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2.翻译 I went to the beach



5.there are some rooms in the beach House,the smallest of which served as a kitchen。我想问一

6.In the beach house,there was a small room()A.being



       the smaller of which 引导的是非限定性地语从句,which指代前面的beach house .

       如果想用the smaller of them 则需要在两个分句中加and否则句式杂糅



翻译 I went to the beach

       应该是把第一个字母变成别的字母 使之成为另外一个单词吧

       no walk beach house tall make ray tight run

       book nap zoo sit mate five mind rain rat

       mine snow



       I went to the beach的意思是:我去了海滩

       beach 读法 英 [bi:t?] 美 [bit?]?




       go to the beach?去海滩;去海边;去沙滩

       sand beach?沙滩,沙质海滩

       long beach?长滩(美国加州西南部港市);长滩(美国纽约州东南部城市)

       bathing beach?n. 海水浴场

       beach resort?海滩度假村

       beach umbrella?n. (美)遮阳伞(海滨或花园用的)

       palm beach?棕榈滩(位于美国佛罗里达州东南部)

       miami beach?迈阿密海滩(位于美国佛罗里达州)

       golden beach?金色的海滨

       sea beach?海滩;海滨

       beach house?n. 海滨别墅












       一些房屋被设计的智能。另一些聪明的设计。试析家第二类的例子赢得美国建筑师学会的优异奖。对沙利文岛起飞的南卡罗来纳州,奖励沿海海岸位于获奖立方体形海滩的房子,以取代打破了雨果飓风件10年前的1。 1989年9月,雨果袭击南卡罗来纳州,造成18人破坏或摧毁该州36,000家。雨果之前,沿南卡罗来纳州的海岸线建设了许多新房子结构不好,建筑法规和执法不严格,根据建筑师雷吞吐,谁创造了巧妙设计的海滨别墅。在雨果的后,所有新的海岸线房子必须符合严格的,更好的强制执行的代码。对沙利文岛的海滨别墅应该能够承受三级,179至209公里每小时的风速飓风高峰。乍一看,对沙利文的官邸,但事情看起来飓风证明。它的红木外壳使它像“一个大党灯在夜间”,据一名观察员。但看起来可以欺骗。房子的木框架钢筋长钢筋给予额外的力量。为了进一步保护飓风破坏的房屋,赫夫提出它把2.7米的地面上木材桩-长,木材细长列停靠在沙深。桩可能出现不安全的,但它们足以支持房子的重量。他们还提升房子上面风暴潮。桩允许的潮下运行,而不是把它运行的房子。“水来时,这些巨大的速度膨胀,导致岸上的努力,沙滩的破坏,大部分建筑前说,”赫夫。赫夫设计的木材桩被部分隐藏在内部的地面到屋顶壳。“壳牌掩盖了桩,使房子看起来不像它与它的地位裤管拉起,说:”赫夫。在风暴事件激增,壳应断开,让浪赶下家,建筑师解释。

there are some rooms in the beach House,the smallest of which served as a kitchen。我想问一

       《The Beach House》(Patterson, James; De Jonge, Peter)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读



       书名:The Beach House

       作者:Patterson, James; De Jonge, Peter




       The second thatColumbia law student Jack Mullen steps down from the train atEast Hampton, he knows that something is very wrong. As he greets his family, his kid brother Peter lies stretched out on a steel gurney, battered, bruised -- dead. The police are calling the drowning an accident. Jack knows that's wrong. Someone wanted his brother dead. But the establishment says otherwise. Jack tries to uncover what really happened on the beach that night, only to confront a wall of silence; a barricade of shadowy people who protect the privileges of the multi-billionaire summer residents. And when he discovers that his brother had nearly $200,000 in his bank account, Jack realises Peter wasn't just parking cars to make a living...THE BEACH HOUSE is a breathtaking drama of revenge and sexual intrigue -- with a plot so absorbing and a finale so shocking it could only have come from the unique mind of James Patterson.

In the beach house,there was a small room()A.being

       there are some rooms in the beach House,the smallest of which served as a kitchen这个……房子里有一些房间,其中最小的一间曾经适合做为厨房使用。

       the smallest of which是从句的主语,是第三人称单数,谓语动词是served(不及物动词), 作“适合”解释,不需要使用被动语态, 所以不用加is 或 are


       :英 [sɜ:v]?美 [sɜrv] ?vt.& vi.(为…)服务;?任(职);?提供;?端上

       vt. 招待;?(为…)工作;?对…有用;?向…供应

vi. 适合;?服役;?供职;?[网球、羽毛球]发球

       n. ? 网球等发球;?发球权;?所发的球;

       句子it is reported that about two hundred people died in the accident, many of them are children.这边为什么有用了many of them?


       there was a small room (served as a kitchen )做定语修饰room ,房间和serve(当做。。使用,用做)之间是被动关系,所以选B

       D选项 in which=where 相当于是副词做状语,

        若选d in which served as a kitchen

        ——— ———— ————

        状语 谓语 宾语 句子结构不完整,故不能选

