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chad future

chad future

       大家好,今天我将为大家介绍一下关于chad future的问题。为了更好地理解这个问题,我对相关资料进行了归纳整理,现在让我们一起来看看吧。






chad future



        The more the more the more I alone, no friends, no support, I will respect myself.

        If you can't avoid, you have to go to bear. Can't stand destined to endure things in life, is weak and foolish.

        You think I'm going to insignificant here? Do you think I am a robot without feelings? Do you think I am poor, obscure, plain, small mu mesons, I have no soul and no heart? You think wrong, you and I have as much soul and full as much heart. If god give me a little beauty, a lot of money, I will you to leave me, just like I have to leave you. I'm not in the rules of social life and customs to talk with you, but my heart with your heart.

        Even if the world hate you, and believe that you are very bad, as long as you keep conscience clear, then know that you are innocent, you won't be without friends.

        You think I'm poor and plain, there is no feelings? I swear to you: if god gifted me beauty and wealth, I will let you to leave me, as I have to leave you. God no such arrangements. But our spirit is equal. As I walked through the grave, you equal standing in front of god.

        I can't control my eyes, could not help but want to go to see him, like a thirsty man knowing that toxic but also drink water. I originally had no intention of going out to love him, I also tried to put out the bud of love, but when I saw him again, again love the bottom of my heart.

        I eager to have their own beyond the limit of vision, so that I arrived in the heart of the world, I had some smell, arrived in those never witnessed the vibrant towns and regions.

        Life is too short, should not be used to bear grudges. Living life, who will have mistakes, but we will die soon. Our SINS will be disappeared with our bodies, leaving only the spark of spirit. This is what I never wanted to revenge, and never consider life unfair. Quiet life, I am just waiting for the end of the coming.

        Violence is not the best way to eliminate the hatred, also, revenge is also absolutely can't heal damage.

        If someone doesn't love me, I would rather die than live - I can't stand loneliness and loathing.

        Do you think I'm poor. Not beautiful, no feelings? If god give me beauty and wealth, I will make you to leave me! As I difficult to leave you now!

        Solemnly strode towards the sky, the moon left the original hiding behind the top of the mountain, the mountains far below, as if still turned upward, hoping to reach the zenith of black as midnight, far-reaching and unpredictable. The twinkling stars limped, I looked at them unconsciously heart tremble, blood boiling. Little things often drove us back to the earth. The Zhong Ji via sound, in the hall that's enough. I turned from the moon and the stars, opened the door and went inside.

        Human nature is not perfect! Even the most bright planets also have this kind of dark spots, and miss, Chad's eyes see only slight defects, but turn a blind eye to radiant light of the planet.

        If you can't avoid, that your job is to endure, if you need to bear was predestined, then says he can't stand is weak is silly.

        I like today like this, like iron gray the sky, like the solemn in the cold world, like seinfeld, like the antique, its quiet KuangYuan, it crows perched old trees and thorns, it grey positive, it reflected the grey sky rows of black color window. But in the long years, I feel disgust, the thought of it like the plague struck as avoid breeding ground: now how much I still hate.

        If blowing wind or dropping a few drops of rain will stop me from doing these things easily, so lazy for me to give the future of his plan for what to prepare?

        When I'm alone again, I wanted to hear the case, into my mind, sits on my thoughts and feelings, trying to use a strict hand, put those in endless, there is no way to follow the imagination of the wilderness in the face of all, reliable standard in common sense.

        Desolate so within the boundary of the rocky coastlines, asing if is imprisoned, the limit of exile.

        Being abandoned by fate, always forgotten by the his friends!

        Poverty in adult heart, it is terrible; In the minds of children, it is more frightening. For hard work, a respected poverty, they were not able to understand; They have poor this words only with tattered clothes, not enough food to eat, don't light the fire stove, rough attitude and despicable behavior relates in together.

        Not blindly indulged in resentment, narrative doped by caustic and against the far less than in the past, and the attitude of convergence, content is concise, sounded more credible.

        I am poor, humble, not beautiful, but when our souls through the grave came to god, we are all equal.

        I gave up a prayer, a more humble prayer, pray for change, for stimulation.

        Revenge for the first time, I tasted the taste, like drinking. After just one drink, aromatic glycol, but with bitter.

        Sometimes between the moments I thought I caught a look, heard a voice, and saw a shape, the dream that I must achieve, but I woke up at once.









        暴力不是消除仇恨的最好办法 ——同样,报复也绝对医治不了伤害。

        如果别人不爱我,我宁愿死去而不愿活着 ——我受不了孤独和被人憎恶。




        要是你无法避免,那你的职责就是忍受,如果你命里注定需要忍受,那么说自己不能忍受 就是软弱就是犯傻。














       Tr:Lookin' forward from center stage, to graduation day, time to get the future started!

       G:What we leave when we take with us, no matter what, it's somethin' we're a part of!

       Tr+G:We learn to fly, together side-by-side. (Side-by-side)

       I just hope the rest of my life, to feel as good as my,

       CH:High school musical!

       Who says we have to let it go,

       its the best part weve ever known

       Step into the future, but hold on to

       High school musical,

       Lets celebrate where we come from

       The friends whove been there all along, just like

       A High school (High School!) Musical!

       R:Improvisation without a script, no ones written it, and now we have the chance too!

       S:Someday we'll be lookin' back, Memories we'll have, all the songs that we lived through!

       The best of times, so why leave them behind.

       S+R:Why cant the rest of my life

       Be like my,

       CH High school musical! (Yeah!)

       Who says we have to let it go?

       It's the best part we've ever known, (Yeah!)

       Step into the future!

       We'll hold on to,

       High school Musical,

       Lets celebrate where we come from,

       With friends who've been there all along, just right! (Thats right!)


       Ta+C:Now we finally realize

       Ta:Who we are, it just took some time

       You have to learn and live to see the truth

       C+Ta:Learn to see the truth!

       Nothing's ever impossible, into the future we all freefall!

       If and forever we'll always have High Schooool!


       Tr:Turn the party, now celebrate!


       G:Cause the worlds one big stage,


       R:and in it what you want, it can be yours!

       S:Everybody sing, yeah!


       C:Can it show us where we wanna go?

       Ta:Its where the status is we know.


       Ch:High school, lives on for Ever More

       High school, High School Musical!

       High school musical! (Yeah! Woooo!)

       Who says we have to let it go?

       It's the best part we've ever known,

       Step into the future! (Heyy!)

       But hold onto High school musical (Musical!)

       Lets celebrate where we come from (Celebrate!)

       The friends whove been there all along! Oh yeeaaah!

       G:Ive always remembered being like a,

       CH:High school musical! (Yeeeeaaaaah!)

       Who says we have to let it go!

       Its the best part weve ever known, (Come on!)

       Step into the future, but hold onto

       High school musical, (Musical!)

       Lets celebrate where we come from (Oooh, Yeah!)

       girls:Ooooooh!All together!

       boys:Theres a better!

       CH:Memories that last forever!

       I want the rest of,My life too,Feel just like,A (Feel just like a!)




















       Aux Sources, Mont



       Bartle Frere



       Bavarian Alps



       Bayankara Mts.






       Coast Range












       Kunlun Mts.






       Tien Shan




       Afghani阿富汗尼 Af Afghanistan阿富汗

       bath铢 B Thailand泰国

       balboa巴波亚 B Panama巴拿马

       aolivar博利瓦 $b Venezuela委内瑞拉

       colon(哥斯达黎加)科郎 ¢ Costa Rica哥斯达黎加

       colon(萨尔瓦多)科郎 ¢ El Salvador萨尔瓦多

       cordoba科多巴 C$ Nicaragua尼加拉瓜

       cruzeiro克鲁赛罗 Cr$ brazil巴西

       dalasi达拉西 DG Gambia冈比亚

       dinar(阿尔及利亚)第纳尔 DA Algeria阿尔及利亚

       dinar(伊拉克)第纳尔 ID Iraq伊拉克

       dinar(约旦)第纳尔 JD Jordan约旦

       dinar(科威特)第纳尔 KD Kuwait科威特

       dinar(利比亚)第纳尔 LD Libya利比亚

       dinar(也门民主人民共和国)第纳尔 YD The People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen 也门民主人民共和国

       dinar(突尼斯)第纳尔 D Tunisia突尼斯

       dinar(南斯拉夫)第纳尔 DIN Yugoslavia南斯拉夫

       dirham迪拉姆 DH Morocco摩洛哥

       dollar(澳大利亚)元 $A Australia澳大利亚

       dollar(巴哈马)元 B$ Bahamas巴哈马

       dollar(百慕大)元 DB$ Bermuda百慕大

       dollar(加拿大)元 Can$ Canada加拿大

       dollar埃塞俄比亚)元 $Eth Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚

       dollar(斐济)元 F$ Fiji斐济

       dollar(圭亚那)元 G$ Guyana圭亚那

       dollar(香港)元 HK$ Hongkong香港

       dollar(牙买加)元 J$ Jamaica牙买加

       dollar(利比里亚)元 L$ Liberia利比里亚

       dollar(马来西亚)元 M$ Malaysia马来西亚

       dollar(新西兰)元 NA$ NewZealand 新西兰

       dollar(新加坡)元 S$ Singapore新加坡

       dollar(特立尼达和多巴哥 TT$ Trinidad and Tobago特立尼达和多巴哥

       dollar(美国)元 US$ USA美国

       dong(越南)盾 D DBVN越南民主共和国

       drachma德拉克马 Dr Greece希腊

       escudo(智利)埃斯库多 E Chili智利

       escudo(葡萄牙)埃斯库多 Esc Portugal葡萄牙

       forint福林 Ft Hungary匈牙利

       franc(比利时)法郎 BF Belgium比利时

       franc(布隆迪)法郎 Fbu Burundi布隆迪

       Franc(非洲金融共同体)法郎 Franc(非洲金融共同体)法郎 CFAF Cameroon喀麦隆;The Central African Republic中非共和国; Chad乍得;The People's Republic of the Congo 刚果人民共和国;Dahomey达荷美;Gabon加蓬;Ivory Coast象牙海岸;Niger尼日尔;Senegal塞内加尔;Toto多哥;Upper Volta上沃尔特等

       franc(法国) 法郎 FF France法国

       franc(卢森堡)法郎 LuxF Luxemb(o)urg 卢森堡

       franc(马尔加什)法郎 FMG The Malagasy Republic马尔加什共和国

       franc(马里)法郎 MF Mali马里

       franc(卢旺达)法郎 RF Rwanda卢旺达

       franc(瑞士)法郎 Sf Switzerland瑞士

       gourde古德 G Haiti海地

       guarani瓜拉尼 C Paraguay巴拉圭

       Guilder(或florin)(荷兰)盾 fF Netherlands荷兰

       kip基普 K Laos老挝

       koruna(捷克)克朗 KeS Czechoslovakia捷克斯洛伐克

       krona(冰岛)克朗 IKr Iceland冰岛

       krona(瑞典)克朗 SKr Sweden瑞典

       krone(丹麦)克朗 DKr Denmark丹麦

       krone(挪威)克朗 NKr Norway挪威

       kwacha(马拉维)克瓦查 MK Malawi马拉维

       kwacha(赞比亚)克瓦查 K Zambia赞比亚

       kyat(缅甸)元 K Burma缅甸

       lek列克 Lek Albania阿尔巴尼亚

       lempira伦皮拉 L Honduras洪都拉斯

       leone利昂 Le Sierra Leone塞拉利昂

       leu列伊 Lv Romania罗马尼亚

       lev列弗 L Bulgaria保加利亚

       lira(意大利)里拉 Lit Italy意大利

       Lira(土耳其)里拉(或镑) LT Turkey土耳其

       Mark(德意志联邦共和国)马克 DM GFR德意志联邦共和国

       Markka(芬兰)马克 Fmk Finland芬兰

       Naira奈拉 Nigeria 尼日利亚

       new cedi新塞地 NC Ghana加纳

       Ouguiya乌吉亚 UM Mauritania毛里塔尼亚

       pa'anga邦加 T$ Tonga汤加

       Peseta比塞塔 Ptas Spain西班牙

       peso(阿根廷)比索 $a Argentina阿根廷

       peso(玻利维亚)比索 $b Bolivia玻利维亚

       peso(哥伦比亚)比索 Col$ Colombia哥伦比亚

       peso(古巴)比索 Cub$ Cuba古巴

       peso(多米尼加)比索 RD$ The Dominican Republic多米尼加共和国

       peso(墨西哥)比索 Mex$ Mexico墨西哥

       peso(菲律宾)比索 P Philippines菲律宾

       peso(乌拉圭)比索 Ur$ Uruguay乌拉圭

       pound(塞浦路斯)镑 £C Cyprus塞浦路斯

       pound(埃及)镑 LE Egypt埃及

       pound(英国)镑 £(£ Stg) Great Britain英国

       pound(爱尔兰)镑 £Ir Ireland爱尔兰

       pound(黎巴嫩)镑 LL Lebanon黎巴嫩

       pound(马耳他)镑 £M Malta马耳他

       pound(苏丹)镑 £S Sudan苏丹

       pound(叙利亚)镑 LS Syria叙利亚

       quetzal格查尔 Q Guatemala危地马拉

       Renminbiyuan人民币元 RMB China中国

       rial(伊朗)里亚尔 Rls Iran伊朗

       riel瑞尔 Cambodia柬埔寨

       riyal(沙特阿拉伯)里亚尔 SRls Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯

       riyal(阿拉伯也门共和国)里亚尔 YRls The Arab Republic of Yemen阿拉伯也门共和国

       rouble卢布 R(rub, Rbl) USSR俄罗斯

       rupee(印度)卢比 Rs India印度

       rupee(毛里求斯)卢比 MRs Mauritius毛里求斯

       rupee(尼泊尔)卢比 NRs Nepal尼泊尔

       rupee(巴基斯坦)卢比 PRs Pakistan巴基斯坦

       rupee(斯里兰卡)卢比 SRs Sri Lanka斯里兰卡

       rupiah(印度尼西亚)卢比(或盾) Rp Indonesia印度尼西亚

       schilling(奥地利)先令 Sch Austria(奥地利)

       shilling(肯尼亚)先令 KSh Kenya(肯尼亚)

       shilling(坦桑尼亚)先令 TSh 坦桑尼亚

       shilling(乌干达)先令 USh 乌干达

       sol索尔 s/ 秘鲁

       Somali shilling索马里先令 ShSo Somali索马里

       sucre苏克雷 S/ Ecuador厄瓜多尔

       syli西里 syli syli几内亚

       tugrik图格里克 Tug Mongolia蒙古

       won(朝鲜)圆 W The Democratic People's republic of Korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国

       日元 ¥ Japan日本

       扎伊尔 Z Zaire扎伊尔

       兹罗提 Zl Poland波兰




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       HUMAN SERVICES WORKER(General) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:34:00

       ACCOUNTANT(General) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:34:00

       英文简历模板9——管理员 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:34:00

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       ASSISTANT PERSONNEL OFFICER l2learners 2005-11-11 15:36:00

       MARKETING AND SALES DIRECTOR l2learners 2005-11-11 15:36:00

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       PRODUCTION MANAGER l2learners 2005-11-11 15:38:00

       GENERAL OFFICE CLERK l2learners 2005-11-11 15:38:00

       ELECTRONICS ENGINEER(Experienced) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:39:00

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       TRAINING COORDINATOR l2learners 2005-11-11 15:40:00

       INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER l2learners 2005-11-11 15:40:00

       英文简历模板21——人力资源总监 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:41:00

       英文简历模板22——酒店文职人员 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:41:00

       英文简历模板23——人力资源招聘专员 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:42:00

       CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE(Sales) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:42:00

       (个人品质常用词汇) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:43:00

       A Useful Glossary for Educational Background(教育程度常用词汇) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:44:00

       A Useful Glossary for Work Experience(工作经历常用词汇) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:44:00

       A Useful Glossary for Personal Data(个人资料常用词汇) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:45:00

       A Useful Glossary for Other Contents (其它内容常用词汇) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:45:00

       简历中个人情况常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:47:00

       个人特长常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:48:00

       工作经验常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:48:00

       学历常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:50:00

       爱好常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:50:00

       要求薪水常用语 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:50:00

       Education and Library Science(***分) l2learners 2005-11-11 15:51:00

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       简历模板 l2learners 2005-11-11 15:59:00

       简历种类 l2learners 2005-11-11 16:01:00

       学生简历模式 l2learners 2005-11-11 16:02:00

       FAQ(简历) l2learners 2005-11-11 16:03:00

       写简历注意事项 l2learners 2005-11-11 16:04:00

       写简历注意事项(英文) l2learners 2005-11-11 16:05:00

       在美生存常用习语 l2learners 2005-11-13 20:44:00

       澳大利亚俚语 l2learners 2005-11-13 20:45:00

       留学学习用语常用辞典 l2learners 2005-11-13 20:46:00

       日常生活中商店译名参考 l2learners 2005-11-13 20:47:00

       唬老外的常用赞誉之辞语 l2learners 2005-11-13 20:47:00

       常见英语谚语 Useful English sayings l2learners 2005-11-13 21:58:00

       实用英语100句(型)(1) l2learners 2005-11-13 21:59:00

       实用英语100句(型)(2) l2learners 2005-11-13 22:00:00

       约会用语(很经典的) l2learners 2005-11-13 22:01:00


       High School Musical OST


        1. Start Of Something New

        2. Get'cha Head In The Game

        3. What I've Been Looking For

        4. What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)

        5. Stick To The Status Quo

        6. When There Was Me And You

        7. Bop To The Top

        8. Breaking Free

        9. We're All In This Together

        10. I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You

        11. Get'cha Head In The Game

        CD2 (中国大陆地区发行版本特别收录)

        1. 另一个自己 (Breaking Free 中文版)

        2. 1+1=11 (We're All In This Together 中文版)

       ############Start Of Something New ###################

       Living in my own world

       Didn't understand

       That anything can happen

       When you take a chance

       I never believed in

       What I couldn't see

       I never opened my heart

       To all the possibilities

       I know that something has changed

       Never felt this way

       And right here tonight

       This could be the start

       Of something new

       It feels so right

       To be here with you

       And now looking in your eyes

       I feel in my heart (feel in my heart)

       The start of something new

       Now who'd of ever thought that

       We'd both be here tonight

       And the world looks so much brighter (brighter)

       With you by my side

       I know that something has changed

       Never felt this way

       I know it for real

       This could be the start

       Of something new

       It feels so right

       To be here with you

       And now looking in your eyes

       I feel in my heart

       The start of something new

       I never knew that it could happen

       Till it happened to me

       I didn't know it before

       But now it's easy to see

       It's the start

       Of something new

       It feels so right

       To be here with you

       And now looking in your eyes

       I feel in my heart

       That it's the start

       Of something new

       It feels so right (so right)

       To be here with you

       And now looking in your eyes

       I feel in my heart

       The start of something new

       Start of something new

       The start of something new

       ####################Get'cha Head In The Game#################

       Coach said to fake right

       And break left

       Watch out for the pick

       And keep an eye on defense

       Gotta run the give and go

       And take the ball to the hole

       But don't be afraid

       To shoot the outside "J"

       Just keep ya head in the game

       Just keep ya head in the game

       And don't be afraid

       To shoot the outside "J"

       Just keep ya head in the game

       U gotta

       Get'cha get'cha head in the game

       We gotta

       Get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game

       Let's make sure

       That we get the rebound

       'Cause when we get it

       Then the crowd will go wild

       A second chance

       Gotta grab it and go

       Maybe this time

       We'll hit the right notes

       Wait a minute

       It's not the time or place

       Wait a minute

       Get my head in the game

       Wait a minute

       Get my head in the game

       Wait a minute

       Wait a minute

       I gotta

       Get my, get my head in the game

       You gotta

       Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game

       Why am I feeling so wrong

       My head's in the game

       But my heart's in the song

       She makes this feel so right

       Should I got for it

       Better shake this, yikes!

       I gotta

       Get my, get my head in the game

       You gotta

       Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game

       #################What I've Been Looking For (Ryan) #############

       It's hard to believe

       That I couldn't see


       You were always there beside me

       Thought I was alone

       With no one to hold

       But you were always right beside me


       This feelings like no other


       I want you to know

       I've never had someone that knows me like you do

       the way you do

       I've never had someone as good for me as you

       no one like you so lonely before I finally found

       what i've been looking for


       So good to be seen

       So good to be heard


       Don't have to say a word


       For so long I was lost

       So good to be found


       I'm loving having you around


       This feeling's like no other


       I want you to know

       I've never had someone that knows me like you do

       The way you do

       I've never had someone as good for me as you

       No one like you

       So lonely before, I finally found

       what I've been looking for

       ##############What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)(Troy)#######

       It's hard to believe

       That I couldn't see

       You were always there beside me


       Thought I was alone

       With no one to hold


       But you were always right beside me

       This feeling's like no other

       I want you to know

       I've never had someone that knows me like you do

       The way you do

       And I've never had someone as good for me as you

       No one like you

       So lonely before I finally found

       What I've been looking for

       ###########Stick To The Status Quo (Zeke)##################

       You can bet

       There's nothin' but net

       When I am in a zone and on a roll

       But I've got a confession

       My own secret obsession

       And it's making me lose control


       Everybody gather 'round

       Not another sound


       No, no, no, nooooooooooo

       No, no, no

       Stick to the stuff you know

       If you wanna be cool

       Follow one simple rule

       Don't mess with the flow, no no

       Stick to the status quo

       (Martha Cox)

       Look at me

       And what do you see

       Intelligence beyond compare

       But inside I am stirring

       Something strange is occuring

       It's a secret I need to share


       Open up, dig way down deep

       Not another peep


       No, no, no, noooooooooo

       No, no, no

       Stick to the stuff you know

       It is better by far

       To keep things as they are

       Don't mess with the flow, no no

       Stick to the status quo


       Listen well

       I'm ready to tell

       About a need that I cannot deny

       Dude, there's no explanation

       For this awesome sensation

       But I'm ready to let it fly

       (Dudes & Dudettes)

       Speak your mind and you'll be heard

       Not another word

       (Dudes & Dudettes)

       No, no, no, nooooooooooo

       No, no, no

       Stick to the stuff you know

       If you wanna be cool

       Follow one simple rule

       Don't mess with the flow, no no

       Stick to the status quo

       No, no, no

       Stick to the stuff you know

       It is better by far

       To keep things as they are

       Don't mess with the flow, no no

       Stick to the status quo


       This is not what I want

       This is not what I planned

       And I just gotta say

       I do not understand

       Someting is really


       Something's not right


       Really wrong

       Sharpay & Ryan:

       And we gotta get things

       Back where they belong

       We can do it


       Gotta play

       (Dudes & Dudettes)

       Stick with what you know

       Sharpay & Ryan:

       We can do it

       (Martha Cox)

       Hip hop hooray


       She has got to go

       Sharpay & Ryan:

       We can do it


       Creme Brule


       Keep your voice down low

       (Jocks, Brainiacs & Dudes/Dudettes)

       Not another peep

       No, not another word

       No, not another sound



       Everybody quiet


       No, no, no, no

       Stick to the stuff you know

       If you want to be cool

       Follow one simple rule

       Don't mess with the flow, oh no

       Stick to the status quo

       No, no, no

       Stick to the stuff you know

       It is better by far

       To keep things as they are

       Don't mess with the flow, no no

       Stick to the status

       stick to the status

       Stick to the status quo

       ##################When There Was Me And You #####################

       It's funny when you find yourself

       Looking from the outside

       I'm standing here but all I want

       Is to be over there

       Why did I let myself believe

       Miracles could happen

       Cause now I have to pretend

       That I don't really care

       I thought you were my fairytale

       A dream when I'm not sleeping

       A wish upon a star

       That's coming true

       But everybody else could tell

       That I confused my feelings with the truth

       When there was me and you

       I swore I knew the melody

       That I heard you singing

       And when you smiled

       You made me feel

       Like I could sing along

       But then you went and changed the words

       Now my heart is empty

       I'm only left with used-to-be's

       And once upon a song

       Now I know you're not a fairytale

       And dreams were meant for sleeping

       And wishes on a star

       Just don't come true

       Cause now even I can tell

       That I confused my feelings with the truth

       Because I liked the view

       When there was me and you

       I can't believe that

       I could be so blind

       It's like you were floating

       While I was falling

       And I didn't mind

       Cause I liked the view

       Thought you felt it too

       When there was me and you

       ###############Bop To The Top (Sharpay) ######################

       Mucho gusto, hay que fabulosa, rrrrr, hay hay hay, arrriba, quieres bailar




       I believe in dreamin'

       Shootin' for the stars


       Baby to be number one

       You?ve got to raise the bar


       Kickin' and a scratchin'

       Grindin' out my best


       Anything it takes

       To climb the ladder of success


       Work our tails off every day

       Gotta bump the competition

       Blow them all away


       Yeah we?re gonna


       Bop, bop, bop

       Bop to the top


       Slip and slide and ride that rhythm


       Jump and hop hop 'til we drop


       And start again

       Zip zap zop

       Pop like a mop


       Scoot around the corner


       Move it to the groove

Til the music stops

       Do the bop bop, bop to the top

       Don?t ever stop

       Bop to the top

       Gimmie, gimmie

       Shimmy shimmy

       Shake some booty and turn around

       Flash a smile in their direction


       Show some muscle


       Do the hustle


       Yeah we're gonna bop, bop, bop

       Bop to the top


       Wipe away your inhibitions


       Stump, stump, stump do the rump


       And strut your stuff


       Bop, bop, bop

       Straight to the top

       Going for the glory

       We'll keep stepping up

       And we just won't stop

       'Til we reach the top

       Bop to the top

       #####################Breaking Free (Troy) ################

       We're soarin', flyin'

       There's not a star in heaven

       That we can't reach


       If we're trying

       So we're breaking free


       You know the world can see us

       In a way that's different than who we are


       Creating space between us

       'Til we're separate hearts


       But your faith it gives me strength

       Strength to believe


       We're breakin' free


       We're soarin'




       There's not a star in heaven

       That we can't reach


       If we're trying


       Yeah, we're breaking free


       Oh, we're breakin' free




       Can you feel it building

       Like a wave the ocean just can't control


       Connected by a feeling

       Ohhh, in our very souls


       Rising 'til it lifts us up

       So every one can see

       (Troy) We're breakin' free

       (Gabriella) We're soarin'

       (Troy) Flyin'


       There's not a star in heaven

       That we can't reach


       If we're trying

       Yeah we're breaking free


       Ohhhh runnin'



       To get to that place


       To be all that we can be


       Now's the time


       So we're breaking free


       We're breaking free


       Ohhh , yeah


       More than hope

       More than faith


       This is true

       This is fate

       And together


       We see it comin'


       More than you

       More than me


       Not a want, but a need


       Both of us breakin' free

       (Gabriella) Soarin'

       (Troy) Flyin'


       There's not a star in heaven

       That we can't reach

       If we're trying

       (Troy) Yeah we're breaking free


       Breaking free

       Were runnin'


       Ohhhh, climbin'


       To get to the place

       To be all that we can be

       Now's the time

       (Troy) Now's the time

       (Gabriella) So we're breaking free

       (Troy) Ohhh, we're breaking free

       (Gabriella) Ohhhh


       You know the world can see us

       In a way that's different than who we are

       #################We're All In This Together ###################

       Together, together, together everyone

       Together, together, come on lets have some fun

       Together, were there for each other every time

       Together together come on lets do this right

       Here and now its time for celebration

       I finally figured it out (yeah yeah)

       That all our dreams have no limitations

       That's what its all about

       Everyone is special in their own way

       We make each other strong (each other strong)

       Were not the same

       Were different in a good way

       Together's where we belong

       We're all in this together

       Once we know

       That we are

       We're all stars

       And we see that

       We're all in this together

       And it shows

       When we stand

       Hand in hand

       Make our dreams come true

       Together, together, together everyone

       Together, together, come on lets have some fun

       Together, were there for each other every time

       Together together come on lets do this right

       We're all here

       and speaking out with one voice

       we're going to rock the house (rock the house)

       the party's on now everybody make some noise

       come on scream and shout

       We've arrived because we stuck together

       Champions one and all

       We're all in this together

       Once we know

       That we are

       We're all stars

       And we see that

       We're all in this together

       And it shows

       When we stand

       Hand in hand

       Make our dreams come

       We're all in this together

       When we reach

       We can fly

       Know inside

       We can make it

       We're all in this together

       Once we see

       There's a chance

       That we have

       And we take it

       Wild cats sing along

       Yeah, you really got it goin' on

       Wild cats in the house

       Everybody say it now

       Wild cats everywhere

       Wave your hands up in the air

       That's the way we do it

       Lets get to it

       Time to show the world

       We're all in this together

       Once we know

       That we are

       We're all stars

       And we see that

       We're all in this together

       And it shows

       When we stand

       Hand in hand

       Make our dreams come

       We're all in this together

       When we reach

       We can fly

       Know inside

       We can make it

       We're all in this together

       Once we see

       There's a chance

       That we have

       And we take it

       Wild cats everywhere

       Wave your hands up in the air

       That's the way we do it

       Let's get to it

       Come on everyone

       ################I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You (Troy) ###########

       Ya never know what you're gonna feel, oh

       Ya never see it comin' suddenly it's real


       Oh, never even crossed my mind, no

       That I would ever end up here tonight

       (Troy & Gabriella)

       All things change

       When you don't expect them to

       No one knows

       What the future's gonna do

       I never even noticed

       That you've been there all along

       (Troy & Gabriella)

       I can't take my eyes off of you

       I know you feel the same way too, yeah

       I can't take my eyes off of you

       All it took . . . Was one look

       For a dream come true


       Yeah, we got a good thing goin' on


       Oh, right here is right where we belong

       (Ryan & Sharpay)

       You never really know what you might find

       Now all I see is you and I

       You're everything I never knew

       That I've been looking for


       I can't take my eyes off of you

       I know you feel the same way too, yeah

       I can't take my eyes off of you

       All it took . . . Was one look

       For a dream come true

       Can't take my eyes off of you

       Oh, oh, oh yeah

       So let the music play

       Can't take my eyes off of you

       Yeah, the feeling's getting' stronger

       And I never ever felt this way

       Alright, I see everything

       In your eyes. . . Oh yeah

       Alright, something's happening

       Cause everyone's around but

       You're the only one I see


       I can't take my eyes off of you

       Feelings like I never knew

       I can't take my eyes off of you

       From the start. . . Got my heart

       Yeah, you do

       Can't take my eyes off you








       01. High School Musical 3 Cast - Now Or Never

       02. Troy& Gabriella - Right Here, Right Now

       03. Sharpay & Ryan - I Want It All

       04. Troy & Gabriella - Can I Have This Dance

       05. High School Musical 3 Cast - A Night To Remember

       06. Ryan, Kelsi, Troy & Gabriella - Just Wanna Be With You

       07. Troy & Chad - The Boys Are Back

       08. Gabriella - Walk Away

       09. Troy - Scream

       10. Kelsi & Ryan - Senior Year Spring Musical

       11. High School Musical 3 Cast - We're All In This Together

       (Graduation Mix)

       12. High School Musical 3 Cast - High School Musical


       Can I have this dance


       Take my hand, take a breath 牵着我的手,呼吸一下

       Pull me close and take one step 走一步靠近我

       Keep your eyes locked on mine, 双眼注视我

       And let the music be your guide. 然后 让音乐成为你的向导

       [Troy, Gabriella]

       Won't you promise me (now won't you promise me, that you'll never forget) 你不是承诺过我们要一直将这支舞跳下去,不管下一步会怎么样。(你不是也答应过不会忘怀吗)

       We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing) wherever we go next


       It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you 那就像


       It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do 总而言之,找寻我们的感觉

       And with every step together, we just keep on getting better 共同走的每一步,都在不断地与对方产生好感

       So can I have this dance (can I have this dance) 所以,可不可以与你共舞一只?

       Can I have this dance


       Take my hand, I'll take the lead 牵着我的手,我会带着你走

       And every turn will be safe with me 与我在一起,在挫折时你会安然无恙

       Don't be afraid, afraid to fall 不要害怕跌倒

       You know I'll catch you threw it all 你知道我会扶起你,然后在继续前行

       [Troy, Gabriella]

       And you can't keep us apart (even a thousand miles, can't keep us apart) 你不能阻止我们在一起(甚至1000米的距离也不会)

       'Cause my heart is (cause my heart is) wherever you are 因为我的心一只伴随着你


       It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you

       It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do

       And with every step together, we just keep on getting better

       So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)

       Can I have this dance

       [Gabriella And Troy]

       Oh no mountains too high enough, oceans too wide 没有最高的山,没有最广阔的海

       'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop 因为在不在一起,我们的舞也不会停止

       Let it rain, let it pour 就让它接受倾盆大雨的洗礼

       What we have is worth fighting for 我们拥有的值得我们去为它奋斗

       You know I believe, that we were meant to be 你知道我坚信:我们这是命中注定!


       It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you (like you)

       It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do (way we do)

       And with every step together, we just keep on getting better

       So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)



       好了,今天关于“chad future”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“chad future”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。
