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rhythm of the rain_rhythmoftherain翻译成中文

rhythm of the rain_rhythmoftherain翻译成中文

       对于rhythm of the rain的问题,我有些许经验和知识储备。希望我的回答能够为您提供一些启示和帮助。

1.求rhythm of the rain中英文对照歌词.歌手:The Cascades(瀑布合唱团)

2.寻找歌曲《rhythm of the rain 》的译文,有几句我不懂什么意思。

3.英文歌曲《Rhythm Of The Rain》的歌词及翻译·

4.Rhythm Of The Rain 歌词

5.谁知道Rhythm of the rain(雨的旋律)的中文歌词?

rhythm of the rain_rhythmoftherain翻译成中文

求rhythm of the rain中英文对照歌词.歌手:The Cascades(瀑布合唱团)

       Rhythm Of The Rain


       Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain


       Telling me just what a fool I’ve been


       I wish that it would go


       and let me cry in the rain


       And let me be alone again


       The only girl I care about has gone away


       Looking for a brand new start


       But little does she know


       that when she left that day


       Along with her she took my heart


       Rain please tell me now does that seem fair

       雨水啊 我恳求你告诉我这是否公平?

       For her to steal my heart away when she doesn’t care


       I can’t love another when my heart’s somewhere far away

       爱已随心去 我还能再爱谁吗?

       The only girl I care about has gone away


       Looking for a brand new start


       But little does she know


       that when she left that day


       Along with her she took my heart


       Rain won’t you tell her that I love her so

       雨水啊 你能否告诉她我有多么爱她?

       Please ask the sun to set her heart a glow


       Rain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow

       湿润她的心 让这份爱意萌发

       Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain


       Telling me just what a fool I’ve been


       I wish that it would go


       and let me cry in the rain


       And let me be alone again


       Oh listen to the falling rain

       哦 倾听着那洒落的雨

       Pi-Le-Pa-la Pi-Le-Pa-La

       噼里啪啦 噼里啪啦

       Oh listen to the falling rain

       哦 倾听着那洒落的雨

       Pi-Le-Pa-la Pi-Le-Pa-La

       噼里啪啦 噼里啪啦

       Oh listen to the falling rain

       哦 倾听着那洒落的雨

       Pi-Le-Pa-la Pi-Le-Pa-La

       噼里啪啦 噼里啪啦

寻找歌曲《rhythm of the rain 》的译文,有几句我不懂什么意思。





























英文歌曲《Rhythm Of The Rain》的歌词及翻译·


       我希望这一切都可以过去,让我在雨中哭泣, 让我再次孤独。我唯一关心的女孩已经走了。寻找一个全新开始,但一点她都不知道她离开的那天 ,她也带走了我的心。雨啊,请告诉我这样公平么,她偷走了我的心脏,而她在乎我不能再爱, 而我的心在远处。

       我唯一关心的女孩已经走了。寻找一个全新开始,但一点她都不知道她离开的那天 ,她也带走了我的心。雨啊,你能不能告诉她我是如此的爱她?请让太阳让她火热吧。在她心中下雨,让我们的爱可以成长。


       我希望这一切都可以过去,让我在雨中哭泣, 让我再次孤独。


Rhythm Of The Rain 歌词

       Rhythm Of The Rain

       歌手:Jason Donovan

       所属专辑:Let It Be Me

       Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain


       telling me just what a fool I've been.


       I wish that it would go and let me cryin' rain

       期望它停止 以让我泪如雨下

       and let me be alone again.


       The only girl I care about has gone away


       looking for a brand new start


       but little does she know


       that when she left that day


       along with her she took my heart.


       Rain please tell me now does that seem fair


       for her to steal my heart away


       when she don't care


       I can't love another


       when my heart's somewhere far away.


       The only girl I care about has gone away


       looking for a brand new start


       but little does she know


       that when she left that day


       along with her she took my heart.


       Rain won't you tell her that I love her so

       雨啊 请你务必向她传达我心依旧

       Please ask the sun to set her heart aglow.


       Rain in her heart


       and let the love we know start to grow.


       Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain


       telling me just what a fool I've been.


       I wish that it would go and let me cryin' rain

       期望它停止 以让我泪如雨下

       and let me be alone again.


       Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain.


       oh listen to the falling rain


       oh liaten to the falling rain


       ih Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain



       《Rhythm of the Rain》,被翻译为《雨的旋律》是一首20世纪60年代The Cascades 的歌曲,由约翰肯莫斯作词作曲,歌曲属于乡村音乐类型。

       这首歌后被台湾歌手萧敬腾翻唱,并收录于其2012年发行的Live版爵士英文翻唱概念专辑《Mr.Jazz - A Song for you》中。

       The Cascades(瀑布合唱团)来自加州圣地亚哥的这支乐队,是由擅长作曲以及吉他的主唱约翰甘莫 (John Gummoe)领军的,他在1950年代末期结识了另外四位乐手,由于彼此十分投缘,决定共同组团。他们以类似《屋顶歌手合唱团》(The Rooftop Singers)的流畅抒情曲风,在许多私人的宴会上演出,逐渐打响名声。有一天晚上,他们正在某家俱乐部表演的时候,有一家唱片公司的星探正好在场,立刻决定跟他们签约。

       1962年底,唱片公司把他们带到好莱坞的录音室,帮他们录制第一张单曲?Second Chance,虽然并不成功,但是他们的第二张单曲,也就是Rhythm of the Rain, 却得到了爆炸性的成功,在流行榜上获得了第三名,同时更勇夺抒情歌曲排行榜的冠军。

谁知道Rhythm of the rain(雨的旋律)的中文歌词?

       Rhythm of the Rain


       Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain

       Telling me just what a fool I’ve been

       I wish that it would go

       and let me cry in the rain

       And let me be alone again

       The only girl I care about has gone away

       Looking for a brand new start

       But little does she know

       that when she left that day

       Along with her she took my heart

       Rain please tell me now does that seem fair

       For her to steal my heart away

       when she doesn’t care

       I can’t love another

       when my heart’s somewhere far away

































       好了,今天关于“rhythm of the rain”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“rhythm of the rain”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。
