了

       in good with...


       He's in ~ with the boss 他为老板所喜爱

       to the good

       (1)⑴ 有效果,有利,有好处

       That's all to the ~ 那很好[有好处]

       (2)⑵ 在贷方,作为纯益,净赚;多出,领先

       I was $10 to the ~ 我赚了十美元

       Our team is now five points to the ~ 我们的球队现在领先五分

       well [wel] [E-E] [GOOGLE]

       n.井,泉水,源泉,好 vi.vt.涌出 a.健康的,良好的,适宜的,恰当的 ad.很好地; 良好; 很好; 安好雨@

       well [w?l;wel] [E-E] [GOOGLE]



       1 (取水或油等之)井

       an oil ~ 油井

       sink [bore] a ~ 凿井

       2 (感情,知识等的)泉源

       a ~ of information 知识的泉源

       3 井状的洞

       a. (楼梯的)井孔

       (→ stairwell.)

       b. (电梯的)井道

       4 ((英))(法庭的)律师席


       1 <液体>[从…]涌出,喷出[from,out of]

       Blood was ~ing (out) from the cut 血从伤口迸出

       2 a. 涌出,涌上来

       Tears ~ed up in her eyes 泪水涌上她的眼眶

       b. <液体>溢出贩贩@

       well [w?l;wel] [E-E] [GOOGLE]



       1 令人满意地,良好地,圆满地

       (( ←→ ill,badly))

       dine [sleep, work] ~ 吃得[睡得,工作得]好

       He dresses ~ 他穿得很好

       She carries herself ~ 她举止大方

       Things are going ~ 事情进行顺利

       2 (能力方面)良好地,高明地

       speak French ~ 法语说得很好

       W~ done ! 做得好 ! 干得好 !

       W~ played ! ( 运动等)打得好,表演得好

       3 (无比较级、最高级)


       Shake ~ before using 使用前充分摇匀

       I don't know her very ~ 我不十分了解她((我认识她不深))

       4 a. (无比较级、最高级)相当地,颇

       He was ~ over fifty [~ into his fifties, ~ on in his fifties] 他五十好几了((将近六十岁))

       His assets amounted to ~ over $1 billion 他的财产远远超过十亿美元

       ~ up in ... → up adv. 7e.

       b. 相当地,充分地,十分地

       ((cf. better adv. 2b))

       He is ~ able to lead the people 他相当有能力***民

       I was ~ aware of the danger 我充分意识到那种危险

       This car is ~ worth the price 这部车子是相当值这个价钱的

       The plan is now ~ advanced 那计画现在有相当的进展

       5 适切地,适当地;正好,恰好

       That is ~ said 说得好;正是如此

       W~ met ! ((古))恰好相遇 !

       6 富裕地,安逸地

       live ~ 过得很富裕

       He's doing rather ~ for himself 他过著相当安逸的生活

       7 a. 好意地,善意地;亲切地,殷 地

       Everyone speaks [thinks] ~ of her 每个人都称赞她[认为她好]

       (→ SPEAK well for)

       They all treated me ~ 他们都待我很好

       b. 爽快地,高兴地;平静地

       He took the news ~ 他平静地接受那消息

       as well

       ⑴ 也,又

       He speaks Russian as ~ 他也能说俄语

       ⑵ 同样地[一样地]好

       He can speak Russian as ~ 他说俄语也(与...)一样好

       as well as...

       ⑴ 与...一样好


       He has experience as ~ as knowledge 他不但有知识而且有经验

       cannot[could not]well do...


       I can't [couldn't] very ~ refuse 我实在难以拒绝

       come off well


       could just as well do...


       You could just as ~ have apologized then and there 你当时当场道歉就好了((实际上未道歉))

       do oneself well


       do well

       ⑴ 很顺利,成功

       ⑵ 康复,渐渐好起来

       ⑶ 礼遇[某人][by]

       He's always done ~ by me 他总是待我很好

       do well out of...


       He did ~ out of the sale of his car 他卖出自己的车子从中获利

       do well to do...


       You would do ~ to say nothing about it 关於那件事你什麽也不要说较好

       You would do ~ to stay in school 你还是留在学校的好

       just as well


       "I'm sorry, I don't have a pen." "A pencil will do just as ~." [对不起,我没有带钢笔][(用)铅笔也可以]

       may[might](just)as well do(as...)


       You may (just) as ~ go at once 你还是立刻去的好

       You may just as ~ confess. ( 因证据确凿)你还是招认的好

       One may as ~ be hanged for a sheep as a lamb → sheep 1

       You might as ~ throw money away as spend it in gambling 与其花钱赌博还不如把钱丢掉

       You might just as ~ talk to your son 你还是与你儿子谈一谈的好

       We might just as ~ have stayed at home 我们倒不如一直留在家里的好

       You might just as ~ have confessed. ( 那样申辩)你等於招认了

       You might just as ~ have hit him in the face. ( 看你对他的无礼)你等於打了他一耳光一样

       may well do

       ⑴ 有理由 做...,难怪...,大可...

       He may ~ think so 难怪他这样想

       You may ~ wonder ! 难怪你会觉得奇怪((谁都会觉得奇怪))

       ⑵ 也许...,很可能...

       It may well be true 那也许是真的

       "Do you think he'll win ?"-"He may ~." [你想他会赢吗 ?][也许会]

       pretty well

       ⑴ 几乎(almost)

       The work is pretty ~ finished 那工作几乎完成了


       "How's she doing ?" "Oh, (she's doing) pretty ~." [她情形如何? ][哦,相当顺利[好]]

       speak well of...→ speak

       think well of...→ think

       well and truly((英口语))完全地,全然

       I was ~ and truly exhausted 我筋疲力竭了

       well away


       ⑴ 在进行著,有进展

       We're ~ away 我们进行得很顺利


       well off→ well-off

       well out of...

       ⑴ 远离

       Stand ~ out of the way 站远一点((以免碍事))


       You're ~ out of the trouble 你幸好未卷入那麻烦事

       I wish I was ~ out of this job 但愿我能从这件工作中脱身出来



       1 a. 健康的,安好的

       feel [look] ~ 觉得[看起来]身体好

       Are you ~ ? 你(身体[健康]状况)好吗 ?

       "How are you ?"-"Quite [Very] ~, thank you." [你好吗 ?][很好,谢谢](cf. adj. 2b)

       b. (无比较级、最高级)((美))健康的

       He is not a ~ man 他不是一个健康的人

       2 (无比较级、最高级)

       a. 令人满意的,正好的(right)

       Things are ~ enough 情势相当好

       All's ~ (that ends ~). ( 结局好)一切都好

       b. [常 Very ~;表示同意,承诺]好,可以

       ((cf. adj. 1a))

       Very ~, you may go now 好,你现在可以走了

       3 (无比较级、最高级)

       a. 适当的,适宜的

       It would be ~ to start at once 立刻出发为宜

       b. ((罕))方便的;幸亏,幸好

       It was ~ that you met him there 幸好你在那里遇到他

       (all)well and good


       That's all ~ and good, but I don't have the money 那也好,但是我没有那笔钱

       It's all very well


       It's all very ~ (for you) to suggest a holiday in Hawaii, but how am I to find the money ? 你提议在夏威夷度假的确很好,可是我如何去筹那笔钱呢 ?

       just as well

       ⑴ 运气很好,正好

       It's just as ~ I met you 我碰到你正好

       ⑵ 反而好

       It was just as ~ you didn't marry her 你没跟她结婚反而好

       "I didn't see the TV program." "Just as ~; it wasn't very good." [我没看那个电视节目][那反而好;那节目不太好]

       (just)as well...


       It would be as ~ to explain 最好说明一下

       It would be just as ~ for you to write [if you wrote] to him 你最好写信给他

       let[leave]well(enough)alone→ alone



       1 a. 哎呀!啊!怎麽

       W~, I never ! = W~, to be sure ! = W~ now ! 哎呀!真奇怪!怎麽会 !

       W~, I'm not sure 唔,我不清楚;我没把握

       b. 好啦,算了,好吧;有道理

       W~, here we are at last 好啦,我们终於到达了

       Oh ~, I can't complain ! 好吧,我不能埋怨了

       W~, you can't help it 算了,这是没办法的事

       W~, but what about the money ? 有道理,但是钱(的事)怎麽办 ?

       2 那麽;对了

       好了,今天关于“all in good time”的探讨就到这里了。希望大家能够对“all in good time”有更深入的认识,并且从我的回答中得到一些帮助。
