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4.周杰伦晴天歌词 翻译成英文


怎么隐藏 我的悲伤 失去你的地方

Where are you ,My lost girl?I remember you again.

你的发香 散的匆忙 我已经跟不上

I can't breath and think,which are all result in you .

闭上眼睛 还能看见 你离去的痕迹

I am still there ,waiting for you .but you never nerve know.

在月光下 一直找寻 那想念的身影

The kind of tea ,you used to drank,I always enjoy now.

如果说分手 是苦痛的起点 那在终点之前 我愿意再爱一遍

I really don't want to lee you in fact.Nobody tells you .I love you all the time.

想要对你说的 不敢说的爱 会不会有人 可以明白

When I choose to lee beside you .Isee you disear in my world.

我会发着呆 然后忘记你 接着紧紧闭上眼

How are you now? Do you remember me?I am regect fogrtting to tell you .

想着哪一天 会有人代替 让我不再想念你

Maybe there is someone instead of me,giving the love you want.

我会发着呆 然后微微笑 接着紧紧闭上眼

I want to let you kown ,and tell you ,I love you since we meet.

又想了一遍 你温柔的脸 在我忘记之前

The day you went away,I will never forget it.You are in my heart.

心里的眼泪 模糊了视线 你已快看不见

Pretty girl in my heart,I am always waiting,waiting for you


《稻 香》

barley aroma

词:周杰伦 曲:周杰伦


too much complaint of this world


too afaid to move ahead if falls

为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落

why so fragile, why so frail


open your tv and see


how many people are striving for a hy life


and content

珍惜一切 就算没有拥有

and cherish,

even nothing to cherish

还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随着稻香河流继续奔跑

still remember, u said home is your only castle

run on the bank, with air full of barley aroma

微微笑 小时候的梦我知道

smile and recall the dreams in childhood

不要哭让萤火虫带着你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠

never cry, escape with the light of firefly

home folk is always for u to rely on

回家吧 回到最初的美好

back home, back to the beautiful days in very begining

不要这么容易就想放弃 就像我说的

do not give up so easily

as i said

追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了

change the dream

if u can never realize

为自己的人生鲜艳上色 先把爱涂上喜欢的颜色

piant on your life

paint it with your beloved coulour

笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的


for sucess is not the ultimate goal


hiness is really

the meaning of life

童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里

the paper flight

now flies back in my hand now

所谓的那快乐 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了

the hiness

is chase the dragonfly to tired

偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢

is afaid of being sting by the bee

who's smile?


i sleep beside the scarecrew singing and enjoy the wind blowing

哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆

oh oh the music of gitar is more medilious in the singing of worms

哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎

oh oh my heart will never break in the shining of sun

珍惜一切 就算没有拥有

cherish, even nothing to cherish

还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随着稻香河流继续奔跑

still remember, u said home is your only castle

run on the bank, with air full of barley aroma

微微笑 小时候的梦我知道

smile and recall the dreams in childhood

不要哭让萤火虫带着你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠

never cry, escape with the light of firefly

home folk is always for u to rely on

回家吧 回到最初的美好

back home, back to the beautiful days in very begining





Not long before leing to start worrying you Guode Hao today is not the whole picture you think you want to toot the mouth took the lovely look like there are in your questionnaires on the flor of my hiness is you think you would want I did not laugh you how tough (not you, I he many tough problems) I he no trouble troubles you (I he no trouble troubles you more than tough)I tried to pass through the clouds to you run your love to others already in the embrace is Kaibuliaokou let her know that I will pamper you amuse you laugh you told me how important I regret that I did not let you know that quiet You listen to the SajiaoSee you fall asleep, is Kaibuliaokou old has been to let her know that I can not as simple as a few hanging in mid-air Zheng Kexin I can only see these far I he done but I did not he personal


翻着我们的照片 Looking at your pretty face,.

想念若隐若现 Like you are here right now

去年的冬天 The cold winter has gone,

我们笑得很甜 Summer's already come.

看着你哭泣的脸 Eventhough it is so warm

对着我说再见 But my heart is so cold.

来不及听见 I wanna be with you

你已走得很远 Please don't lee me alone

也许你已经放弃我 Maybe you he given me up

也许已经很难回头 Maybe it's so hard to look back

我知道是自己错过 Now I know that it was my fault

请再给我一个理由 Please give me another chance

说你不爱我 to say that I love you!

就算是我不懂 I could't understand

能不能原谅我 Why don't you forgive me

请不要把分手当作你的请求 Please do not find any excuse to lee me

我知道坚持要走是你受伤的藉口I konw insists on leing,it's because I've broken your heart

请你回头 can you come back

我会陪你一直走到最后 I'll be with you,No matter where you go.

就算没有结果 .............(默哀吧,我没弄完呢= =)










周杰伦晴天歌词 翻译成英文

Messy with the painting you

At this moment

I think of the fountain next to the pigeon

Sweet scattered the

Nameless emotional pull

I also love how about you

And you singing intermittently

Pretend that nothing has been

Time had gone

Love facing selection

Cold tired you cried for me

Left unhy

You use the card with a handwritten

Some give only love this

Real pain in the

How tired you

Say it well hy

I do not want to understand

Love far short of the dream

Fun and ge an account of an unhy

And then you give up

Loved the feeling of those who are too deep

I still remember

You ranging from a

Say it well hy

My mistake the tears dry

Let go of regret

Only memories of the music box also rotate the

How to stop it

Forward to your return a messy

At this moment

I think of the fountain next to the pigeon

Sweet scattered the

Nameless emotional pull

I also love how about you

And you singing intermittently

Pretend that nothing has been

Time had gone

Love facing selection

Cold tired you cried for me

Left unhy

You use the card with a handwritten

Some give only love this

Real pain in the

How tired you

Say it well hy

I do not want to understand

Love far short of the dream

Fun and ge an account of an unhy

And then you give up

Loved the feeling of those who are too deep

I still remember

You ranging from a

Say it well hy

My mistake the tears dry

Let go of regret

Only memories of the music box also rotate the

How to stop it

How tired you

Say it well hy

I do not want to understand

Love far short of the dream

I still remember

You ranging from a

Say it well hy

My mistake the tears dry

Let go of regret

Only memories of the music box also rotate the

How to stop it

Messy with the painting you

At this moment

I think of the fountain next to the pigeon

Sweet scattered the

Nameless emotional pull

I also love how about you

And you singing intermittently

Pretend that nothing has been

Time had gone

Love facing selection

Cold tired you cried for me

Left unhy

You use the card with a handwritten

Some give only love this

Real pain in the

How tired you

Say it well hy

I do not want to understand

Love far short of the dream

Fun and ge an account of an unhy

And then you give up

Loved the feeling of those who are too deep

I still remember

You ranging from a

Say it well hy

My mistake the tears dry

Let go of regret

Only memories of the music box also rotate the

How to stop it

Forward to your return a messy

At this moment

I think of the fountain next to the pigeon

Sweet scattered the

Nameless emotional pull

I also love how about you

And you singing intermittently

Pretend that nothing has been

Time had gone

Love facing selection

Cold tired you cried for me

Left unhy

You use the card with a handwritten

Some give only love this

Real pain in the

How tired you

Say it well hy

I do not want to understand

Love far short of the dream

Fun and ge an account of an unhy

And then you give up

Loved the feeling of those who are too deep

I still remember

You ranging from a

Say it well hy

My mistake the tears dry

Let go of regret

Only memories of the music box also rotate the

How to stop it

How tired you

Say it well hy

I do not want to understand

Love far short of the dream

I still remember

You ranging from a

Say it well hy

My mistake the tears dry

Let go of regret

Only memories of the music box also rotate the

How to stop it 了







The little yellow flower of the story floats from the year of birth


Swing in childhood, with the memory has been shaking to the present


Blowing the prelude, looking at the sky


I think of the petals and try to drop them.


The day you skip class, the day the flowers fall


How can I not see that room in the classroom?


Lost rainy day, I want to get wet again


Unexpectedly, I still he the courage to lose.


Want to ask again, will you wait or lee?


On a windy day, I tried to hold your hand.


But on the contrary, it's raining slowly.


How long will it be before I see you?


I can stay with you until sunny day.


Maybe I'll be better. Once upon a time.


Someone loves you for a long time, but on the contrary


The wind gradually blows the distance away.


It's not easy to love for another day.


But at the end of the story, you seem to he said the same thing.


Bye-bye, the day you skipped class


On the day when the flowers fall, the room in the classroom


How can I not see the disearance of rainy days


I'd like to he another shower, but I didn't expect it.


I still he the courage to ask again.


Will you wait or lee, windy day


I tried to hold your hand, but on the contrary


It's raining so hard that I can't see you.


How long will it take for me to be around you?


When it clears up, maybe I'll be better.


Once upon a time, there was a person who loved you for a long time.


On the contrary, the wind is gradually blowing.


It's hard to blow the distance away.


Another day of love, but the end of the story


You seem to he said that again. Bye-bye.


On a windy day, I tried to hold your hand.


But on the contrary, it's raining slowly.


How long will it be before I see you?


I can stay with you until sunny day.


Maybe I'll be better. Once upon a time.


Someone loves you for a long time, but on the contrary


The wind gradually blows the distance away.


It's not easy to love for another day.


But at the end of the story, you seem to he said the same thing.


该曲收录于其2003年7月31日发行的专辑《叶惠美》中。 2003年,获得“第十届全球华语音乐榜”港台地区最佳歌曲奖。2005年,获得“第四届全球华语歌曲排行榜”年度最受欢迎金曲奖。

